Are there any foods that you loved as a kid but not now as an adult?


Poyo Puffs
Mar 10, 2015
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
White Hyacinth
Mother's Day Carnation
Pink Hybrid Rose
Pink Hybrid Tulip
White Cosmos
Whether or not it's because the recipe changed or if it's just because your tastes have changed.

- I find new Dunkaroos cookies to be basically powder. I tried to scoop it through the icing but the entire cookie shattered. It was disappointing. The icing still slaps though.

- Any of the canned tomato pasta like scooby-doo, alphaghetti, etc. LOVED it as a kid and it tastes the exact same but my adult taste buds reject it haha.
I used to like oatmeal but I can't stand the texture anymore.
I loved popcorn but after it getting stuck in my gums 99% of the time, including the time I decided to give it one more chance, I decided to never eat it again. The pain isn't worth it for me.
Mac and Cheese and grilled cheese...apparently. My dad constantly reminds me how obsessed I used to be, but I do not remember jack.
I used to be addicted to salami when I was like 6. Eugh it’s so gross I don’t know how I ate those.
Man so many foods have changed. Kraft dinner, pizza pops or those cup of noodles. I might have just thought they were good cause I was a kid though.
I LOVED Cheez-Its as a kid, but can't eat them anymore as an adult because it upsets my stomach. D:
I used to be obsessed with coleslaw now I can’t even stand the smell of it. I really don’t understand why but nowadays I can’t even smell it without wanting to throw up 😭
I liked those canned spaghettios. I ate them all the time.

Then I went back...and ew. They taste like literal can.
funnily enough durian… mostly the texture got to me one day and i just couldn’t do it

nothing specifically but sodas in general feel too sweet for me so i need them watered down with sparkling water heh
Processed foods in general. Canned pasta as a kid? That's a feast. As an adult, you can just taste the disease. Frozen dinners were never "good" but last time I had one I was surprised at how awful it was.

Any "meant for your child's lunch sack" treats also just don't do it for me anymore, either. Not all of them necessarily taste bad, but the lower quality is more noticeable as an adult. Not a big fan of snack foods in general anymore, really. Either too much salt or too much sugar. And the lower salt and lower sugar varieties don't have enough. There are exceptions, of course. But I can't eat a whole pantry's worth of rubbish like my I used to, and that's probably a good thing.

As for actual food that was actually made for human consumption, I used to rather like food like steak and pork chops. Now I find them rather bothersome to eat and not particularly worth the hassle. In general I think I now prefer my meat as an additive to soup or covered in some sort of sauce, rather than served as a huge slab just thrust on your plate.
i would inhale picked fish as a kid, now i can't think of anything worse

i also used to also always snack on raisins which i hate now
Most processed foods. Since I am older now I prefer healthier snacks like fruits, vegetables, or homemade goods.

I used to like pineapple but my tongue is too sensitive to it now.
Cottage cheese. I would once want it every dinner time. Nowadays, seeing it as an adult doesn't make me appetized to eat it. Cold, slimy cheese? Nah, I'm good.
i used to really like bbq chips growing up and it was my favorite flavor. but now, there's something about the flavor that i dislike now. i almost find it too tart and can't really stand bbq sauce/flavor most of the time. in the same boat, i also feel similar about teriyaki sauce. i used to really like teriyaki chicken/beef/etc. but now it just tastes weird to me.
so many foods. sour cream and onion chips come to mind first, as well as crispy bacon and grilled cheese with tomato soup. i used to like these a lot and grew out of them from eating them so much. sour cream and onion chips taste so nasty to me now lol.
i seem to have developed an aversion to peanut butter. i use to eat it all the time as a kid and one day i ate it and just felt awful.
I am probably a lil oppisite. I was an extremely picky eater as a kid; so trying new food was never an option.
I try a lot of different food and drink now though.

I think Freddo's the lil chocolate bar, the texture of the chocolate I am not so fond of, oh damn and also not really into eating easter eggs. Also drinking cow milk without anything, I can't stand it anymore. The back taste is just so awful.
I tend to have a fondness for bad food from my childhood because it was what we could afford (bologna, spam, kraft mac n cheese, hot dogs...)

But one thing I don't miss, which was supposed to be a special treat, is fig newton's. I always needed too much water too swallow them.