• We're Celebrating Diversity on TBT! Join our new mini-event this month by making a 3D craft that represents what diversity and inclusivity mean to you. For your hard work, you'll receive a newly released villager collectible and the chance to win the latest addition to our plush series! See the Celebrating Diversity 2024 thread to get started.

Get to know the people you share the forum with each day.

Hi all! I go by Hatori; I'm currently 27, I'll actually be 28 in exactly 1 week from now!
I don't look my age so I get ID'd all the time too lol
I enjoy drawing and playing games in my spare time, and I like to listen to all kinds of metal, grunge, and alternative music.
My favorite color is lavender.
I love anything with creepy, horror, supernatural, psychological thriller themes!

Nice to meet you all!
I go by Psydye on many platforms. I'm 34, soon to be 35 come the 24th of August. As if it's not obvious already I LOOOVE music, especially metal(heavy, power, thrash, doom, death, black, etc.). My hair is ash blonde, I wear glasses, and my eyes are blue. Living in Effort, Pennsylvania now though I'm originally from West Springfield, Massachusetts. When it comes to movies I'm into action, fantasy, sci fi, horror, thriller, and adventure, be it live or animated. As for books, I like fantasy, sci fi, horror, and thriller. Video game-wise, I'm into FPSs, TPSs, action-RPGs, JRPGs, platformers(especially "Metroidvanias"), and some other games which I'm not sure how to classify. I LOVE stormy weather and snow! So yeah...that's about the size of it! Nice to meet ya!👋
It's been a minute since I have typed something in here, so here is some info about me:

Name: Shawna
Nicknames: Lou-Lou (it is derived from the name "Louise", my great-grandma's name. My parents almost named me after her.")
Sex/Gender: Cis-female
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: Probably 5'4
Body Type: Full-figured
Zodiac/Birthday: Gemini - June 9th
Favorite Food: French Fries
Favorite Drink: Pepsi
Most Hated Food: Chicken Casserole
Most Hated Drink: Veggie Juice
Favorite Holiday: Christmas and Valentine's Day
Least Favorite Holiday: Don't really have one.
Languages: English and Gibberish
Eye Color: Greenish-Hazel
Hair Color: Brunette
Nationality: American
Orientation: AroAce (IRL People), Graysexual+Bisexual Biromantic (Fictional Characters)
Preferences: Fictional Men
Relationship Status: I am single in real life (AroAce to IRL people after all), but I am a self-shipper. <333
Personality: Kind, Cheerful, Sweet, Playful, and Sensitive
Personality Type: Girly Girl
Likes: Self-shipping, Pink things, Cute things, Flowers, Romance, My friends, Kind/Chill/Relatable People
Dislikes: Judgmental People and Bullies, Long Vacations, Advertisements
Fears/Phobias: Elevators, Darkness, and Failure
Occupation/Dream Job: Author
I've never posted here even though I've been on this forum for over 15 years. lol

Name: I'd rather not share my name, I'll just say that one Sisterly village from NL/NH has it as at least one of her names in foreign languages (but not English).
Nicknames: None right now.
Sex/Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5'4"
Body Type: Potato
Zodiac/Birthday: Late December, don't know Zodiac.
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Drink: Sparkling Water
Most Hated Food: Spinach, mushrooms, etc.
Most Hated Drink: IDK.
Favorite Holiday: Christmas (or Winter Solstice as I celebrate it)
Least Favorite Holiday: Easter (as I am non-religious, I see it as a celebration of Spring and I dislike Spring). 4th of July isn't so great these days either.
Languages: English, with very little French and German.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Nationality: American
Orientation: Bisexual (leaning heavily Lesbian), with some fluctuating asexual tendencies.
Preferences: Non-religious, leftist or at least liberal, loves dogs, introverted, loves/plays woodwind instruments, doesn't do drugs, is not an alcoholic, etc.
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Moody
Personality Type: In terms of Animal Crossing? IDK. None of them fit me all of that well.
Likes: Animals, wind instruments, history, music history, autumn, winter, clothes, earrings, toy ponies
Dislikes: Heat, insects, sunshine, outdoors, etc.
Fears/Phobias: Insects, deep water, heights, dead things
Occupation/Dream Job: Currently, Data Entry. IDK my dream job anymore.
well this is outdated... LET'S FIX THAT

Name: Remus, contemplating trying out Moe
Nicknames: Rem/Rems, Moe, Moony
Sex/Gender: AFAB, trans-masc boyflux
Pronouns: he/him
Height: 5'7 (IDRK though, I have no way to check)
Body Type: I have no idea, but I'm quite slim
Zodiac/Birthday: June 11, Gemini
Favourite Food: Cheesecake
Favourite Drink: Wild Cherry Pepsi
Most Hated Food: All meat
Most Hated Drink: Don't have one
Favourite Holiday: Christmas, Halloween, Easter/Pascha (I can't choose)
Least Favourite Holiday: Don't have one
Languages: English and a bit of French (mostly learned from labels lol)
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Nationality: Canadian
Orientation: Asexual, demiromantic, homoromantic, queerplatonic
Preferences: In terms of people? All men, but preferably men who are also LGBTQ in some way. Clarinet reeds? 2/2.5, trying to move up to a 3. Books? Pretty much anything.
Relationship Status: Taken (now when I tell you I was visibly shaking when I confessed... thank God it went well)
Personality: All over the place
Personality Type: ISTP
Likes: Concert band, playing clarinet, B O O K S, musical theatre, vexillology, writing
Dislikes: Dysphoria, math, all sports
Fears/Phobias: Spiders, heights, dead things, crabs, basically anything with more than 4 legs
Occupation/Dream Job: Currently unemployed, I want to go into acting and/or try to become an author
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Name: natalie

Nicknames: i don’t have any but you can call me beanz

Sex/Gender: female

Pronouns: she/her

Height: 5'2 (almost 5’3)

Zodiac/Birthday: june 10th, gemini

Favorite Food: don’t have one

Favorite Drink: hi-c fruit punch, arizona half and half arnold palmer

Most Hated Food: meatloaf

Most Hated Drink: don’t have one

Favorite Holiday: i don’t know

Least Favorite Holiday: don’t have one, every holiday i get a day off so that’s good.

Languages: english, spanish

Eye Color: grayish

Hair Color:
dark brown

Nationality: american

animal crossing, pikmin, digital art

Dislikes: can’t think of any on the top of my head

Occupation/Dream Job: im still in high school but i’d love to do graphic design as well as web design.

i basically copied the format above and edited out somethings i wasn’t sure of about myself lol
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it’s been nearly two years since my last post in here, and since i updated my bio recently, i figured now would be a good time to make a new post here as well! 🖤

so hello, i’m xara! i’m in my early 20’s, female and go by she/her pronouns, and am canadian born and raised! i discovered tbt in 2015 while looking for a more active place to conduct my new leaf trades in, left in 2017 when my interest in new leaf died out, and returned in 2020 and have been active ever since! new leaf is the animal crossing game that introduced me to the world of online play and really made me fall in love with the franchise, but my intro to animal crossing was wild world back in 2007-2008, when my mom got me a copy of it and a grey ds lite for christmas! i’ve played pocket camp and new horizons as well, with the latter being the only one that i still own (and occasionally play 😅)

i graduated from high school this past june after a 7-years-long uphill battle due to my mental and physical health, and while i’ve talked on here about being so happy to finally be done with school, i am currently contemplating applying to college. i’m not sure what i’d like to study yet, nor am i sure if or when i’ll apply (it probably wouldn’t be for a year or two), but it is something i’m thinking about haha. i’m currently unemployed and looking for any work that i think i’d be good at, but my dream job is to be a pet groomer, or really any job where i’d get to work with animals! animals are so beyond important and precious to me, and whether it’s a job as a pet groomer, a veterinarian, or even just working in a pet store, any job where i‘d get to meet a bunch of animals and contribute to their care and wellbeing in any way would be an absolute dream for me
i adore all animals, but my favourites are deers, cats, dogs, red pandas, cows, otters, beluga whales, orcas, dolphins, and so many more!! though they aren’t animals, i also adore axolotls, butterflies, sharks (especially great whites), rosy maple moths, stingrays etc!!

i would love to have an axolotl of my own one day, but currently i have a 2-year-old cat named bonk!! she’s a black and white shorthair who might have some siamese in her, and while she is extremely silly, annoying, and clingy, i love her to pieces 🖤 she is my big baby!!

i have a bunch of interests outside of animals, but since i’ve already written a novel here xnsjxnhd, i’ll just list a few of my current main interests: all of my favourite shows/movies and comfort characters (too many to list LOL), reading, writing, digital art, photography, makeup, pretty skies, learning and trying new things, poetry, listening to music etc!

three random facts about me
my romantic orientation is once again up in the air hhng, but i identify as demisexual!
2. i would like to dye my hair blue or pink (or both hehe) one day! i’ve also thought about having rainbow bangs 👀
3. english is currently the only language that i speak and know, but i’d like to learn sign language!
hope it’s okay that i break up the copy and paste intro chain going on
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Hi, I'm new. I just got Animal Crossing: New Horizons in July this year after wanting the game for years! (My kids were always interested in other games but I finally got to pick the game I wanted, lol) My whole family plays and loves it but I love it the most.
We restarted our island once so far when my son decided he wanted me to be the island representative instead of him.
I don't play any other games right now. I used to like Mario Cart but Animal Crossing is my favorite game I have ever tried. I love the creative aspects and the science and the cute, fun villagers. The game is just perfect for me and I can't wait to complete my island.
Other things about me- I'm a speech therapist and I'm also working on writing my first book- a YA fantasy. I love to meditate and hike. I also love bullet journals and oracle cards.
Some of you have seen me around...maybe

I go by Snek. Any personal info about me is a no-no for sharing!

What I will share is other interesting stuff like:

my love of cold, humid places
my pluviophilia
my love of electronic music
my recent obsession with baking cakes
my love of writing fiction/fantasy
my love of reptiles (you can guess by my username)....and yet my country has made it illegal to own them 😭
my favourite colours that are green, blue and violet
my hatred of hot, sunny days

Stuff like that. Maybe more in the future? Maybe...
Name: Stephen
Sex/Gender: Male (cisgender)
Pronouns: He/him
Height: 5'9"
Zodiac/Birthday: April 21 (Taurus)
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Drink: Water
Most Hated Food: Fish
Most Hated Drink: Alcohol
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Least Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving
Languages: English, some Spanish and a little French
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Black
Nationality: American
Orientation: It's complicated. All I know is that I'm somewhere on the ace spectrum.
Likes: Listening to music, relaxing, talking to friends, video games
Fears/Phobias: Fear of losing friends, my own insecurity, being late to things and failure
Occupation/Dream Job: I'd like to try game making but I'm not too good at it.
I've been here for 10 years already, I figure it's probably about time I make a post in this thread.

Name: Yes, but I won't say it here. All I will say about it is that I don't like it at all and use a different name to refer to myself. I've never told anyone that name either though because it's kind of embarrassing...
Nicknames: I guess just my forum name here, but none in real life.
Sex/Gender: Male.
Pronouns: He/him
Height: 5'8"
Body Type: Human
Zodiac/Birthday: November 20. Don't know my zodiac and couldn't care less to be completely honest.
Favorite Food: Hamburgers, curry chicken, tiramisu, and cheesecake to name a select few.
Favorite Drink: Root beer
Most Hated Food: Celery, hands down the most disgusting food I've ever had the misfortune to have had in my mouth (so far, anyway) and it legitimately makes me feel sick if I eat it.
Most Hated Drink: Unsweetened teas. At best they taste like water but worse. At worst the bitterness is too much to handle, especially since I am particularly sensitive to bitter tastes.
Favorite Holiday: Tie between Christmas and Thanksgiving.
Least Favorite Holiday: Can't think of one.
Languages: English, though I know some basic Spanish, Japanese, and Chinese.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Nationality: American
Orientation: Aromantic and Asexual
Preferences: None.
Relationship Status: Single for life
Personality: Boring, introverted, strongly prefer being alone.
Personality Type: Still boring. If this means like Animal Crossing, then probably Cranky.
Likes: Buizel, casual gaming (mostly simulators and retro games), plushes (especially Buizel plushes), food, and traveling.
Dislikes: My current job's useless penny-pinching owners, being micromanaged, being touched, and my mental slowness. And celery.
Fears/Phobias: Lightning (Astraphobia), and I guess thunder (Brontophobia) by association.
Occupation/Dream Job: Currently a cashier at a grocery store chain. I liked the job until our new owners took over and ruined virtually everything I had liked about it. My dream job is to be a Sleeper Car Attendant on one of Amtrak's western long distance routes (Amtrak is the US's main passenger rail service). But with all of my applications to various locations within Amtrak having been rejected so far, I can't quite help but get the feeling that I'm not exactly the kind of candidate they are looking for. I'm not ready to give up yet though!
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Since I’m new!

Name: Celeste (it’s why Celeste is my favorite)
Nicknames: Cel
Sex/Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5'2"
Body Type: apple
Zodiac/Birthday: Sag
Favorite Food: sushi
Favorite Drink: Smoothie
Most Hated Food: Olives
Most Hated Drink: Dr. Pepper
Favorite Holiday: Yule/Xmas
Least Favorite Holiday: Fourth of July - it always brings out awful people and I hate fireworks
Languages: English but I’d love to learn Spanish
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Purple
Nationality: American
Orientation: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Sassy
Personality Type: in AC terms? Sisterly
Likes: Cats, Disney, winter, snow, reading, long walks, and coffee
Dislikes: Summer, Sunshine, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, and people that can’t let others enjoy things
Fears/Phobias: heights
Occupation/Dream Job: currently in a small book store/ dream job- master of library
I'll copy the people before me because I think their questions are great.

Name: I try to "adopt" the name Morgana on the internet.
Nicknames: I don't have any of them.
Sex/Gender: Female, but I don't really feel like a woman.
Pronouns: She/her or they/them.
Height: 100 kilos 😬
Body Type: Fat.
Zodiac/Birthday: Gemini - June 20th.
Favorite Food: Korean food (bibimbap, japchae, kimbap, kimchi...).
Favorite Drink: Bubble tea, coffee, hot chocolate, sweet matcha tea.
Most Hated Food: Green beans.
Most Hated Drink: Something with ginger.
Favorite Holiday: Halloween.
Least Favorite Holiday: Christmas.
Languages: French, English, a little little bit of Spanish, next day will learn Chinese for sure.
Eye Color: Dark green.
Hair Color: Brown with blonde highlights
Nationality: 🇧🇪
Orientation: Bisexual.
Preferences: Physical appareance has its importance but I would like someone funny with projects.
Relationship Status: In a relationship.
Personality: Shy, funny, calm, silent if I feel uncomfortable, weird.
Personality Type: Normal.
Likes: Blue colour, Asian food, cats, bubble tea, video games, writing, mythology, Ireland, Singapore, Chinese culture.
Dislikes: Judgmental people, feeling uncomfortable and alone, my class, conflicts, Jambette, Barold, romance movies and stories.
Fears/Phobias: Worms, spiders, shower heads (I know it's very strange but well).
Occupation/Dream Job: I'm studying to become a French teacher.
Name: Minke
Nicknames: My dad calls me ‘Popje’
Sex/Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5'3"
Body Type: Apple
Zodiac/Birthday: Pisces (March 4, 1995)
Favorite Food:
Favorite Drink: Coca Cola
Most Hated Food: Spinach
Most Hated Drink: Coffee
Favorite Holiday: Halloween
Least Favorite Holiday: -
Languages: Dutch and English
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Strawberry blonde
Nationality: Dutch
Orientation: I don’t know
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Introvert
Personality Type: Sisterly
Likes: Animals, books, crochet, games and the color blue.
Dislikes: Racism and the color pink.
Fears/Phobias: Spiders
Occupation/Dream Job: I don’t know how to translate it in English but due to my health I am unable to work and I get money from the government. If I could work I would want to be a nurse.
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so crazy to think i made this thread 10 years ago.... as an ELEVEN year old no less !! i've just picked up new horizons for the first time in three years. incidentally, i started uni three years ago and didn't take the switch with me. i recently graduated, and now i'm back in my family home and stumbled upon the switch again. i might be using the forum more as a result, so i thought a reintroduction would be sweet !!

i'm isabelle (like the dog), and i am 21. i've just completed a degree in psychology. i didn't enjoy my degree, but i loved living in london while i studied. for the past year i have been living with my boyfriend of two years, but we moved out of our flat so that we can save money to travel in la next summer and find a cheaper place somewhere surrounding our neighbouring home towns. currently, i work part-time as a reading development mentor for children with dyslexia and adhd, a job i have had for the last two years.

i love the new york times crossword, reading (particularly creative non-fiction and essay collections - i am a big fan of eve babitz and anthony bourdain), art history, fashion, and good food (i'm currently craving: tteokbokki, a salmon poke bowl, a cherry pie, warm scones with jam and clotted cream, and the dulche de leche bun from a bakery called buns from home). i've been playing a lot of spider-man 2 and listening to a lot of talking heads, ethel cain and charlie brown/peanuts soundtracks. i'm a big film buff (and letterboxd lover) - a great recent release i liked is past lives dir. celine song, and a favourite i rewatched is fargo by the coen brothers. i love going to a matinee at my favourite cinema alone, and grabbing the biggest pepsi max available and a handful of little moons while i watch something! things i'm looking forward to lately are fargo season 5, sofia coppola's priscilla film, and digging into my bonne maman jam advent calendar.
nice to see you in here Clementine after so long 🫶🏼you sound like a lovely human being

Name: Allainah
Nicknames: i will tell u if we become besties 🫶🏼
Sex/Gender: Female / Feminine type of person
Pronouns: she/her
Height: almost 5'1! i'm a half inch away, sometimes that half inch would be helpful 😠
Body Type: i'm not sure? I guess I would say average with curves? but idk,, i feel awkward trying to describe my body bahaha
Zodiac/Birthday: March 10th, Pisces
Favourite Food: crepes! Specifically with creamed spinach in it, but f me up with some raclette crepes too
Favourite Drink: chai tea
Most Hated Food: yogurts that have slimy fruit pieces blended in it, like strawberry yogurts. Other than that not super picky
Most Hated Drink: Tito's vodka
Favourite Holiday: Halloween the most, but love Christmas too
Least Favourite Holiday: none i suppose
Languages: English, maybe some German. I bring shame to my German family with how bad it is tho so lets not.
Eye Colour: blue
Hair Colour: naturally dirty blonde but i always bleach it lighter
Nationality: American/German
Orientation: rather not say
Preferences: For friends? Honestly none, I can get along with anyone of any gender even if we disagree on big things. Me and my bff disagree on a lot of huge topics for example, but i think an important part of friendship is communicating and respecting the other person regardless.
Relationship Status: rather not say
Personality: Disordered.... sorry I had to because, it is 💀
Personality Type: I haven't taken the personality test in so long tbh, idr what mine is but I can try to describe my personality. I'm a blunt person but also sensitive at the same time. I love someone who can listen to me vent sometimes, and I love to do the same for my friends as well. A lover of cheesy drama/love shows (like Love Is Blind for example). I don't read (cause hi im jared 19 never learned how to bleepin read). I play WoW Classic sometimes, atm i'm loving OSRS, and for other games i'm a sucker for animals crossing OFC and any cute wholesome games 🥺 Also a sims 4 lover, lets make cute sims and send each other screenshots.
ALSO: huge horror lover, mainly only old horror films tho, you will hear me hating on remakes/newer horror films haha
Likes: Playing games, Listening to music constantly (sending songs i like is my love language), and just chatting! for irl things I really enjoy camping a lot, that's the only time i will leave my house.
Dislikes: People who judge others too quickly, esp when they don't know them. Also my teeth 🤓
any murky water, even a bathtub... if its not clear because of the bubbles/soap I will panic like wait what if something is in the tub and I can't see it. Spiders ofc, flying bugs that bite! EW
Occupation/Dream Job: self employed atm, if money didn't matter my dream job would be a child Psychiatrist or a school counselor. I just feel the need to protect all kids 🤷🏼‍♀️
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I figured I'd create one of these, since I'm most likely never going to change my profile about me section again, lol.

Name: Riley.
Nicknames: I prefer to only be called by my first name. Special nicknames are reserved for my family members.
Sex/Gender: Male.
Pronouns: He/Him/His.
Height: 6 feet and 4 inches tall. For you metric system people, that's about 193 centimeters. ; )
Body Type: Skinny, but tall and big.
Zodiac/Birthday: Taurus. 5/5.
Favorite Food:
Favorite Drink: Coffee.
Most Hated Food: Bacon.
Most Hated Drink: Alcohol.
Favorite Holiday: Don't have one.
Least Favorite Holiday: Also don't really have one.
Languages: English and some written Spanish.
Eye Color: Dark brown.
Hair Color: Dark Brown.
Nationality: USA/American
Orientation: Straight
Preferences: None at all! I enjoy being friends with anyone. I've been able to meet a good amount of people with varying backgrounds this way.
Relationship Status: Single. Not looking for anyone right now either!
Personality: I love to have fun and be friendly with others. Can talk with anyone about a lot of things. I love to laugh too. I have a good sense of humor. Most of all I have a lot of empathy and love for people in general. I was also born with Aspergers or stage 1 Autism, so sometimes I don't understand everything socially. But I've become a lot better at it over the years!
Personality Type: ISFJ/ESFJ, the "Defender." I'm introverted and extroverted equally at this point. I enjoy both being around other people and my alone time as well. I also have a strong sense of justice and care for other people. I go out of my way on a regular basis to help others, whether that was giving food to others who didn't have any while in university, doing over 200 hours of community service in high school, helping people with their pulls in the gacha games I play, or gifting people on TBT collectibles for free. I focus on others more than myself, probably to an unhealthy degree... trying to find a balance there currently. 😓
Likes: Martial arts (I've done it for 16 years now), anime, video games, writing, reading, going swimming, going to the movies with friends, hiking, camping, and a lot more!
Dislikes: Bacon, popcorn, people who are dishonest, people who take advantage of others, and people who have no empathy. I'm quite frankly disgusted by people like that TBH and would rather not associate with them. ^^
Fears/Phobias: Insects/bugs and to die. I used to be afraid of the dark too, but not anymore.
Occupation/Dream Job: I currently work in operations. My dream job is to be an accomplished author though.