TBT's Sixth Annual Easter Egg Hunt

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It was pretty easy to tell they were jokes. I mean the image for Jeremy's Resetti Egg was named "easterEggJokeJPEG.png".
Oh my god egg 21, I went to page 1313 in the What's Bothering You thread LOL somehow didn't occur to me to check page 13.

The clues were all delightfully clever! And the eggs look great too, I'm really happy with the ones I picked. :D
Seems I'm a bit late to the egg changing party, but, wow! My egg turned very beautiful! More beautiful than I anticipated! :D
-on my knees- pls tell me i got the eevee egg --

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SHOOKETH, i'm so smart i love myself, i made the right choice AAAAAAA
1 random letter from each of the other eggs can be assembled to spell out the final clue

This must happen

Oh my goodness I can totally see something like this happening now... and I thought this year?s clues were torturous enough lol!!

I hope you get a ?special mention? if/when it happens, just so we can all remember to *thank* you for inspiring it. :p
Oh my goodness I can totally see something like this happening now... and I thought this year?s clues were torturous enough lol!!

I hope you get a ?special mention? if/when it happens, just so we can all remember to *thank* you for inspiring it. :p

I will be the first bell tree user to be banned by popular vote
And I'll be the first one to sign it lmao.

Noted! :D

I'm just gonna hope it's not needed though. Coz I don't think any amount of successful banning would make up for the mind-wreck caused by trying to solve that kind of clue. My poor brain gave up at trying to work out clue # 11 this year, I don't think I could come back from *worse* than that!!

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Does it count if it’s an encrypted code-egg with no indication that a code exists

Uhhh could you please stop trying to come up with even more diabolical scenarios?? @.@

LMAO. You all fooled me with the eggs! I haven't been on for a few days so Im seeing all these eggs now. XD
Yay for the Eevee one!!
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