• We're Celebrating Diversity on TBT! Join our new mini-event this month by making a 3D craft that represents what diversity and inclusivity mean to you. For your hard work, you'll receive a newly released villager collectible and the chance to win the latest addition to our plush series! See the Celebrating Diversity 2024 thread to get started.

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oh hell yeah dude I love talking about myself
Name: Spencer
Nicknames: Frog, Gromit
Height: 5'6"
Aries/Boar, March 29
English, ASL 200
Nationality: The grand You Es of Ay
Personality: I'm 6'5" and own a yacht
Dislikes: People who can't pull up their big boy pants and use their words (sounds evil but I'm so tired of miscommunication)
Fears: Ghost girls. Holy crap ghost girls
The unemployed friend


My son
Name: I've only given my name out to a few online friends. Not so much for the sake of privacy, but there is an awkward feeling sometimes that I can't get accustomed with when I hear it online.
Nicknames: anything.
Sex/Gender: Male
Pronouns: He
Height: 5'10
Body Type: Slim. Kinda. I'm 145 LBS so not entirely tiny.
Zodiac/Birthday: June 23, Cancer.
Favorite Food: Not sure about this, but I enjoy certain soups.
Favorite Drink: Water
Most Hated Food: Anything with corn inserted into it makes me feel sick. (but...i'm fine with corn as an individual food).
Most Hated Drink: I'm not one for alcoholic beverages.
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Least Favorite Holiday: All of them are okay.
Languages: English
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Nationality: American, lots of german heritage.
Orientation: (i had to look up what this meant). Asexual.
Preferences: Gosh I have no idea. But I get along with almost everybody.
Relationship Status: Aloof about this. Thankful to be the way I am.
Personality: Both quiet and chatty.
Personality Type: No idea.
Likes: Sports, reading, drawing, chess (or table top games in general), video games, too many hobbies that I don't have enough time for.
Dislikes: Yelling, fighting, chaos. Instant anxiety triggers.
Fears/Phobias: Above
Occupation/Dream Job: Student. Lost Soul. I'll figure it out in time.
Name: you can ask if we know each other well, but i don’t usually give it out online
Nicknames: Mari, I used to go by Tom/Tommy so that’s fine too. idk get creative; i appreciate friends giving me different nicknames :>
Sex/Gender: complicated, i go by cis female for simplicity
Pronouns: he/she, but please only use he/him + masc terms if we know each other unprofessionally (i do prefer it if we’re friends!)
Height: 5'8
Body Type: average?
Zodiac/Birthday: Cancer, July 8th
Favourite Food: rice + thai food
Favourite Drink: iced coffee
Most Hated Food: any food that’s pretty bland/earthy i usually don’t like
Most Hated Drink: straight up black tea i guess?
Languages: English
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Dark-ish brown
Nationality: American
Orientation: pan, might be demi/aromantic but i’m not sure atm
Preferences: i tend to prefer women
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: uhh i like to joke around a lot and am passionate about my interests, but i have a hard time opening up to people and tend to match energies until then
Personality Type: ISFP-T
Likes: video games, art, animals, shopping for fandom related things
Dislikes: nagging, getting outta bed, conflict, certain kinds of people just irk me
Fears/Phobias: i can’t think of much but the sound of planes flying overhead freaks me out
Occupation/Dream Job: i would love to voice act 👀
Name: I tend to go by Rex.
Nicknames: Whatever you want, I don't have any.
Sex/Gender: non-binary
Pronouns: they/them; any, as long as I know you mean me.
Height: 5'4
Body Type: amorphous stick
Zodiac/Birthday: Aries, March 29
Favourite Food: hummus
Favourite Drink: water, black and green tea, coffee
Most Hated Food: Anything even just barely, moderately spicy; I'm also a vegetarian.
Most Hated Drink: Sugary beverages; I don't drink.
Languages: English, French, German, Latin, Ancient Greek
Eye Color: light brown
Hair Color: brown
Nationality: German
Orientation: gynoromantic? aro-ace or just too busy.
Preferences: I'm very sensitive to noise. Anyone considerate,open-minded, not too rash.
Relationship Status: single
Personality: I tend to think of myself as a head, walking on two legs; cerebral to a fault. I once had interests, quite a lot and quite varied, but now I'm mostly tired and increasingly functional for only a singular purpose.
Personality Type: I don't really subscribe to the MBTI, but I know the equivalent would be INTJ.
Likes: Too much to list, probably. I'll try.
to do: writing, worldbuilding, drawing, playing the bass guitar, TTRPGs, dancing (badly), attempting to archive niche topics, engaging in fandoms I Don't even like and making myself suffer through media I can't stand for the sake of completion, rabbit holes
general: history, esp. ancient history, archaeology, "dead" languages, theories, space, niche and lost media, dogs, octopodes
music: Progressive rock, funky stuff, not boring. Yes, Rush, Gentle Giant, Caravan, Nektar, David Bowie, Pink Floyd, Triumvirat, Genesis, The Alan Parsons Project, Climax Blues Band, ...
authors: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Tolkien
games: Spore, Tomodachi Life, Wildermyth, Magician's Quest, MySims PC, Fantasy Life, Pokémon, The Sims 2 and 3, Animal Crossing GC/NL
movies/TV: All That Jazz, Monty Python, The Muppets, Star Trek (original)
cartoons: Bojack Horseman, Adventure Time, Infinity Train, Avatar the Last Airbender
anime: Monster, Boogiepop Phantom, Odd Taxi, Paranoia Agent, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Trigun, Master Keaton
other fandoms and interests: Furby, plushies, Homestuck, NeoPets, Furry stuff, more I probably forgot.
Dislikes: Noise, and many things most people wouldn't like.
Fears/Phobias: Everything. ...heights, fast things, downward motion, slippery surfaces, flying, being on boats, not feeling any ground under my feet, many abstract concepts... but no animals.
Occupation/Dream Job: Studying to become something academical, history-related. That was my motivation when I started, at least.
Name: Noah
Nicknames: none really
Sex/Gender: nonbinary
Pronouns: they
Height: 5'7
Body Type: fat? I wear an xl shirt
Zodiac/Birthday: Scorpio/November 2nd
Favourite Food: turkey dinner
Favourite Drink: hot coffee
Most Hated Food: idk I'm kinda picky but I don't enjoy rare or raw beef. Y'know how some people get their burgers medium rare.
Most Hated Drink: most alcohol cause it sets my stomach on fire
Languages: English
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: medium brown
Nationality: canadian
Orientation: bisexual
Preferences: I'm not sure, it comes down to the individual
Relationship Status: taken. Me and my partner have been together for 12 years
Personality: it's hard to describe yourself? Idk I'm pretty low key. I tend to stay quiet until you get to know me and then I'll just ramble endlessly
Personality Type: ISFJ-T "The Defender" apparently. I'm not sure how accurate the test is though
Likes: video games, my pets, crafting, knick nacks, trying to befriend the squirrels in my front yard
Dislikes: stress especially financially, conflict, places that are too loud
Fears/Phobias: bugs, trying new things
Occupation/Dream Job: I work down on the docks with container ships but I wish I could get paid to lay in the grass and just rest.
Nicknames: Don’t have any
Sex/Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her
Height: Can’t remember
Zodiac/Birthday: December 23rd / Capricorn
Favorite Food: Spaghetti & Meatballs
Favorite Drink: Orange & Passion Fruit J20
Most Hated Food: Salads or any sweets
Most Hated Drink: Beers or anything alcoholic
Favorite Holiday: Christmas 🎄
Least Favorite Holiday: Halloween 👻
Languages: English
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Nationality: English
Disability: Autistic
Relationship Status:
Single and happy to be!
Personality: Both quiet and chatty.
Personality Type: No idea.
Likes: The Lion King, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, drawing & colouring, watching videos, tv or dvds, shopping or going out & going on holiday.
Dislikes: crime, fights, crowds, bullies, bugs, drunk people/ drunk drivers, people shouting or arguing. Fears/Phobias: not sure
Occupation/Dream Job: not sure
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Hey why remove my post I AM one of those young members you speak of LOL Imma do it again but without all the NSFW stuff k? Sorry about that bro x
Hey who keeps sending the notification that I can’t reply to about my answers pls this makes no sense I have fixed it anyway but cmonnnnnnnn

Nicknames: STALFIE
Sex/Gender: MALE
Height: 5 foot and 3 inches
Zodiac/Birthday: October LIBRA
Favorite Food: MCDONALDS
Most Hated Food: VEGAN
Most Hated Drink: VEGAN
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Least Favorite Holiday: PRIDE even though I’m bi it’s a long story man
Languages: English and French Afrikaans
Eye Color: Dark
Hair Color: Dark
Nationality: British Aussie
Orientation: Bisexual
Preferences: Smokin hot pls
Relationship Status: It’s complicated
Personality: LOUD
Personality Type: FINE AF
Dislikes: wokery overload just let me live my life man
Fears/Phobias: NONE
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Just realized I've somehow never answered this thread in all my years here. But I'm taking out all the personal questions lol 👀

Pronouns: they/she
Height: short
Zodiac/Birthday: November 17
Favorite Food: I like Indian food - my absolute favourite dish is samosa chaat
Favorite Drink: Coffee
Most Hated Food: Anything with vinegar
Most Hated Drink: Wine & beer
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Least Favorite Holiday: Valentine's Day
Languages: English
Nationality: Canadian
Orientation: 👭
Personality: quiet & serious unless I'm comfortable with you (in which case I'll be super energetic and silly), workaholic, anxious about most things, very devoted to loved ones
Personality Type: INFJ according to Myers-Briggs, though everyone I care about keeps telling me MBTI is nonsense lol
Likes: Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, frogs, Bollywood movies/music, singing, being in nature, spreadsheets, spending time with my fave people
Dislikes: Winter, sports
Fears/Phobias: Emetophobia
Occupation/Dream Job: My dream job was always to become a children's author but I'm very happy in my current job in a non-profit!
Name: 🤺

kirako ;>



5'7 (ok it's really 5'6.5 but who's checking)

Body Type:
skinny, my friend threatens to throw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes numerous of times

aries / april 17

Favourite Food:
lots of chinese cuisine!! and laotian cuisine :>

Favourite Drink:
love me an iced caramel coffee

Most Hated Food:

Most Hated Drink:
hot floral or fruit teas, they make my head hurt so i can only have them iced

english, french, mandarin chinese

Eye Color:

Hair Color:
dark brown

canadian C:


Relationship Status:
oh so single

i'm pretty awkward at the beginning but once i get comfortable around you, i get so loud and chatty

Personality Type:

so many things!!!!
anime: haikyuu, my new boss is goofy, gakuen babysitters, wotakoi, tsurune, kimi ni todoke, doukyuusei, ohshc, fairy tail
anime charas: bokuto!!!!! kenma, nishinoya, bakugo, kirishima, kashima, hirotaka, zen
manga/manhwa: mr paper bag is in love, wotakoi, nenene, my farm by the palace, cassmire the loyal sword, i shall master this family, mother's marriage contract, lout of count's family, my in laws are obsessed with me, (i'm reading soooo many manhwas)
video games: acnh, genshin impact, honkai star rail, cookie run kingdom
music: kpop (i can list so many that i listen to,) rnb, pop, jpop, my old emo music ;w;
movies: lots of throwback barbie movies heh, coraline, alice in wonderland, tangled, how to train your dragon, lots of ghibli, paranorman, puss in boots!!!
tv shows: gravity falls, 2 broke girls, once upon a time, pretty little liars, the vampire diaries, ever after high, hwarang

i can get overstimulated a lot really quickly but loud breathing or chewing just AJSGNKRJBG irks me


Occupation/Dream Job:
unemployed rn but dream job would be making starting my own small business either for my design passion or something within that field, who knows!
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Okeyyy letsss gooo
  • Nicknames: I try to go by Venny online :)
  • Sex/Gender: Gurrrl
  • Pronouns: Whatever u wanna call me!
  • Zodiac/Birthday: 28/09 Libra
  • Favourite Food: I like all types of cuisine (but for now I'm into meat/chicken with cream whenever I cook)
  • Favourite Drink: Coffee/Cappuccino <3333
  • Languages: French/Russian/English
  • Nationality: French (but from Russian/Asian descent, idk if that makes sense)
  • Orientation: Bi
  • Personality: I guess I'm introvert with new people but then I become oh such an extravert when I'm comfortable
  • Personality Type: INFP since my birth year
  • Likes:
    Gaming (my favourites ACNH, SKYRIIIIM <3333, Stardew Valley, Fallout 4 (also New Vegas but I still didn't finish it), Slime Rancher, The Witcher 3 etc)
    Reading (fantasy, short/novels, documentaries, French/Russian classics etc, I'm trying to get into English literature I promise)
    TV Shows/Movies/Cartoons (kinda everything that's popular now)
    Drawing (mostly traditional but I own a tablet, so I'm still learning the ways of digital)
  • Dislikes: Close-minded, rude people, talking in public, people who don't take off their backpacks in a crowded transport...
  • Occupation/Dream Job: Procrastinating student/wish to have a good job related to languages and travelling (since that's what I'm studying)
I love talking about myself hehehe

Name: Simona
Nickname: Simone
Pronouns: any!
Orientation: Lesbian
Zodiac: Pisces
Drink: Iced latte
Food: Spicy noodles, sushi, potatoes
Likes: Animal Crossing!, Identity V, cats, coffee, singing, cute clown dolls, tattoos
Dislikes: unkind people, my anxiety
Dream job/occupation: I'm currently an English major with a music minor. If I could be paid just to learn random instruments, then that would be the dream. But for now, I will say stay at home wife who cooks scrumptious meals and posts those bento box videos on Tiktok.
Short-term goals: Survive the rest of the semester, finish my ACNH island so I can start on my girlfriend's island
Long-term goals: Take more music lessons, travel, have a grown-up job

Name: J****** (Sorry, there's no way I'm revealing my real name!)
Nicknames: Suguri in TBT; BobRocks20, BobRocks, or Bob everywhere else
Sex/Gender: female
Pronouns: she/they; I prefer she/her pronouns, but they/them is fine too.
Height: [REDACTED]
Body Type: [REDACTED]
Zodiac/Birthday: Pisces/March 6th
Favorite Food: French fries! Buttered popcorn, Oreos, candy, and anything chicken are up there too!
Favorite Drink: Milk!
Most Hated Food: Celery; I tried it on a vegetable stir-fry once and thought it was going to taste like lettuce. Big mistake.
Most Hated Drink: Anything that is not milk or water. It just doesn’t taste right for me.
Languages: English
Eye Color: [REDACTED]
Hair Color: [REDACTED]
Nationality: [REDACTED]
Orientation: Heterosexual and possibly fictoromantic
Preferences: If you're nice and you genuinely like me, I'll open up to you.
Relationship Status: [REDACTED]
Personality: Online, I talk about whatever I’m hyper-fixated on a lot and I am pretty friendly. IRL, I’m much more reclusive and afraid of talking to other students in school because of how different they are from me. Sometimes I wish to be free from this.
Personality Type: What's that?
Likes: Animal Crossing, Pokémon (especially Kieran), PaRappa the Rapper, crocheting, sleeping, quiet spaces, nature, high grades, and being myself
Dislikes: Loud environments, certain forms of swearing, low grades, and alienation
Fears/Phobias: I fear spiders and anything that reminds me of spiders, such as those ugly crane flies that appear in my house from April to May!!
Occupation/Dream Job: No clue. I’m still in high school, discovering myself.
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Been a long time since I've been active on here and some of you may not have seen or remember me, so I'll fill this out.

Name: Benjamin
Nicknames: Neb
Pronouns: He/they
Height: 5'8" (yes I'm short)
Zodiac/Birthday: Aquarius, February 14th
Languages: English
Nationality: American, Oregon to be more specific
Personality: Introverted, but polite and friendly.
Likes: Watermelon, video games, books, brisk walks, cold brew coffee
Dislikes: raw tomatoes, customer service, FPS games
Fears: Touching fish/sea creatures, having unsolicited photos taken, getting stranded in another country
Occupation: Looking for a job still, but will probably end up in retail
Name: Mel(anie)
Nicknames: Mimi, Cheemer, Cheemichanga, sooo many Cheem-related nicknames.. I also go by Mel, but Mimi is highly preferred with people I don't know irl/personally.
Sex/Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/they
Height: 5'11
Body Type: I- ? I guess I'm ? hour-glass shaped?! I don't understand this question. Since I'm tall, I wear my weight preeeetty well.
Zodiac/Birthday: February 24th / Pisces / Year of the Snake
Favourite Food: Pierogi, sushi, ramen, Cheetos, and.. errrmm.. probably fried spam!
Favourite Drink: Iced coffee, fruity bubble teas, Dr. Pepper, water, and chocolate milk :3
Most Hated Food: Tomatoes, peas.. sigh.. I'm not the most selective eater, but there are a couple of things I REFUSE to eat. Peas are definitely one of them. T^T
Most Hated Drink: Sweet Tea
Languages: English
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Born brunette, blonde by choice. I'm a mix of both though, I get my hair high-lighted blonde every few months to maintain the blondeness.
Nationality: American .-.
Orientation: Not sure what this means? I'm bi if this is what I think it means ><
Preferences: Uhh.. I prefer nice people :3
Relationship Status: Complicated :D
Personality: Shy, but bubbly and outgoing (and positively off-putting) once you get to know me!
Personality Type: ENFP !
Likes: Crocheting, vidya games, writing (fanfics, drabbles, poems, etc), my friends, spending money, my plushies, traveling, big cities with stuff to do...... uhh. I also like dogs :3<3
Dislikes: Hot weather, people who are mean/rude/etc, being sleep-deprived (I get SUPER cranky), being hangry (lol), spicy foods, wasps.. probably more I can't think of..
Fears/Phobias: The dark, wasps, saliva/sharing drinks with others.
Occupation/Dream Job: Flight Attendant! :3 But currently, I'm unemployed
Been here for 10 years without ever conveying any personal information. Maybe I'll give it a shot?

Sex/Gender: Female
Height: Short
Body Type: Small
Zodiac/Birthday: Aries/Boar. Everyone I've ever talked to has said that Aries doesn't suit me, and I agree.
Favourite Food: BREAD with butter. I love bread. Fresh peaches. Strawberries. Cooked broccoli. Yellow squash. Vanilla cake. Steak.
Favourite Drink: Water
Most Hated Food: I'm allergic to peanuts/tree nuts, so I guess that. I don't like chocolate, peas, or anything with little to no texture like yogurt or tomato soup.
Most Hated Drink: Literally everything except water, I have sensory issues and the thought of drinking a flavor makes me want to gag. People always think there must be exceptions but the answer is no.
Languages: English, some ASL
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Nationality: American
Preferences: I prefer long-nosed animals, friendly bluntness, and science fiction stories about alien linguistics.
Relationship Status: Long-term partnership
Personality: Straightforward, analytical, a little obsessive. I like most people and I think I'm pretty easy to get along with, but I'm not outgoing and I don't communicate in a way that is instinctive to most people.
Personality Type: Uhhh . . . INFJ.
Likes: Hiking, video games, reading, writing, loud drums, explaining things, zoos and national parks, being up high, poetry, outer space, overalls
Dislikes: The 40-hour work week, socks that extend past my ankles, comedies, improvisation of any kind, snap decisions, pranks
Fears/Phobias: Serious illness, masks that cover the whole face
Occupation/Dream Job: Currently I work at a library doing children's programs. It's fun, but I think my dream job would be something with more of a balance or indoor/outdoor time. Probably some kind of conservation organization, like a zoo or national park or research center, where I could split my time between doing actual outdoor work with animals or nature trails, teaching guests (especially kids) about the organization and doing tours, and working on my own to analyze research data and write up materials.