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Junior Member
Feb 28, 2024
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Hello I'm looking for Acnl players to travel to and visit me alot and be friends for awhile my friend code is 0191 8043 3838 (I need ur friend code)
i assume youre hoping to get the traveling/hosting badges before the server shut down in april?
i can help with those, but since theres less than a month left dont expect to get the gold badges
my fc is 1650-5231-3170
of course!
do you know how many times youve visited/hosted already?
of course!
do you know how many times youve visited/hosted already?
Not sure about visits, at least 50 because of how many times I've gone to visit my second town but I know I've visited other people. But I checked my host count and it's at 64.
Throwing my FC into this thread as I am also trying to unlock something (train station reno) but I'm also just trying to make the most of the visiting function while we still have it :-( Adding you all if ya dont mind

Would love to swoop by a few times whoever wants me and you're more than welcome in my town!
@gigglebot1010 if you give me your latest dream address, i can check your visits
im going to be available for roughly the next 5hrs (until midnight EDT))
it's incredibly tedious so idk how many visits you want to do in one go, but one of us can open our gate and the other can spam visit for a while, and then switch.
Throwing my FC into this thread as I am also trying to unlock something (train station reno) but I'm also just trying to make the most of the visiting function while we still have it :-( Adding you all if ya dont mind

Would love to swoop by a few times whoever wants me and you're more than welcome in my town!
Added you :)
@gigglebot1010 if you give me your latest dream address, i can check your visits
im going to be available for roughly the next 5hrs (until midnight EDT))
it's incredibly tedious so idk how many visits you want to do in one go, but one of us can open our gate and the other can spam visit for a while, and then switch.
Ooh sure! I didn't know you could do that. Current da is 4F00-01F1-0FC1 I'll be available for next 3ish hours so let's just see how much we can get done for now :)
@gigglebot1010 porter in your dream says youve done 66 visits
should i open my gate 1st, or do you want to?
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@Mightyowl1800 same questions for you- do you know how many visits/hosts you have? and when are you going to be avail?
@gigglebot1010 porter in your dream says youve done 66 visits
should i open my gate 1st, or do you want to?
Haha wow close to an even split between visits and hosting! I'll open my gates first. Anyone else I've added can also go ahead and join. Oh and feel free to take some flowers (just not blue roses or lily of the valley)
@shiiko wow thats a neat trick with the dream address and Porter knowing how many visits you have! Very handy.
@gigglebot1010 I'm gonna close my gates and pop over a few times!
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Thanks for letting be nosy giggles, rly enjoy the basement of your house, every room was well put together really!
Your river placement is absolutely WILD; I've never seen something like it before! I wouldn't know what to do with pathing but you've done a great job with the stones and bushes.
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@shiiko wow thats a neat trick with the dream address and Porter knowing how many visits you have! Very handy.
@gigglebot1010 I'm gonna close my gates and pop over a few times!
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Thanks for letting be nosy giggles, rly enjoy the basement of your house, every room was well put together really!
Your river placement is absolutely WILD; I've never seen something like it before! I wouldn't know what to do with pathing but you've done a great job with the stones and bushes.
Aww thanks! My house is still sort of a work in progress but I'm glad you can see the vision I was going for lol. And yeah I've never seen another map with a river like mine, it's been such a pain to work around 😅

I'll come visit you sometime either later today or maybe tomorrow? Just let me know when you'll have your gates open ☺️
Today works if it does with you! My gates are open now. The other person I'm gonna help out after is coming back and forth currently. If you wanna wait thats okay as well.
And sry @shiiko , just getting the hang of forums again and didn't realize messages could be merged. My visit count I estimate at about 40? Whether its today, another time, 1 visit or more I appreciate the thought of helping out :D
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Just an update my gates are now closed and I'm doing a batch of visits. Will update this when I'm available
again! 🚂💨
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@Mightyowl1800 no worries, i dont use forums that much myself, and this is the 1st one that ive seen with a "merge post" function ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
you can find out the exact number of times ppl have visited your town by sitting by your town tree
i'll be avail for the next ~4hrs tonite and again for several hrs every day next wk

@gigglebot1010 i just saw that as i hit ok lol, i'll open my gate now, if im right you only need ~15 more visitors to unlock the train station?
Nice thanks so much for helping! I'll come visit (maybe explore for a minute hehe) and then leave... for as many times as I can!
@shiiko oop my 3ds is dying so i guess im done for the night! (I timed that almost right, I had estimated 3 hours haha)
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