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Splatoon Least favorite weapon


Senior Member
May 19, 2019
So... Like the title says, which is your least favorite weapon and why?

I hate the Gold Dynamo Roller so much. I have so much trouble to handle that thing, tried it out a
few times, never touched it again. Also, I'm not a big fan of any of the Blasters. For some reasons,
I don't have such a control over them. Chargers and Splatlings are also not my thing, I'm able to
control them kinda in Salmon Run, but not in Turf War or in any Ranked modes.
I'm not a fan of Charger weapons. I keep getting splatted before I can even fire.
Chargers, Dynamo Roller and also, the Hydra. I suck at them when playing Turf (never tried them on Ranked). They're my favorite weapons on SR though, particularly any charger variant.
I'm not a fan of Charger weapons. I keep getting splatted before I can even fire.

And for that reason, I'm also not a fan of chargers. Not sure how others are able to control them and
being able to charge those so fast that they can attack you right away. When I try to use them, not
only I feel like I get slow down, but like you said, before I'm even able to fire, I get splatted. That's
why I'm not use them. Hate it when I get forced to use a charger in SR.

The Dynamo Roller is also the worst.
I can't stand brushes i can't use them at all and i always get splatted by them way easy, something about my aim that i can't hit people with it
Most weapons I have tried and can handle. I mained short range chargers for a while, did okay with long range chargers, did okay with splatlings. But the two types of weapon I cannot handle and will cry if I have to use them is the dynamo rollers and nozzles. I'm terrible at both of them and just can't learn how to use either of them no matter what, especially dynamo rollers.
To go up against: clash blasters and blasters in general. Someone who actually knows how to use beacons well
To play: Foil squeezers, nozzlenoses, blasters, and dynamo rollers

- - - Post Merge - - -

To go up against: clash blasters and blasters in general. Someone who actually knows how to use beacons well
To play: Foil squeezers, nozzlenoses, blasters, and dynamo rollers
Probably Dynamo Rollers. Playing with them and/or getting splatted with such a thing sucks so much.
Making this thread alive again.

I personally hate bamboozler.
For me, Undercover Bella, any nozzlenose weapon, and dynamo rollers.
First one IMO was better in Splatoon 2. I hope they buff the weapon even more. I get that brellas were buffed, but not enough for the undercover. Heck, it was a main weapon for me before.
I don't like blasters. I feel like it makes it easy to get opponents. Especially if they can blast so quick. There's no need to aim, just blast and hope for the best.
Any inkjet weapon that isn't Sorella Brella, as that's the one weapon that makes jet fair, because it takes ages to get the special on any brella.
I just thought of another weapon: Painbrush. the fact that it can 3 hit KO you is insane. Explosher can 2 hit you, but it is more balanced, so...
the blobber is a sin and never should have been added to the game. i still think the update that added it is the worst in splatoon history. nothing they've added in 3 i think will ever beat how much the blobblobber sucks.
Sploosh-o-matics :/
This might just me using backline weapons, but they're so annoying to go against. I don't get why people want to basically rush into the other team's base over and over again? It just puts me on babysitting duty for the whole match.
I also don't like clash blasters, but at least people who use then don't use the same strategy over and over again.

I hate these weapons so much, I never touched them in Splat3
I love almost every weapon in all the Splatoon games but the only one I would say I dislike is the H-3 Nozzlenose. It's because I cannot time it very well! I love the L-3 though since its much faster. I think the only time I ever frequently used the H-3 was in Splatoon 2 with the Cherry variant, I loved the bubbles and splash wall so it was my main for a little while.

I love the variety though! Its great that there are so many combinations and weapons for different playstyles. I love trying all of them out depending on my mood xD