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Holiday Descriptions


im awkward
Jul 28, 2019
Blue Star Fragment
Happy Ditto Easter Egg
With Halloween coming, I decided to make this list. Holidays in ACNL are one of my most favorite things in the game. To new players, holidays seem fun but also stressful for them. So now, I pretty much stockpiled a ton of strategies I've did that hopefully people find useful. I'll start at March now.

Festivale - random day of February and March
Ah, the equivalent of Mardi Gras. The goal of this holiday is to collect feathers floating around the town using your net then turn them into Pave at the town plaza. There are 7 colors of feathers that Pave will randomly say to collect 3 of that color. If you catch 3 of that color and turn them in, you get a piece of Pave furniture. There's a rare rainbow feather that, if you turn them in regardless of any color, you get an item. Think of it like a pass if you literally can't find any. Able Sisters will have Festivale themed clothing for a week before Festivale, the clothing being a shirt, pants, dress and an accessory. The villagers outside will be wearing a Festivale Shirt and accessory while dancing to Festivale. You can play 2 games with the villagers to trade feathers, earn feathers or lose feathers; Rock, Paper & Scissors, Charades.

Daeboreum (한국) - random day of February or March
Isabelle has some delicious bureom for you! She says she ate some beans while waiting. Aww...that little puppy.

Hina Matsuri (日本) - March 1 to 3
Timmy and Tommy's will sell a hinaningyo (Ooh, so elegant) and blossom lantern (For me since I hate the dark and love sakura blossoms). Able Sister's will also sell an emperor's cap (wow!) and a girl's day updo (it's interesting). On the actual day on March 3, Isabelle will give rice cake at the plaza. Mmm...same colors of cherry blossoms, just some hanami dango then everything is perfect.

Shamrock Day - March 17
If you talk to Isabelle at the town square, she will give you a Shamrock Hat. When you wear it on that day, villagers will compliment on your hat.

Father's Day (Espa?a, Italiana) - March 19
Yay, ooh, from my dad? Aw, a nice red carnation. *sniff* It smells good.

April Fool's Day - April 1
Walking around randomly, Blanca is there. She has no face and is a master prankster. She goes into a random villager's house and pretends to be that villager. Both "villagers" will convince you that they're the real one. Both of them say a trait about them which you have to use that to infer who's the fake one. One will give you a towel which you choose who's the fake. If you pick the correct one, the villager will give you his/her picture. You keep going through each house like that. If you guess all the villagers correctly, Blanca will give you her picture.
Here's the guide - https://animalcrossing.fandom.com/wiki/April_Fool's_Guide

Arbor Day (한국) - April 5
Isabelle has more gifts for you! She has a nice hibiscus for you. Better take care of it or it'll die.

Mother's Day - United Kingdom - random day of March or April
Huh, a letter. Aw, thanks for the pink carnations! Mmm...smells good!

Bunny Day - random Sunday of March or April
At the plaza, Zipper T. Bunny is there. He dances to you when you get close. He mentions you need to get 6 eggs to get a special prize. The 6 eggs are as follows. Earth eggs are buried randomly under the ground anywhere in the town. Sky eggs are in a balloon which you have to pop to get. Sky eggs can't appear in multiplayer. Stone eggs are in fake rocks that you can hit with your shovel to get.
*Warning : I don't know if it's patched, but there was a glitch where if you don't break the rocks, they stay permanent after Bunny Day. Just be careful and go over every rock*
Tree eggs are found in regular trees that can be shaken out of. River eggs are found in the river where you can fish them. They're the same size as a crucian carp. Deep-sea eggs are found in the ocean which you can dive and catch. After giving all of the types of eggs, Zipper T. Bunny will give you an egg basket. You can eat the eggs, which you can get candy, a bunny token or a rare grand prize token. When you give a bunny token, Zipper will give you a part of the egg series. If you give a grand prize token, Zipper will give his picture. It is recommended to catch infinite eggs like fishing, sky and deep-sea eggs.

Nature Day - April 22
Isabelle will be at the town plaza which you can get a Cool Globe from her. It's the Earth Day equivalent.

Weeding Day - NA (last Friday of April), EU (last Saturday of April), 한국 (March 2), 日本 (September 3)
Leif will be at the town plaza which if you talk to him, he will have 2 responses. If you have no weeds at all in your town at that day select, he will offer 3 topiaries for PWPs. If you have any weed, he will let you pick those up and if you pluck a certain number of weeds, you get certain items of the flower series. The gardening store or section will be closed for that day.

Father's Day (Deutschland) - random day of May
Again, another letter? Yay, from my dad. Ooh, more red carnations? Yes.

Children's Day (日本) - May 1 to 5
Nook's will sell a carp banner. Ah, so relaxing. Actually, story...I was 9 and my brother was 6. We used to live in Japan and I drew a carp for my brother. I messed up the fin and it looked like bread (don't ask). My brother took my paper and bit the fin and chewed it before I took it out manually. Welp, he got some nasty marker in his mouth. So, anyway, Isabelle on May 5 will give you a newsprint helmet.

Mother's Day (Espa?a) - first Sunday of May
Thanks mom! I love getting these carnations. Mm...paella smell. *cough on letter* Uh...let's go now.

Parent's Day (한국) - May 8
Obviously, you have to love your parents. Yay, my mom gave me a pink carnation. Mm...fresh japchae smell. Okay, let's go now.

Mother's Day (NA, 日本, Deutschland, Italiana) - second Monday of May
The day is normal, though your mom [;3] will send a letter with a pink carnation. This is a special flower as it is not grown naturally in your town. Maybe sit down, eat some lasagna, udon, spaghetti and sp?tzle.

Teacher's Day (한국 - May 15
Ugh, it's teacher's day. Time to go to the plaza. Isabelle is there, she has a red carnation for you. Thanks! :3

Mother's Day (France) - last Sunday of May
Ah, my mom gave me some pink carnations. Um, a letter?
"Your Eiffel Tower from Gulliver SUCKS!" - Love mom owo.
Uh, let's move on...

Father's Day (NA, 日本, France, United Kingdom) - third Sunday of June
The day is normal, though your dad will send a letter with a red carnation. This is a special flower as it is not grown naturally in your town. Now you can make a white carnation with a pink + red.

Summer Solstice - June 21
For the whole day, it is just sunlight. Night time is Thanos-ed away. Isabelle will be at the town plaza with ladder shades. You can still find night time bugs and fish like sharks, tarantulas and beetles. Me, last year, did not know that and got jump scared by a tarantula behind a tree.

Tanabata (日本) - July 7
Isabelle at the plaza has a gift, some bamboo grass. If you interact with it in your house, it will have a couple of wishes on it. So satisfying. :]

Fireworks Show - every Sunday of August
During night time, fireworks will be lighting up the sky until midnight. Isabelle is there that she'll give boppers to wear and a fountain firework. You can change some fireworks with your own creations. Redds has a booth which you can order totally not scam cookies. They can be eaten with many prizes. The most common is the dud ticket which does something special. It's something called a losing ticket and you just get a sparkler or Roman candle. >w< Okay...the others are bang ticket, pow ticket, flash ticket, sparkle ticket, whiz ticket, crackle ticket, pop ticket and a kaboom ticket. All of those give retro Nintendo items released and retro toys.

Obon (日本) - August 15 or 16
Isabelle at the plaza has a gift, a rather interesting one. An eggplant cow or a cucumber horse. It's basically those veggies with wooden sticks as legs. Um...interesting. >w<

Labo(u)r Day - first Monday of September
Isabelle is at the town plaza and she'll give you a picnic basket. Better be relaxing.

Autumn Moon Festival (NA and EU), 月見 (日本), 추석 (한국) - September or October
Isabelle is at the plaza again waiting to give you a wheat bundle (NA), veggie basket (EU), songpyeon (한국), or dango (日本). Ok, that is unfair, Asia gets some sweets, Europe gets a basket of veggies and North America gets some wheat. Tsk...wheat tied up.

Explorer's Day (NA) - second Monday of October
Isabelle is at the plaza to give you a sailboat model. Since Europeans came to America, of course North America. I asked my Japanese friend, Masahiko, he said no, he never heard of Columbus Day.
I asked my Korean Friend, Sooyoung, she said no, she's never heard of Columbus at all.

Halloween - October 31
Halloween is a bit complicated so sit tight. So, you've probably seen this by the time I wrote this. Jack is the czar of Halloween and you have to get candies. Candies are sold at Nooks for all of October. Masks are sold at Labelle's for 1,031 bells. >w< Hehe, I wonder. At the day of Halloween, from 6pm to 1am, villagers outside will wear a purple robe and a pumpkin head. If they see you, they will walk towards you. If you go too far, they will sigh and give up. If they catch you, they will DEMAND candy! Screw Bertha's Dentistry, get some candy! If you give candy, they will leave you alone for a couple of seconds. If you refuse, they will force you to play a game, either charades or rock, paper & scissors. If you win, they will give you candy. If you lose, you get pranked! Not a pitfall, no they replace an item or clothing of yours with patched clothing, old flooring, old wallpaper or a jack in a box. Yes, you will legit lose your stuff. It's a strategy to leave your precious belongings like tools, furniture and clothing at home. Wear your patterns to avoid losing your clothing. If you're wearing no hat, you will get a pumpkin head to wear that corresponds to what color they are wearing. If you are wearing a clothing and have full pockets, you will get a patched item based on what you're wearing. A dress would be a patched dress and a hat would be a patched hat. Around the town, you may find Jack who will also chase you. If you give him candy, he will give you a spooky furniture, or a rare chance for creepy series. That's a rare series only available at Halloween. Remember the masks? Well, you can scare the villagers that are inside their house. There are 6 masks, skeleton, monster, werewolf, bug, mummy and ghost. If you scare them with the correct mask, they will offer lollipops to leave them alone.
Here's the guide on the masks - https://animalcrossing.fandom.com/wiki/Halloween#City Folk
Be honest, you feel bad sometimes that they're scared. :[ Anyway, if you give lollipops to Jack, he will 100% guarantee to give you creepy furniture as it is his favorite candy. One strategy is to re-enter the villager's house to get infinite candy, not lollipops though. HOOT, that was long. The next 2 NA holidays are also long so sit up then sit back down.

Harvest Festival - fourth Thursday of November
At the town plaza, Franklin is there with his kitchen booth. He is low on ingredients and needs you to help him gather ingredients. There are 4 courses he wants to cook, a salad, soup, main dish and dessert. (What is this, Harvest Moon!?) All recipes need 3 necessary ingredients and 1 secret ingredient that is optional. If you go to a villager's home, they are wearing a chef's outfit and will ask for a common ingredient. Usually it is fruit, fish or mushrooms. (All of November is mushroom growing season) If you get that ingredient, they will give you an ingredient that would or would not be one you need. Honestly, you can easily get the ingredients if you have friends with different fruits. There are a few ingredients that are unique and can only be collected by villagers. Those are flour, milk, sugar, butter and vinegar. Those can also make nice decorations for your kitchens. :] Anyway, when you gather the ingredients, Franklin will ask for a secret ingredient.
Here's the guide on the recipes - https://animalcrossing.fandom.com/wiki/Harvest_Festival
If you finish the recipe, you get a piece of Harvest series furniture or a fruit basket. When you get that secret ingredient for all 4 items, you get a cornucopia. One strategy is to catch the fish to stock up for the festivals. Yes, it is possible to get non-native fruit for your town.

Naughty or Nice Day (EU) - December 6
Isabelle has a beautiful holiday stocking for you. Ah, I'll just tape some candy to that, BITE A KITKAT and wrap it up. "Life is full of disappointment" - Me.

Winter Solstice - December 21
For the whole day, it is just night. Daytime is Thanos-ed away. Isabelle will be at the town plaza with a blue glow wand. You can still find daytime bugs and fish.

Toy Day - December 24
Over December, Able Sisters and Kicks will sell the Santa outfit. After 8pm, Jingle will be walking around the town. If you meet him with the full Santa outfit (hat, beard, shirt, pants, shoes), he will offer a task. You have to give presents to the villagers on what they wished for. In December, villagers may bring up what they wanted. You will wear a bag which has the presents. Unlike other holidays, villager's presents are random. Sorry, no guide to help. :[
When you deliver all 10 presents to the correct villagers, you talk to Jingle and he'll give you a festive wreath. After that on December 25, he will give his picture.

New Year's Eve - December 31
At 6am, a clock with a countdown is placed at the plaza. It will count until the midnight. Isabelle is there with some sparkling cider. You can drink it. :] Redds is there that he will sell party poppers and New Year's hats. The colors are different per year, there is a green, red, yellow and blue which he will sell 2 of those colors. The music will turn more intense as the hours and minutes go on. At night time, if you wear your New Years hat and talk to a villager outside, they will put on a little hat as well. They will also converge to the plaza. In the last 10 seconds, the poppers go up...
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Fireworks will be playing until 1am and villagers will be dancing and celebrating.

New Year's Day - January 1
Your mom will give you 10K bells for a present. :] At the town plaza, Isabelle will be there giving you a zodiac animal. The animal is based on the Chinese zodiac animals. Here's the years to get what animals. Every 12 years, they repeat to that animal My favorite is the dog. :3
*2017 - Rooster [bok bok]
*2018 - Dog [bork]
*2019 - Pig [oink]
*2020 - Rat [scork]
*2021 - Ox [grork]
*2022 - Tiger [grrrrrOrK]
*2023 - Rabbit [mok]
*2024 - Dragon [iok]
*2025 - Snake-u [sssok]
*2026 - Horse [neighk]
*2027 - Goat [baak]
*2028 - Monkey [chiork]
I'm sorry for those noises. >w<

Groundhog Day (NA) - February 2
Isabelle will be at the town hall to give a cute Resetti model. Just...just look it up. SO CUTE!

Setsubun (日本) - February 3
Starting on February 1, Nook's will sell some beans and good-luck rolls. On the actual day, Isabelle has both red and blue ogre masks. So spooky. You can wear them and throw beans to say GO AWAY DEMONS! Or, if you're those meme-sters, say BEGONE JAPANESE DEMON THOTS! Yep, that's how you do it.

Valentine's Day - February 14
The only holiday I feel special, by virtual animals. Isabelle will give a chocolate cake...Imma eat it. Your best friend (villager with highest friendship) will give you a good item. They give me hybrids. :] Your mom will give you a cacao tree. :3 If you go to Brewster's, he will brew hot chocolate than coffee.

Lunar New Years (한국) - random day of January or February
Isabelle will have a lovely yut board for you. :] Now, I've played 윷놀이 only once but it's fun! And I lost because I suck at board games.

-Currently editing now...- owo
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Whoops! I realized I did this wrong. She's a male in Japan but female internationally. Sorry, gotta edit that.
wait, blanca's a DUDE?!

So is Gracie :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Thank you so much for writing this guide in very detailed information. It's super useful, especially for time travelers like me who skip on events oftens. Bookmarking for future reference! :D
I feel like dying after writing Halloween. Hoot, now...ugh...gotta explain how Thanksgiving and Toy Day work.
Okay, just two more months. Question, should I do international holidays? Like Naught and Nice Day and Tanabata or Setsubun or Daeboreum?
Okay, just two more months. Question, should I do international holidays? Like Naught and Nice Day and Tanabata or Setsubun or Daeboreum?

You could do them if you want, but I'm not sure if your one post will hold much more info. By the way, I love your listings and I never knew about New Year's day that when you talk to a villager with one of the hats on, they change into it too. Such a nice little detail and I definitely got to try it out when New Year's day comes. :D
Alright! To be honest, its cute. I should mention at night time, they're programmed to walk towards the plaza at the last few minutes instead of walking around. :0 Such detail!
Alright! To be honest, its cute. I should mention at night time, they're programmed to walk towards the plaza at the last few minutes instead of walking around. :0 Such detail!

Wow! That is a lot of detail and very exact! I actually like it that they walk right to the plaza. It must be very cute indeed. :)
Welp, I actually added international holidays. This looks good for now. I probably won't touch it unless I'm correcting something.
You’re really nice to make all these guides! I play AC from many years but I still didn’t know some little details like the villagers changing into festive hat if you talk to them wearing one! So cute.

I have a problem. I remember past years, on October 1st, I used to see Jack and he would talk to me. But this October, still I didn’t see Jack around at all. I know he needs to appear before the 31, to tell me to collect candies. But it seems like he forgot about me this year :/
Meanwhile, if I talk to Brewster to work at the cafe he won’t let me. Meaning there’s an event, cause I’m suppose to meet jack! This is all so weird :(
You’re really nice to make all these guides! I play AC from many years but I still didn’t know some little details like the villagers changing into festive hat if you talk to them wearing one! So cute.

I have a problem. I remember past years, on October 1st, I used to see Jack and he would talk to me. But this October, still I didn’t see Jack around at all. I know he needs to appear before the 31, to tell me to collect candies. But it seems like he forgot about me this year :/
Meanwhile, if I talk to Brewster to work at the cafe he won’t let me. Meaning there’s an event, cause I’m suppose to meet jack! This is all so weird :(

What day were you trying to find Jack at? I don't think he's there anymore, but you shouldn't worry too much. I've played the game a little bit and even after the first week he's suppose to be there, he will still show up on Halloween and tell you to collect candy for him. :)
What day were you trying to find Jack at? I don't think he's there anymore, but you shouldn't worry too much. I've played the game a little bit and even after the first week he's suppose to be there, he will still show up on Halloween and tell you to collect candy for him. :)

Oh ok! So I guess he was just rude to not greet me on October 1st, but atleast he will still be there for Halloween! Thank you!!

- - - Post Merge - - -

That's weird. :( Did you try a megaphone? It worked for Phineas so... :/

I tried that too! But Kapp’n responded instead xD
Hm, that's weird. XD Well, just like Rosered22 said, it's fine.
I also updated Mother's and Father's Day to match the countries. So...yep. Please correct me if I'm wrong on a country's name in that language. >w<