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Do you like or dislike grapefruit?

Do you like or dislike grapefruit

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Senior Member
Mar 4, 2022
Perfect Apple
Light Green Scenery

Personally, I love grapefruit, but understand why many don't as it is very sour, with a bit of a bitterness as well.
I love it because the intense sourness does help to boost neurotransmitters, and there is a faint sweetness to be found without it being overpowering.
However, as a kid, I definitely didn't like it. As a teen, I started eating it with sugar, and now I just eat it plain.

What about you? Do you like or dislike grapefruit?
I like it, although this is based off the one instance I had grapefruit when I was younger. I remember liking it a lot. I’m not sure if my tastebuds would still agree with that as I haven’t had it recently.
I love grapefruit, and have for as long as I can remember! I love most sour things in general though. Grapefruit juice doesn't last long in this house either ahahaha. I always eat grapefruit plain without any added sugar or anything.
I like grapefruit. I loved it when I was younger with a bit of sugar on top, but I loved sour flavors in general as a kid.

I've drifted away from sour things as an adult so I don't know if I'd still find the taste as pleasant. That's why I voted 'like' in the poll. I don't go out of my way to eat it, but I have fond memories of the flavor.
I've actually never tried it before, so I cannot say. However, I'm not a huge fan of fruit so if it's very sour, I probably won't.
i’ve sadly never tried it, so i can’t say. i feel like my chance of liking it is high, but i probably wouldn’t want to eat much of it at once depending on how sour it is. i’ve yet to try a fruit that i didn’t like, so i’m hopeful that i’d like grapefruit! i definitely need to try it one day.
I’m trying really hard to convince myself that I like it, because bitter things are so healthy. That being said I’ve had a grapefruit lying around the kitchen for two weeks and I have yet to summon the courage to eat it. The last one I ate I forced down with a lot of wincing and shuddering. 😅

I love sour foods and would eat a lemon over a grapefruit any day. The bitterness is really hard for me to handle.
i like grapefruit in moderation but it's not something i'll have often, i used to have it for breakfast with sugar on top but it kind of defeated the purpose of eating healthy with the sugar heh
I've only tried this fruit once, back in eighth grade. It was pretty sour so I thought that it was ok.
I'm not a fan. To me it tastes exactly the same as turpentine smells, though I can't attest to flavor similarities for obvious reasons. 😅
i like it! i usually only have it if a restaurant includes it in a meal or dessert though.
I actually love grapefruit, but I can't have it with my medications ;;
I still like having grapefruit-flavored things, though, so long as they don't contain the actual fruit
I’m actually not allowed to have grapefruit or grapefruit juice with my epilepsy medication. Which is good because when I was younger and didn’t take my medication as seriously as I should’ve, I tried it and I didn’t like it. It would be a bummer if I loved it and couldn’t have it.
i've never had it :/ my medications will interact with it. i'd probably like it tho, i love citrus
I've never tried a grapefruit straight up, but I don't mind grapefruit flavored things. This thread reminded me of a certain infamous youtube video...