Features you would like to see on the Revolution

Online gameplay. Better graphics/faster load times. A keyboard acessory (It would make AC a lot easier). Backwards compatibility with GCN. A hard drive and a DVD player.
TYOSHI90 said:
Online gameplay. Better graphics/faster load times. A keyboard acessory (It would make AC a lot easier). Backwards compatibility with GCN. A hard drive and a DVD player.
Exactly what i want.
TYOSHI90 said:
Online gameplay. Better graphics/faster load times. A keyboard acessory (It would make AC a lot easier). Backwards compatibility with GCN. A hard drive and a DVD player.
That is about what the system should have of course with the other special abilitys the Game Cube has:)
TYOSHI90 said:
Online gameplay. Better graphics/faster load times. A keyboard acessory (It would make AC a lot easier). Backwards compatibility with GCN. A hard drive and a DVD player.
All of that, and gyroscopic controllers...