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Splatoon My gripe with Splatoon 3


Senior Member
Dec 6, 2012
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Splatoon 2 is one of my most played Switch games. I held off on getting Splatoon 3 for the longest time because I didn’t think there was enough there to warrant purchasing a game as similar to the one I was still playing fairly regularly.

I eventually gave in and picked it up because everyone playing gave it nothing but praise, insisting it’s far better than Splatoon 2. There’s definitely more content than Splatoon 2, especially if you compare the games at launch.

However, I have a huge issue with the catalog you get with each new season. It’s essentially a battle pass, which I’d have no issue with… if I didn’t pay full price for the game. I don’t even get through a quarter of the catalog before the end of the season. I usually end up with a banner, title, and an ugly pair of shoes. Why can’t they let us complete the catalog on our own time? I feel like I’m missing out on so much content when I start the game and they recycle my unfinished catalog without my consent.

Ironically it has turned me off from playing, considering battle passes are used to keep you playing consistently. I hop on every other Splatfest or so, or randomly when I wanna check out new maps each season.

Speaking of maps, another minor issue I have is the map variety. All the maps are very blocky. Just blocks, ramps, grates. There are hardly any maps like Blackbelly Skatepark (one of my favorite maps from Splatoon 2), there are no mounds, dips, curves, swoops; barely any maps with moving/interactive parts. Just rigid blocky maps that all feel the same gameplay-wise. There are definitely couple exceptions, but from what I’ve seen the maps exclusive to Splatoon 3 are mostly “safe”.

Another issue that seems to have improved immensely was how often players disconnected. That’s another reason why I barely play Splatoon 3, but it seems to improve more each time I hop on. I only had a couple disconnects this Splatfest and I’m nearly at Ruler, about 300 points off.

Still a fun game, it’s Splatoon afterall. Glad so many people love it as much as they do. But if this “live service/battle pass” direction is where Nintendo plans on heading with Splatoon, I don’t see my self going along with it.

Let me finish my catalog!
I do agree. I think there needs to be improvements in some aspects like the clam reward percentage increase in Salmon Run especially during Big Run. I think we should've gotten 10-20 clams if we basically did more damage to the salmonid king bosses instead of a measly 2-5 clams earned during the salmonid king boss wave.
The clam percentage shouldn't be RNG dependent, but dependent on your contribution to defeating the boss or how much damage it takes.

The splatfests are something that heavily needs improvement. It needs more modes like why not add tower control or splat zones to the splatfest to shake things up a bit.

And yeah, the catalog thing that you mentioned. I heavily agree with that sentiment. The catalog needs further improvements especially the points needed to get to a certain catalog level.

I'm just glad the rank system went back to the point system instead of relying on the meter, making it more balanced for ranked modes. I love this game and it's a super fun game to get heavily invested to regardless and I want to see it improve, to be honest.
I do agree. I think there needs to be improvements in some aspects like the clam reward percentage increase in Salmon Run especially during Big Run. I think we should've gotten 10-20 clams if we basically did more damage to the salmonid king bosses instead of a measly 2-5 clams earned during the salmonid king boss wave.
The clam percentage shouldn't be RNG dependent, but dependent on your contribution to defeating the boss or how much damage it takes.

The splatfests are something that heavily needs improvement. It needs more modes like why not add tower control or splat zones to the splatfest to shake things up a bit.

And yeah, the catalog thing that you mentioned. I heavily agree with that sentiment. The catalog needs further improvements especially the points needed to get to a certain catalog level.

I'm just glad the rank system went back to the point system instead of relying on the meter, making it more balanced for ranked modes. I love this game and it's a super fun game to get heavily invested to regardless and I want to see it improve, to be honest.
Oh man, forgot about the Big Run, I remember the first time I beat one and got a handful of bronze scales…

I kinda get why they don’t include ranked modes in Splatfest, since turfwar kinda levels the playing field when it comes to skill. And probably makes match-ups with the different teams easier. But I do think they should allow you to play ranked modes during Splatfests, just don’t count it towards the Splatfest rankings.
I have to agree, the battle pass turned me off from wanting to play because it felt like I HAD to play in order to actually have access to everything in the game, despite having paid £60 for it.

I'm getting quite annoyed with Nintendo adding features because other games do it without thinking WHY they do it. The only games I continue to play with a battle pass are free games. Because I have paid for them I can't really be annoyed that I'm missing out on content. But it seems to be becoming an trend that nintendo makes you pay full price for a game, and then still having content you can't access without exerting yourself...

It's really putting me off them tbh
I have to agree, the battle pass turned me off from wanting to play because it felt like I HAD to play in order to actually have access to everything in the game, despite having paid £60 for it.

I'm getting quite annoyed with Nintendo adding features because other games do it without thinking WHY they do it. The only games I continue to play with a battle pass are free games. Because I have paid for them I can't really be annoyed that I'm missing out on content. But it seems to be becoming an trend that nintendo makes you pay full price for a game, and then still having content you can't access without exerting yourself...

It's really putting me off them tbh
Yeah, I’ve noticed that trend too. Specifically for the Mario sports games. The game launches with a lackluster roster and barely any content, and they drip feed you new characters/features every month or so, essentially making you wait a year to get your money’s worth. But by that time, most people already moved on from the game. Haven’t bought a single Mario sports game on the Switch for that reason (if you don’t count Mario Kart as a sport game), I can’t support practices like that with my money.
splatoon 2 is still way fun. I got tired of playing with such a fast pace tho

Splatoon 3 sounds to be incentivizing addictive patterns to fill a void of neglect or a lack of love somewhere in your life. Straight up uncool from nintendo.
However, I have a huge issue with the catalog you get with each new season. It’s essentially a battle pass, which I’d have no issue with… if I didn’t pay full price for the game. I don’t even get through a quarter of the catalog before the end of the season. I usually end up with a banner, title, and an ugly pair of shoes. Why can’t they let us complete the catalog on our own time? I feel like I’m missing out on so much content when I start the game and they recycle my unfinished catalog without my consent.
True, I try to finish the catalogs before the season ends but it puts so much pressure on me to play more if I want all the items for that season. It makes playing feel more like a job than something I do just for fun, feels like Nintendo is trying to get people to play everyday. Also with the catalog they might also be doing a 'fear of missing out' thing. Like a 'if you don't play a ton to finish the catalog then you'll miss out on the cool emote everyone is using!' type of thing. I just hope that by the time Splat3 stops getting updates all the catalog items will be added to the rotation of shop items that can be bought.
True, I try to finish the catalogs before the season ends but it puts so much pressure on me to play more if I want all the items for that season. It makes playing feel more like a job than something I do just for fun, feels like Nintendo is trying to get people to play everyday. Also with the catalog they might also be doing a 'fear of missing out' thing. Like a 'if you don't play a ton to finish the catalog then you'll miss out on the cool emote everyone is using!' type of thing. I just hope that by the time Splat3 stops getting updates all the catalog items will be added to the rotation of shop items that can be bought.
splatoon 2 sounds more like a place to stay
i 100% agree and it's soooo frustrating. they set up 3 to expect you to be grinding on it ALL the time, but it doesnt have enough kits or maps to keep it interesting.
I love Splatoon 3, but I agree with these gripes. The catalogs are underwhelming, the maps are boring, and weapon kits are lacking..
They also removed a bunch of things from the previous games that doesn't make any sense, like the ability to see other people's levels or ranks when you're paired up with them or removing a proper checkpoint system in Salmon Run. I could easily reach Max Hazzard in Splat2 because of the checkpoint system, it would save to Professional 400 and I would be able to reach Max in a day. Now in Splat 3, even if you reach VP 400 on a stage, the next time you play that stage, you're set back to VP 40??? Is almost impossible now to reach Max Hazzard or a specific point goal without basically grinding the whole rotation.. you also have to factor the fact the weapons you're dealing with and if you're going in solo or not.
Speaking of grinding, the grinding in this game is terrible. Grinding for the catalog, fish scales in salmon run, reaching a certain point level in salmon run, ect. I get that they want people to keep playing the game, but this is NOT it.
I love Splatoon 3, but I agree with these gripes. The catalogs are underwhelming, the maps are boring, and weapon kits are lacking..
They also removed a bunch of things from the previous games that doesn't make any sense, like the ability to see other people's levels or ranks when you're paired up with them or removing a proper checkpoint system in Salmon Run. I could easily reach Max Hazzard in Splat2 because of the checkpoint system, it would save to Professional 400 and I would be able to reach Max in a day. Now in Splat 3, even if you reach VP 400 on a stage, the next time you play that stage, you're set back to VP 40??? Is almost impossible now to reach Max Hazzard or a specific point goal without basically grinding the whole rotation.. you also have to factor the fact the weapons you're dealing with and if you're going in solo or not.
Speaking of grinding, the grinding in this game is terrible. Grinding for the catalog, fish scales in salmon run, reaching a certain point level in salmon run, ect. I get that they want people to keep playing the game, but this is NOT it.
that settles it, splatoon 2 was peak splatoon. I get so tired of the game sometimes anyways the same thing over and over. I mean like- in the idea that splatoon 2 is awesome