🎶Animal Crossing Tune Requests (Post Any Time!)🎶


Apr 28, 2022
Blue Hybrid Violet
Welcome to...
Animal Crossing Tune Requests!

art by Yanrima~ (the girl in the drawing is my current ACNH avatar)

Post here if you have a song you want to be made into a town/island tune. It will work with all the games!

To introduce myself, I'm Suguri, and a very long time ago I discovered that I have a knack for making town tunes out of existing music like former user @/kiwikenobi. They (I forgot what pronouns they prefer) used to run a town tune service for years until some time on January 2024 when they left abruptly. The Island Tune/Town Tune Maker was popular and valued in The Bell Tree, so I was saddened when that was left to rust.

kiwikenobi's thread in the New Horizons forum was left open for a while with the assumption that users could use it to make town tunes for each other. Unfortunately, none of the users I've seen have bothered to demonstrate their capability to continue kiwikenobi's legacy, hence why I decided to step in and do a reboot by making a whole new thread. To those who were redirected to Animal Crossing Tune Requests through the Island Tune/Town Tune Maker, I promise to provide you with a service that is on par with kiwikenobi's.

Here's how it works. The rules are the same as in the previous threads but with slight modifications:​
  1. Please search this thread to check if your tune is already made.​
  2. If not, post a link to the song (Preferably on YouTube and not extended) here so I can listen to it. If your song contains strong language, please send me a direct message with the link instead. There are minors on this website, after all. Your requested tune will also be uploaded here for public access (with no direct link to the song) unless you request that I don't share it.​
  3. Specify which seconds of the song you want to be made into a town/island tune. Note that a single tune can generally contain 2-5 seconds of a song. I will kindly ask you to pick the seconds or I will make a tune out of a random part of the song if you don't do so.​
  4. Requests are free and will always be free! You can do up to 3 per day.​
The rules will be refined over time as I continue running this thread.

Quoting from kiwikenobi...
"Please be warned that some songs might be in a particular key or at a speed that makes it impossible for them to sound right in the town tune format, although I'll do my best with every request."

I can't wait to serve you!

If you want, here are some tunes I made before making this thread so you can get an idea of my skillz:
Cheap Cheap the Cooking Chicken's RAP.JPG
Caesars - Jerk It Out.png
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This is so cool of you, thank you!

Could you do the notes that repeat at the beginning of Crocodile Rock? Like from 9 to 14 seconds or so in the video below, for example.


Thank you so much!
This is so cool of you, thank you!

Could you do the notes that repeat at the beginning of Crocodile Rock? Like from 9 to 14 seconds or so in the video below, for example.


Thank you so much!
Thank you for being my very first customer in this thread. Here’s what I did for…
“Crocodile Rock”
Well, I’m pretty indecisive right now. I did this for in between 0:09 and 0:14 like you requested:
Then I did this because I thought it sounded better:

I’m posting them both here so you can pick from one of them. I hope you like the results.
Can I request Hikari are from 0:42-0:47?
this is one of my favorite haikyuu openings hasdhas thank you so much!!
Can I request Hikari are from 0:42-0:47?
this is one of my favorite haikyuu openings hasdhas thank you so much!!
“BURNOUT SYNDROMES - Let There be Light (光あれ/Hikari are) | Haikyu!! OP (KAN/ROM/ENG Trans Lyric)”
Here comes the bump! I’m always here to make you a tune, so make a request any time. Just remember that you can do up to 3 per day.
Hey @BobRocks20 ! Could you please make the section from 0:41 into a town track, pretty please! One of my favourites! Also, thank your for keeping the custom town tunes alive! 🎊
Hi there!!!!!!! Do you think you could do
ska robot army for me?
Any part of it is fine... I hope it isn't too difficult
Hi there!!!!!!! Do you think you could do
ska robot army for me?
Any part of it is fine... I hope it isn't too difficult
Ah yes, the Aquabats. I've only become aware of them because the lead singer was one of the co-creators of "Yo Gabba Gabba", which I watched when I was little. Well, enough of my nonsense; I made a tune:
"Ska Robot Army", 0:35-0:38
This works with low notes too.