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TBT's Lunar New Year 2024: Closing Ceremony

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Ahhhh I can't even describe how honored I feel to have been selected as one of only four(!) winners of each event. That's crazy! I'm so happy right now! ❤️😭 Thank you, truly 🥹

Only four per event, twelve total winners! It must've been especially hard to choose this time, I can't even. There were so many great entries (as always, duh), but considering the number of podium places, the decision would simply be impossible for me. I think I repeat this after every event, but you guys are so talented and creative and I just love it being here! ❤️
OH MY GOD???? I never thought I would win a shooting star after 2020 😭😭 Genuinely thank you so so much for giving people another chance to win this beauty!! @.: Meri :. thank you too for the congratulations! I am literally mailing the bouquet to you with next-day delivery 🥺

And huge congrats to all the other winners as well! You guys are all super skilled and are now owners of the best animated collectible ever (no, I will not take any arguments on this) 🫶🫶

YOOO CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!!!! Didn't think the winner pool would be pretty limited this time around (there were SO MANY good entries!!!), but that being said, all the winners absolutely deserved to be in the top spots!! 💖💖


shoutout too to my beloved @digimon YOU DID IT GIRL SHOOTING STAR REAL 🥹 IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! 💖💖💖

Can't wait to see everyone's fancy lineups with the new shooting stars!!!! 🫶🌠
Congratulations to all of the winners! It was so difficult narrowing things down -- I had a list of 13 entries for Draconic Designs alone. Your entries were all so amazing. also bless dizzy again for the gorgeous lineart 😩 💕
i was going to write something long and talk about all the entries that i liked but i dont think anyone needs to be subjected to that lmao itd be very long and sorta sappy

Hopefully you all enjoyed this event as much as I did, even though I know there were some things that seemed less-than-optimal. Trust me, we have a lot of notes and discussions. Maaany, many notes and discussions.

It's always a bit risky when we try new things, and so it's a bit of trial and error. Still, I hope the event as a whole was fun in some way!

Lunar New Year is something that I love a lot, so I was very excited when the prospect of a LNY event came up (huge thanks to Chris for that)! Seeing all of your amazing submissions and just seeing celebrations for it in general meant a lot to me 💕 isolated chinese diaspora feels ayyo

In any case: thank you all, whether you participated in the events (even if just one or two), or watched from the sidelines! I hope you'll all have good luck and fortune for the entire year 🧧

and sit tight cause the next event will be here... soon. help
Congrats to the winners!!! 🥳 Ya'll did amazing work, I loved these! Great job! I'm going to respectfully ogle your shooting stars... 👀

Thanks staff for organizing and hosting these events!
I loved so many of the entries-- and I would have a terribly difficult time voting, so I do prefer that responsibility falls on the staff. Haha, sorry, I know you have enough to do! I will always prefer staff over community voting, because then I don't have the stress of producing an early entry for visibility or having the multiple rounds of voting to bite my nails over, etc.

If this award format (no overlap and only one vote each event) is going to continue, I think this how I am going to react:
1. Wait until the last minute to enter, so I can conserve my energy for the events I think I can compete in.
2. See all the amazing entries and get distracted.
3. YEET an entry anyway, realizing I can't really compete after going through an emotional rollercoaster. / Maybe forget to enter events because I waited too long.
4. Take my participation points and go about my day. / Wilhelm scream as I fall out of bed and crush my glasses if I do win. (I have multiple pairs).

I think if there are amazing entries, then they shouldn't be excluded from the awards, so that if there are any staff vote conflicts (be it overlap or indecision between multiple entries), maybe there can be a vote for 2 or more faves per event. Great work should be recognized. Also, I don't like the idea of induced collectible rarity, if that was a goal, especially for these non-tradeable awards. Not a single winner would complain if there are more winners.

Again, ty for considering all the feedback. 🙏
This was such a fun new event, thank you staff! :D I hope that whether or not we have more Lunar New Year events *fingers crossed we do*, we will still get all twelve zodiac figurines released in the next 11 years :LOL:

Also, huge congrats to all the winners!! <3 So many amazing entries, it must have been insanely difficult to narrow it down!!!
Congratulations to all of the winners! 🎉✨💗 There were honestly so many amazing dragons! I am always in awe of how much talent TBT has. 😭 I also really liked seeing the variety of lanterns that people made! ✨🐉

Thank you staff for another great event! Despite feeling time poor lately, I really enjoyed participating in all of the activities! It would be hard to pick a favourite! ⭐🐉💗
SHOOTING STAR FINALLY FOR @lieryl AND @digimon!!!!!!

A massive congrats to all of the winners, though!! I love the diversity among all of the Staff Favourites; I think it’s beautiful how they were all made for the same events and to celebrate the same thing, Lunar New Year, and yet they are still all unique and creative in their own ways!! The talent and creativity in this community never fails to astound me! 🖤 I hope all of the winners enjoy their Shooting Stars!!

Though, whether you won a Staff Favourite or not, I want to emphasize just how incredible all of the entries were, for all 3 creative events! The New Horizons design events always leave me feeling inspired after, and Flicker & Fortune is no different! I’m truly in awe of all of the unique stunning, creative builds that everyone came up with! I can tell I’ll still be admiring them all for months to come! All of the Draconic Design dragons were insanely beautiful! Even just the traditional green or red dragons were magnificent! There are so many personal faves that I would’ve loved to see up there as well, but I’m so blown away by all of your talents! I’ve had so much fun scrolling through all of the entries! I could never be staff because I’d want to give everyone prizes 😭 I didn’t participate in Bright Beginnings, but it was such a delight seeing all of the beautifully-designed lanterns you all came up with! Some of them truly rendered me speechless, they were so good!!

I’d like to echo everyone else’s sentiments that I wouldn’t mind this format of voting returning for future events where there’s no perks (ex. no additional event currency) to placing more than once! I would’ve definitely loved to see more people win a Staff Favourite though, since there were so many other remarkable entries that I think deserved recognition as well. Maybe a way to “rectify” this would be allowing any other staff members who are available/want to to choose a favourite from future events like this as well, so that there’s more than just a few winners per event? Similar to what jadetine said, I don’t think anyone would complain if there were more winners!

Overall, this was a lovely event! I hate that I felt so poorly both mentally and physically for a big chunk of it and couldn’t enjoy it to my fullest potential, but I’m really happy that I got to participate as much as I could, and that I could help the community a bit in reaching 2k Red Envelopes for Red Riches! I don’t personally celebrate Lunar New Year, but I’m so grateful for all of the different traditions that I got to learn about throughout this event!

I think this event was a breath of fresh air, and a nice little change from the usual Valentine’s event though, those are ofc fun as well! I would love to see this event return again! Especially in 2035 for Year of the Rabbit, since I want a Zodiac Rabbit collectible xnxjcnch
Thank you staff for another fun event! And brand new collectibles :love:
But it seems like I won't have the time to be a little sad because the next event is coming so soon :eek: like in a week
I'm so curious about it, do I need to polish my 3DS, perhaps I should buy another computer this week (I really should...)
What to do?
What if it's a writing event?
Oh the public humiliation...
congrats to all the winners (including the lucky raffle winners!!) !! thank you again staff for bringing lunar new years to the forum, it was such a nice surprise to see it included and it was such a fun event. I hope it stays around for many more years to come! Can’t wait for all the other exciting events this year! 🎉
The Shooting Stars have been distributed! We're offering date changes for these, so feel free to request any date and time (EST) from February 10th - 29th by posting a thread in Contact the Staff.

Also, if you didn't notice in The Luck of the Dragon thread, the fortune cookie prizes were distributed yesterday. We are not offering date changes for these since there are so many. If you received a Dragon Token, it should have given you a notification. If you received a collectible, it would have simply appeared in your inventory with no notification.
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