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  • Ohh, I don't mind! Sorry about randomly leaving BTW, my little sister and I are watching the Animal Crossing movie, and I was playing the game while watching it. Your chat came up but I didn't get to read it, so I felt kind of embarrassing and just left..
    Same here. I'm really upset that the new Phoenix Wright game is only digital. I like being able to hold a game in my hand :/ it's like books, I suppose xD A lot of people just download them for kindle or nook or even the audio files, but personally, i like being able to hold a book and feel the physical turn of the pages, etc. In certain ways, digitizing things can be a very positive step, but a con in that it may remove the quality of intimacy for different things, games, books, etc.
    ah ok. heh. well i think they're trying to expand the usage of each system so that you don't necessarily have to have an xbox to have this function and a wii U to have that...so it's just a matter of expanding the functionality and combining a lot of technology. It's pretty amazing how everything is evolving so quickly. I sound really old saying that (I'm not at all), but it's true! I think it's pretty incredible actually :)
    Just because there's youtube, music, photos, etc. idk it's just all of the gaming systems are now basically becoming computers in a way xD and xbox one is the most advanced system, or so people say, so naturally nintendo would want to compete w that...
    ikr! skyward sword's story was amazing, and the graphics were gorgeous. I need to get wind waker. i've heard so many amazing things about it.
    Midna I think was one of the best partners/guides. Twilight Princess was a great game. I loved Skyward Sword though. And Ocarina of Time is just a classic. :)
    I love Zelda, Lego Movie, Perks of Being a Wallflower, etc. too ^_^ What's your favorite Zelda game?
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