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Mario Super Mario RPG Remake (Nintendo Switch)

I’ve been planning on playing the original for a while now but haven’t gotten the chance. I really like the improved graphics on this remake so I’ll likely get it and finally play this neat looking game. :)
I’ve been planning on playing the original for a while now but haven’t gotten the chance. I really like the improved graphics on this remake so I’ll likely get it and finally play this neat looking game. :)
Yeah you should play the original its really fun! If you're a fan of RPG games then this will be one that you'll enjoy.
This is probably the game I'm most excited for this year. The fact that they appear to be remaining loyal to the source, down to the graphical style and music, really elevates this above what I would have expected.
This is probably the game I'm most excited for this year. The fact that they appear to be remaining loyal to the source, down to the graphical style and music, really elevates this above what I would have expected.

I completely agree. Super Mario RPG is my favorite game of all time. When I first saw they were redoing the graphics, I was worried... but after watching the trailer, I can't wait to play it. The characters all look super cute in the new art style, especially Bowser!
I'm excited! I never got to play the original but I love Rpgs so I'm looking forward to this. Also hoping it does well and they make more Rpg games🤞 (A return to old style paper mario? Probably wishful thinking...unless? 👀)
I'm thinking about getting this...Its tough for me personally tho because I need to figure out if I should get this or TotK and I can only choose one
This is a great day for really annoying people on Reddit.
genostans have been unbearable for the last 24 hours lmao

i am really excited for it though. i never played the original but it's been on my never-ending list of "i'll play it eventually." i guess now i don't have an excuse to put it off anymore
Was not expecting this!
I mean I know Mario RPG is beloved by all, and Geno is everyone’s favorite character, but I had heard that the relationship between Square and Nintendo was tumultuous at best so the idea of this game being gloriously resurrected seemed unlikely to me, but here we are! Will be buying for sure!

I really hope this means we have a chance at getting Mario RPG amiibo lol
I’d totally be down to play this, lol. I liked the original but I played it at a super young age. I recall almost nothing, lol. I remember wanting the game because you could play as Bowser, who was my favorite character. I know he’s the main antagonist in the franchise but I really wanted to play as him, lol.
I’m super excited! I’ve always wanted to play this game but I don’t have a SNES and even if I did the game is still pretty expensive even out of the box and used and the SNES Mini is both hard to find and expensive.
I'm so excited for this. Super Mario RPG was the first SNES I had ever played on original hardware and it's one of my favorite games of all time. It looks like they're keeping it very faithful to the original which I'm glad they're doing. With the Mario & Luigi remakes (more so the BIS remake) the side games were completely forgettable and the trivial amount of story development it added was not worth the effort to get to it. If all they do is update the graphics and audio and leave everything else untouched, I will be so happy. Unfortunately that doesn't seem like that will be the case because of the attack chains and action gauge. Hopefully these will make the battles more interesting and not become "press A to win" features. It looks and sounds so beautiful so far and I've been waiting for this remake for years. While it's no sequel, it's just about the next best thing.
I haven’t played the original, but I do like turn-based rpgs. This looks promising.

For those that played the original, are there a lot of platform like elements? For example, in the video there’s an area with lava, floating bricks, and fireballs that shoot up. What happens if we don’t dodge the fireballs? Does it trigger a fight or does it hurt Mario until it’s game over?
I haven’t played the original, but I do like turn-based rpgs. This looks promising.

For those that played the original, are there a lot of platform like elements? For example, in the video there’s an area with lava, floating bricks, and fireballs that shoot up. What happens if we don’t dodge the fireballs? Does it trigger a fight or does it hurt Mario until it’s game over?
Without spoiling anything the game does have some platforming in it and like what you saw in the trailer there are obstacles where you do have to do some platforming where you have to jump over blocks and if you stand on for too long they start to fall so becareful when doing so, if you fall into the lava you have to do over the obstacle course.
Without spoiling anything the game does have some platforming in it and like what you saw in the trailer there are obstacles where you do have to do some platforming where you have to jump over blocks and if you stand on for too long they start to fall so becareful when doing so, if you fall into the lava you have to do over the obstacle course.
Thanks! Looks like I should wait for the demo first, if there will be one. I’m awful at platform games.
I haven’t played the original, but I do like turn-based rpgs. This looks promising.

For those that played the original, are there a lot of platform like elements? For example, in the video there’s an area with lava, floating bricks, and fireballs that shoot up. What happens if we don’t dodge the fireballs? Does it trigger a fight or does it hurt Mario until it’s game over?
If I remember right, there's no tangible consequence (i.e. lost lives, resources, etc.) for most of the platforming obstacles in the game aside from lost time. Also, the remake may change this, but the controls in this game are not similar to a platform game at all. Overworld movement is grid based like Pokémon or the 2D Final Fantasy games, so you can only move up, down, left, and right. As a result, the platforming segments that exist are generally much simpler in nature and don't require a lot of precision. They're more akin to puzzles which aesthetically resemble a Mario stage than an actual section of said stage. In short, I don't think you need to be good at platformers to play the game. Even if you played platformers as often as I do, the skills really don't carry over, but again, the remake could possibly change this.
I never played the original but I was still pleasantly surprised to see this getting a remake. It was so sudden too, a lot of people definitely weren't expecting it so fans must be mega excited, to be sure. I couldn't help but randomly think while watching the direct: if only Nintendo cared about the Earthbound series as much as they care about Mario. Only 3 main Earthbound games exist (not even a single spin-off game) and Nintendo can't even bother with Mother 3 lol now a remake of Earthbound would really and I mean REALLY get the internet buzzing.

While I'm a fan of RPGs, I don't think I'll be picking this one up. I understand it has its charm and appeal, I can see it plain as day, but something about it just doesn't interest me enough. Certainly not to the same extent that the OTHER mario RPG, that being Paper Mario N64 and TTYD, have intrigued me. Again, a remake of the OG Paper Mario or even just TTYD would REALLY make people lose their **** haha

I just find it funny that my YouTube recommends me this game almost all the time in the form of playthroughs. Now that the game is getting a remake, people have been returning to the original like crazy. It's like "Oh yeah! Super Mario RPG was a thing! This is a game that existed so better play it again!"