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Opinions on New Leaf?

New Leaf is good. 👍 What I liked most about it was hanging out with strangers through Club Tortimer. 🐢 I like whacking friends with the toy mallet and using the grand selection of emotions whenever I type on the keyboard or just for fun. 🤪😡😍😕 It was also cool to Streetpass people and see their homes in that HHA thing. I didn't browse social media much back when New Leaf and the 3DS was popular, so seeing new perspectives on other player's interiors was interesting. 🏠🔍🤔

Bunjolio, is New Leaf your first Animal Crossing game or why is it the one you play most? I've been replaying it recently in Japanese as a way to rekindle my enthusiasm for Animal Crossing and as a means of practicing the language. 🎌 I hope to play online on it again soon before the servers shut down. My home internet is doo-doo 💩 though, so I gotta work on that obstacle first. Damn T-Mobile... 🤬📶
I liked it as it was my very first AC game. I did hate how frequently those ugly Gyroids kept showing up and unwanted Residents just moving in randomly.
New Leaf is good. 👍 What I liked most about it was hanging out with strangers through Club Tortimer. 🐢 I like whacking friends with the toy mallet and using the grand selection of emotions whenever I type on the keyboard or just for fun. 🤪😡😍😕 It was also cool to Streetpass people and see their homes in that HHA thing. I didn't browse social media much back when New Leaf and the 3DS was popular, so seeing new perspectives on other player's interiors was interesting. 🏠🔍🤔

Bunjolio, is New Leaf your first Animal Crossing game or why is it the one you play most? I've been replaying it recently in Japanese as a way to rekindle my enthusiasm for Animal Crossing and as a means of practicing the language. 🎌 I hope to play online on it again soon before the servers shut down. My home internet is doo-doo 💩 though, so I gotta work on that obstacle first. Damn T-Mobile... 🤬📶
technically new horizons was my first but I don't play it much, new leaf is my second and my favorite tbh
New Leaf is my favourite AC game! It’s also the game that really got me into the series, despite not being my first game (that was Wild World). I feel like nostalgia has grown to play a big part in my love for New Leaf, but it’s really an incredible game overall, and definitely the best in the series so far imo!

There’s so much about New Leaf that I loved. It was such a fun game even before the Welcome Amiibo update, which I admittedly didn’t play much. 😅 I loved Tortimer’s Island, and have many fond memories of staying up later than I was supposed to just to farm rare beetles and fish. The mini-games were also super fun, even though I played them by myself most of the time! I never built up the courage to use Club Tortimer more than a few times, but it was admittedly a really cool feature! Shame that it’s not considered safe to use anymore due to the risk of running into a hacker.

Streetpass was a lot of fun! I didn’t really Streetpass many people as I didn’t think to bring my 3DS with me when I went out much, so it was practically like finding treasure to me whenever I did Streetpass someone. 😂 I enjoyed looking at the houses of everyone I Streetpassed, and especially liked when I started getting rewards for Streetpassing certain players more than once! I loved the balloons the most!

There’s honestly very little about New Leaf that I didn’t like. I loved getting to work part-time at The Roost. Taking on the role of mayor was fun, even though it was frustrating trying to unlock the PWPs you wanted at times. All of the new villagers that New Leaf introduced were delightful, and I love that it was the start of our characters finally having legs long enough that I could see them. Earning badges and finding Phineas wandering around town after always made the completionist part of me very happy. I loved Main Street and getting to see villagers that used to live in my town there, getting to remodel the Train Station and Town Hall exteriors, playing hide-and-seek with my villagers, all of the small events, the town tree, the tropical and perfect fruits, etc!!

The only things I didn’t like about New Leaf was the fact that villagers could move out without permission, and that you couldn’t relocate buildings. I also don’t miss having to plot reset whenever a new villager moves in at all. I’m really grateful that New Horizons fixed those things, but I miss all of the amazing qualities and features that New Leaf had. An AC game that combines New Horizons’ features and graphics with New Leaf’s features would honestly be the perfect game to me.
It’s a great game. I just wish we could prevent villagers from moving out though. I love that in New Horizons, you don’t have to worry about your favorite villagers moving out.
New Leaf is my favourite AC game! It’s also the game that really got me into the series, despite not being my first game (that was Wild World). I feel like nostalgia has grown to play a big part in my love for New Leaf, but it’s really an incredible game overall, and definitely the best in the series so far imo!

There’s so much about New Leaf that I loved. It was such a fun game even before the Welcome Amiibo update, which I admittedly didn’t play much. 😅 I loved Tortimer’s Island, and have many fond memories of staying up later than I was supposed to just to farm rare beetles and fish. The mini-games were also super fun, even though I played them by myself most of the time! I never built up the courage to use Club Tortimer more than a few times, but it was admittedly a really cool feature! Shame that it’s not considered safe to use anymore due to the risk of running into a hacker.

Streetpass was a lot of fun! I didn’t really Streetpass many people as I didn’t think to bring my 3DS with me when I went out much, so it was practically like finding treasure to me whenever I did Streetpass someone. 😂 I enjoyed looking at the houses of everyone I Streetpassed, and especially liked when I started getting rewards for Streetpassing certain players more than once! I loved the balloons the most!

There’s honestly very little about New Leaf that I didn’t like. I loved getting to work part-time at The Roost. Taking on the role of mayor was fun, even though it was frustrating trying to unlock the PWPs you wanted at times. All of the new villagers that New Leaf introduced were delightful, and I love that it was the start of our characters finally having legs long enough that I could see them. Earning badges and finding Phineas wandering around town after always made the completionist part of me very happy. I loved Main Street and getting to see villagers that used to live in my town there, getting to remodel the Train Station and Town Hall exteriors, playing hide-and-seek with my villagers, all of the small events, the town tree, the tropical and perfect fruits, etc!!

The only things I didn’t like about New Leaf was the fact that villagers could move out without permission, and that you couldn’t relocate buildings. I also don’t miss having to plot reset whenever a new villager moves in at all. I’m really grateful that New Horizons fixed those things, but I miss all of the amazing qualities and features that New Leaf had. An AC game that combines New Horizons’ features and graphics with New Leaf’s features would honestly be the perfect game to me.
u should mod ur 3ds incase u encounter a hacker, then u can revert anything they did to u
I like this game a lot!! Pretty much everything I like about this game has been said lol. I really love the “life” put into this game, like the special NPCs- seeing Phineas wandering around waiting to give you a badge, seeing Pete deliver the mail at 9 am or 5 pm, hearing Lyle talking about Tom Nook’s relationships with other characters, overhearing villagers talk about the love lives of Pete, Pelly, Phyllis, and even the other sides to Isabelle. You could unlock so much stuff in this game; everyday you could get a new emotion from Shrunk, maybe get a PWP suggestion, and play new mini-games on Tortimer Island- and all the upgrades to Nookling’s stores, or Main Street in general. It made the game so fun to play for a long time.
I like NH more than NL and not because its newer. However, NL was my first AC game so I remember it fondly and several villagers I love now is because I played it. I'll list both the positives and negatives of NL

1. A good variety of furniture. This includes furniture series like the astro and gorgeous seried that I really miss. Even though NH has a lot of customisations, NL had a lot more unique items, in my opinion.
2. Club Tortimer had very fun and varied activities. The rewards were also unique so going there was worthwhile
3. Persimmons and tropical fruits. Persimmons are my favourite fruit since I'vd had them irl. I really miss banana trees. I think they could've put bananas in and it would give us even more food recipes. I also miss mangoes, durians, lychee and lemons too.
4. Perfect fruit. Loved them and giving them to villagers made me smile.
5. Streetpass gave access to many different designs and even furniture. I remember getting a lot of unique furniture from Streetpass.
6. An actual town/shopping district. One thing I dislike about NH is that I miss an urban area and more varied amount of things to do
7. Your role as mayor. As mayor, it felt your role was more important.

1. Villagers moving out unexpectedly. This is a serious negative, which I am glad they fixed
2. Villagers moving in unwanted spots.
3. Having only a certain amount of projects out
4. Grass deterioration and death of flowers. Grass weared off the more you walked on it. Flowers died if you didnt have Beautiful Town Ord up or if you didn't water them without the ordinance.
5. Badges. In my opinion, the badges are worse than the Nook Miles achievements. The OCD-me-then wanted all of the badges and they took a lot to complete.
omigosh, new leaf holds such a special place in my heart! it was my first introduction to the series and i got super attached to my town at the time 🩷

there are some noticeable improvements in new horizons that I'm totally loving. the graphics have rlly improved, and the level of detail in the scenery and the adorable character designs are on a whole new level. plus, the ability to terraform my island has been a game-changer

one thing I've really appreciated is the increased emphasis on online play and events. it's so much easier to connect with friends and visit their islands. the constant updates and seasonal events have kept things fresh, and the community engagement is incredible

but you know, there are a few things i kinda miss from nl. the dream suite was such a cool concept for visiting other towns without worrying about messing things up. and maybe it's just me, but it feels like some of the daily activities like talking to villagers have become a bit more repetitive ig
1. This is easily the the best game for furniture sets. Not only do we have classics (like lovely and regal) AND new ones (like rococo), but you can also have them refurbished into a color scheme of your liking. For example, I love having Cyrus refurbish the regal and rococo sets into the white and pink variants.
2. Five Nookling upgrades, making it the most. The overall shopping system in this game is pretty in-depth.
3. You only get letters from the HHA when you reach a mile stone. GC, WW, and even NH is absolutely obnoxious when it comes to these letters, and you cannot do a damn thing even in NH about them. Even in CF, I think you can opt out...
4. A variety of in-depth holidays.
5. Villagers can randomly send very sweet letters once you befriend them. The do this in NH too, which can be sweet too, but I prefer the NL ones.
7. Amiibo-ing villagers in your town is pretty much instant. It does take a couple days for them to move in, but you do not have to scan their Amiibo three different times for them to accept.
8. A lot of customization options for not only your interior, but also exterior.

1. Unfortunately, people seem to not feel my pain, but I hate the passing train on Main Street. It is incredibly frustrating when I have to go to Main Street, and the train has to pass by as soon as I want to go.
2. The luck system is forced on you, whereas it is basically a choice in the other games. And you have to wear a certain item to get good luck or prevent bad luck, and sometimes the item was specific.
3. Villagers can move in anywhere. Paula plotted her house today in my NL town. She placed her house right in front of one of my bridges. I can still cross it, but it is driving me insane. I wish you could relocate buildings too.
4. Villagers can move out if you TT or go on hiatus. Thank God this was solved in New Horizons. I do not get why people do not like the moving system in NH.
5. I do not like how PWPs are handled in this game
6. Tracking down villagers is a ******* nightmare. THIS is the sole reason why my museum in NL is still empty. The fact that we do not have some sort of villager tracker yet is beyond my comprehension.
1. This is easily the the best game for furniture sets. Not only do we have classics (like lovely and regal) AND new ones (like rococo), but you can also have them refurbished into a color scheme of your liking. For example, I love having Cyrus refurbish the regal and rococo sets into the white and pink variants.
2. Five Nookling upgrades, making it the most. The overall shopping system in this game is pretty in-depth.
3. You only get letters from the HHA when you reach a mile stone. GC, WW, and even NH is absolutely obnoxious when it comes to these letters, and you cannot do a damn thing even in NH about them. Even in CF, I think you can opt out...
4. A variety of in-depth holidays.
5. Villagers can randomly send very sweet letters once you befriend them. The do this in NH too, which can be sweet too, but I prefer the NL ones.
7. Amiibo-ing villagers in your town is pretty much instant. It does take a couple days for them to move in, but you do not have to scan their Amiibo three different times for them to accept.
8. A lot of customization options for not only your interior, but also exterior.

1. Unfortunately, people seem to not feel my pain, but I hate the passing train on Main Street. It is incredibly frustrating when I have to go to Main Street, and the train has to pass by as soon as I want to go.
2. The luck system is forced on you, whereas it is basically a choice in the other games. And you have to wear a certain item to get good luck or prevent bad luck, and sometimes the item was specific.
3. Villagers can move in anywhere. Paula plotted her house today in my NL town. She placed her house right in front of one of my bridges. I can still cross it, but it is driving me insane. I wish you could relocate buildings too.
4. Villagers can move out if you TT or go on hiatus. Thank God this was solved in New Horizons. I do not get why people do not like the moving system in NH.
5. I do not like how PWPs are handled in this game
6. Tracking down villagers is a ******* nightmare. THIS is the sole reason why my museum in NL is still empty. The fact that we do not have some sort of villager tracker yet is beyond my comprehension.

I don't get it, why is the museum empty? To prevent villagers from going there?

At least the megaphone exists though.
I don't get it, why is the museum empty? To prevent villagers from going there?

At least the megaphone exists though.
1. Yes, that’s why I’m holding off on donating anything for now. Because the museum has a lot of rooms and it makes tracking out villagers nearly impossible at times.

2. yes, but the megaphone only works if they’re outside. If they are in buildings, such as the museum, it will not work.

. . .

I wish there was an easy way to find out where villages are when they’re in buildings. For example, they could stay on their house “I’m not here. I’m in the fossil exhibit”

I feel like the fossil exhibit is my biggest downfall, it’s like a freaking maze. The other exhibits are at least easier to navigate through.
Nostalgia aside, I think the game had a lot going for it. Good hourly themes, fun new characters, tons of content for a 3DS game, the most customization options in the series up to that point, and excellent multiplayer. That said it’s not perfect.

The graphics in the game haven’t aged very well and are far from the best of what the 3DS had to offer. Going from New Horizons back to New Leaf is pretty rough visually. Characters out of the town too easily. I took regular breaks from the game throughout its life cycle and because of that my cast of villagers was never consistent. It felt like punishing the player for not playing every day. Dialogue in the game isn’t as interesting as Wild World or the original. They probably did that to make less kids upset, the same reason Resettis gone in New Horizons.
I played a lot of New Leaf on and off for a decade, it's easily one of the games I've put the most hours in. I was so attached I just couldn't bring myself to move on to another Animal Crossing game for the longest time. I still load it up now and then. I've played every other AC game and NL was just an improvement over all the older ones imo. I finally decided to stop playing regularly after I had finished most everything I wanted to do and the server shutting down convinced me I needed to just pick up New Horizons already if I'm going to continue playing AC. And oh man was I missing out with holding out on NH for so long. But at the same time it seemed good I waited since they added a lot of content over time so I get to experience the more complete version of the game.

But this thread is about NL... honestly after being able to compare the two, NH for the most part does many things better. I don't want to go too in depth into pros and cons since other posters have covered many of the points I agree with, so I'll just mention a few of the things that stood out to me. Better in NL: unbreakable tools, the background music (SO much better imo), Tortimer's island for easy money, the town tree, more fruits and perfect fruits. Better in NH: graphics, villagers not moving out randomly, building outside, villager interactions, more efficiently getting the Sanrio furnitures (and more types). And I guess theres some points I could take or leave either way like some different furniture sets in both games, while there's certain ones I liked in NL it's fine if they're not in NH since that encourages me to try completing different sets instead.