Surgery? Have you had one?


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Oct 22, 2018
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I’ve only had a couple surgeries in my life, one to take my appendix out when I was four, and my wisdom teeth out in my teens. What about you? Have you had any surgeries?
Thankfully, I’ve never had any surgery. I’m scared of ever having to (apart from wisdom teeth which I have coming up).
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I’ve only had my wisdom teeth removed back in 2019, but that’s about it. I remember falling asleep and then waking up in a chair in the hallway lol.
when i was a baby i had surgery to remove my extra thumb ! never had any surgery since then (and no thumbs have fortunately regrown)
i had a (non-wisdom) tooth removed at the hospital once because i didn't want to have root canal, and i'm a needle-phobe, so the thought of my mouth being injected in particular freaked me out. so, they put me under at the hospital instead. very minor, but i suppose it technically is surgery lol. it's the only time i've ever stayed at the hospital, even if not overnight, or been an in-patient!
I had surgery to remove my gallbladder back in 2016, that’s the only surgery I’ve had
i haven't had one, i've had two. the first was for my lung when i was in early highschool and i'd rather not disclose the second but it was definitely just as lifesaving
I was gonna say no but technically I had all four of my wisdom teeth out.
Yes, for my tonsils and adenoids when I was a kid, and also to get my wisdom teeth removed.
Yup,I had my gallbladder removed and also had two hernia surgeries for the same friggin'' hernia.I know they are not technically surgeries but I've also had three colonoscopies.Nothin' like having a tiny camera shoved up the ol' wazoo.
The only surgery I've ever had was getting my wisdom teeth removed last year.
idk if these would classify as “surgeries” but i’ve had wisdom teeth taken out (like 3 months ago) and on a separate occasion, four different teeth removed bc overcrowding. so i’ve had the pleasure of 8 teeth being ripped out of me, yipeee!! 🙃
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Ain't nobody takin' nothin' outta my body until the damn thing starts glowing red and blinking! 😤 Well, I suppose none of you all really chose to have some of that stuff happen to you, right? 🤔 Hey, whatever they do remove from me at some point... can I have it preserved in a jar and keep it? 😇 Why do you want to keep it? For science?? 🙄 Give it back to me, it's mine! I wanna poke at it and smell it. 😁
I had one wisdom tooth taken out years ago because it grew in crooked, collided into the molar next to it and caused an infection that required root canal treatment to fix. The other three remain in my mouth because I really didn't want to have them all removed at once. Now I kind of wish I had gotten it over with and had the other three removed back then, but alas.

That's all so far.
Probably not technically surgery but I had a lumbar puncture almost a year ago. That's about it so far..
I'm supposed to get like 3 or 4 wisdom teeth taken out all at once under general anaesthesia but I keep putting it off It's just so expensive..... and scary.. and expensive
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I had a metal rod inserted into my right arm when I broke it at around 9 years old..? The bones weren't healing properly, so they had to put a rod in to assist the bone healing process. The surgeon was having a really difficult time putting it in, so instead of having 2 scars, I have 3 💀 She accidentally sliced my arm trying to get the rod in.. but I really don't mind. Every doctor I had seen in the area for that arm break said it was the WORST break they'd ever seen. My ulna and radius had completely shattered.

Anyways, I've only had two surgeries. One to get the rod in, and then out. I got bribed with Taco Bell after both, so I was happy, LOL
Yup,I had my gallbladder removed and also had two hernia surgeries for the same friggin'' hernia.I know they are not technically surgeries but I've also had three colonoscopies.Nothin' like having a tiny camera shoved up the ol' wazoo.
My dad had like 6 hernias
I've had 3 surgeries in total. One to get my tonsils removed when I was really young. Two surgeries related to an ankle fracture. Anesthetic is just wild; it knocked me around for a good week or two. All I wanted to do is sleep after my first ankle surgery and I remember the nurses waking me up to take blood pressure, pulse etc. One of the nurses said to me that my blood pressure was really low at 5am in the morning and I literally said "that's nice" and went back to sleep LOL
I've had wisdom teeth removal and a tooth extraction. I'm very nervous about being knocked out so everything I've done was under local anesthesia. unfortunately for me the anesthesia didn't work too well so there was some pain :( high-school me was not happy.