Let's Go To The Movies (Scene 24: Wrapped)

Looks more like Ted to me. Already guessed, though.
Also I could see Poncho just hangin' out with me like that on my island lol :LOL:
Sweet! I haven't even actually seen the movie, but I've seen trailers and posters, and that was the first thing I thought of. I didn't know it had anything to do with Christmas. ^o^;>
Sweet! I haven't even actually seen the movie, but I've seen trailers and posters, and that was the first thing I thought of. I didn't know it had anything to do with Christmas. ^o^;>
When John (Wahlberg) is a child, he wishes for Ted on Christmas.
I didn't even notice that you sent my prize in the midst of all of the notifications of my messages being quoted and holiday event stuff. Thank you for the bells!
I haven't even heard of that one. ^o^;>

@CylieDanny You got it so fast! Well done! :)
If you can tolerate horror movies, I definitely recommend the original Black Christmas from 1974. It's a good movie and I watch it every year. It's made by Bob Clark, the same guy who would later go on to make A Christmas Story. There have been a few remakes, but I've never bothered to check them out.