Tom Nook is misunderstood, and it hurts my soul.


pink is the warmest colour
Yoshi's Islanders
Jul 2, 2017
New Leaf Token
Green Bunny Balloon
Snow Bunny
Green Moon Jellyfish
I KNOW THIS IS A SILLY POST and Im sure it been done before by someone or another but ok.
For a preface, I personally don't believe in 'hating' villagers/NPCs. I really don't care if you do, that's fine everyone is gonna have opinions but personally, I love every single character in AC, even if I shouldn't. And I love Tom Nook too. Another note to make is AC is like.. my 'thing' I have spent countless hours learning about the NPCs and I could talk for days about it, and I will if anybody replies to this with a comment that gives me the chance to. For this post Im pulling from my own memories of past games, videos, whole blog posts and other such things.

I think a lot of the 'I hate Nook' sentiment probably stems from GameCube days where house upgrades were not optional and he just kind of threw bigger houses and bigger loans at you like a *cough* loan shark,,,, but when you look at Nook with context from prior games and just think critically about him for a minute he's low-key such a good guy, and I want to make my silly little 'in defense of Tom Nook post'.
If anybody can be bothered to read through this I would be interested to see your perspective on Nook... do you like him? Or is there just something that's not for you?

So here it is - In defense of my favorite Tanuki:
- He gives you a whole house. a whole house, and he doesn't want interest when you pay it off.. It is a base rate with no (known) profit margin for himself... he literally doesn't even care if you don't pay it off at all. You could sit in your little wild world 4 x 4 cabin for all of eternity doing nothing but eating fruit and he would just be like :) ok chill :). I'm sure like 99% of us would literally kill to have a landlord like Tom Nook.

- Carrying on from my house point... if the house wasn't good enough for you he literally makes you the Resident Rep of an entire island. He literally lets you run the place. By all accounts, it's HIS island, and a getaway package he offered to you, but he lets you take full control and will just happily let you do whatever you wish to the island to make it your own

- People think (especially in older games) that he is harsh and toughened out, and he does say in HHD that he is okay with being viewed as intimidating as it can encourage people to pay their loans, but I think he is just a man who has absolutely been through it and the way he came into adulthood forced him to toughen himself up. He left for the city with plans to become a successful businessman but it's well known that those plans failed and he had a bad time, including negative encoutners with Redd. So for the 'he's too tough' thing I just think that he hardened his shell because sometimes thats what you need to do in the world, and that doesn't make him bad.

- The Nooklings. It is confirmed (and I assume common knowledge) that Timmy and Tommy aren't related to Nook. He adopted them as orphans and taught them about how to have good business practices because of how he suffered himself early in his career when he left for the city, and he did not want that for the twins. You can't tell me thats not wholesome. He literally had no obligation to care, but instead chose to dedicate the better part of his adult life to teaching these twins how to be successful and financially secure in business.

- It was confirmed in HHD that he donates 90% of the bells he makes in profits to an orphanage 'three towns over', presumably because of his experience raising the Nooklings. he also asks the player if they donate to charity and suggests they give it a shot. There is nothing but kindness in that little mans heart.

- This one comes from my Wild World days, but I do recall that when starting the game Tom was very bossy, and could come across as mean. But I think this could be linked towards the Nooklings idea. For him being late, unprofessional and the such were things that caused him hardship, and so I would theorise that he is simply strict because that is what he learned he had to be to be okay, and he wants others to get the same idea.

- Also in Wild World it is said by Sable that despite failing terribly and facing being extremely broke, Nook would still find the time to write her letters, and even sent her a pair of very nice (expensive) sewing scissors for her birthday, despite his struggles. He also says that her 'wisdom still guides him' and expresses regret for pushing her away wishing that he hadn't. A truly caring man.
- AC's creators themselves said that Tom Nook is kind, and wants to teach the players about responsibility as well as the fact that, in regards to loans and business, he won't get angry at them.

Also by the way in case you would like to know some fun (cute) facts about him, his birthday is May 30th, he likes to tend to his garden as he says it keeps him humble and talks about how as a schoolboy he was quite mischievous and was known for not handing in schoolwork when it was due. Sable reports that he has a 'beautiful singing voice' and said he had such a 'pure spirit' she was afraid the world would be too harsh on his soul.

I know this is a silly post but I just really really really wanted to express that I think Mr Nook gets a lot more hate then he deserves, he's an experienced and caring businessman and I don't care if he's just a game character he is deserving of love and praise for all that he's done.
You're totally right. I wish I had a landlord like Tom Nook. I don't know why people hate him. I've only played New Leaf and New Horizons, but based on both games, I think he's a good guy! He's also quite adorable ^_^

I really enjoyed reading this to learn his backstory. Thank you! :)
That's what I thought. When NH got popular pretty much every big journalism site was calling him a filthy manipulative capitalist, but I never thought that. Yeah, he was a bit of a jerk on Gamecube, but pretty much everyone on GC was a jerk lol. And I never knew that about Timmy and Tommy! I always thought they were his nephews. Either I believed a lie or didn't read into the AC lore enough.
He was a lot brasher in the early games (especially GCN,) but even then, he doesn’t charge interest and sells you a house when you just moved into town with no money whatsoever. And doing the math as an adult, he sold that house for dang cheap. (Though he also paid you TERRIBLY for your part-time work at his store with said math.) Once he got into real estate in New Leaf, and therefore stopped requiring part-time work as the tutorial, he mellowed out a lot as well. I’m glad he’s happy.

(I think the Nookling lore was only made explicit in certain events in Wild World, so it was easy to miss and may have been implied to the contrary once or twice elsewhere.)
i tend to avoid posts like this as since i don’t have much of an opinion on tom nook, i never have anything to add to the discussion. however, i’ve never disliked him, and reading this has actually helped me finally form an opinion on him — he’s good.

did having to briefly work for him in wild world irritate younger me a bit? absolutely, but he really is a good dude, and i wouldn’t hesitate to cut off my left big toe to have a landlord like him irl. plus, the fact that he took timmy and tommy under his wing is so sweet, and his and sable’s backstory is so sweet as well. ❤

also, this is slightly off-topic, but what’s the point of giving the npcs birthdays if we don’t get to celebrate them? like, let me wish mr. nook a happy birthday smh.
You're totally right. I wish I had a landlord like Tom Nook. I don't know why people hate him. I've only played New Leaf and New Horizons, but based on both games, I think he's a good guy! He's also quite adorable ^_^

I really enjoyed reading this to learn his backstory. Thank you! :)

Thank you so much, I love talking about the back story, especially for Nook because I think he is so misrepresented. Particularly in the last two games he has become a much softer character and has taken the back burner (in NL) from running the whole shopping district to just running Nook Homes which I think was a cute detail.

That's what I thought. When NH got popular pretty much every big journalism site was calling him a filthy manipulative capitalist, but I never thought that. Yeah, he was a bit of a jerk on Gamecube, but pretty much everyone on GC was a jerk lol. And I never knew that about Timmy and Tommy! I always thought they were his nephews. Either I believed a lie or didn't read into the AC lore enough.
I miss the jerkiness of GC, but that aside yeah it's pretty common that people think they are his nephews. It's like... 'accepted' that they're his family but you can get dialogue in games around town where villagers will disclose to you that they heard rumors that they're not related at all, and Tom himself confirms this in HHD. I guess unless you've seen all these tiny tid bits you wouldn't be in a position to know they're not related; I didn't for years!

He was a lot brasher in the early games (especially GCN,) but even then, he doesn’t charge interest and sells you a house when you just moved into town with no money whatsoever. And doing the math as an adult, he sold that house for dang cheap. (Though he also paid you TERRIBLY for your part-time work at his store with said math.) Once he got into real estate in New Leaf, and therefore stopped requiring part-time work as the tutorial, he mellowed out a lot as well. I’m glad he’s happy.

(I think the Nookling lore was only made explicit in certain events in Wild World, so it was easy to miss and may have been implied to the contrary once or twice elsewhere.)
The way he paid for the part time work was shocking and I won't lie I despised working for him but yeah the mellowing out was some of my favourite AC character development over the years.
And yeah pretty much all the lore from Wild World is hidden away behind certain weird triggers that can be difficult to set off; I literally played ACWW for 7 years as a child and barely learnt about Nook and the twins.

Nook and K.K. were always the best OG's imo haha never disliked either and never will : )
I love KK, I could make a whole post on his rise to success from simple train station concerts to being the hero of villagers all around, but I completely agree they're the best OGs.

i tend to avoid posts like this as since i don’t have much of an opinion on tom nook, i never have anything to add to the discussion. however, i’ve never disliked him, and reading this has actually helped me finally form an opinion on him — he’s good.

did having to briefly work for him in wild world irritate younger me a bit? absolutely, but he really is a good dude, and i wouldn’t hesitate to cut off my left big toe to have a landlord like him irl. plus, the fact that he took timmy and tommy under his wing is so sweet, and his and sable’s backstory is so sweet as well. ❤

also, this is slightly off-topic, but what’s the point of giving the npcs birthdays if we don’t get to celebrate them? like, let me wish mr. nook a happy birthday smh.
I'm glad I helped you find a stance on him! The Tom Nook opinions can be very polarising, so I would often avoid them myself but I couldn't help but advocate for him at least a little bit.
I'll be 100% honest. I literally hated working for him in wild world so much I would actively refuse to do the work. I was a chronic game resetter and every time I reset I would get as far in the game as I could without actually doing any work (which wasn't very far lol) but he is a good man. The context from Sable is definitely a nice addition, knowing that they spend their childhoods together.
Finally, YES. I want to celebrate NPC birthdays!!! I'm in love with Sable and Tom and Flick and I wanna celebrate their damn birthdays </3
I totally agree with you on this. Yeah the amounts of loans are high sometimes and he can definitely seem like a stickler, but it is pretty cool how lax he is about you paying off your loan right away. He’s always friendly and isn’t nagging you about it constantly.
I think they’ve friendlied him up a bit in the newer games, it was the past games especially WW that left resentful or annoyed feelings towards him.. but it’s been a while since then so I’ve definitely forgotten a lot of that.
okay but, can you let me know what the backstory between Redd and nook? I’ve never heard it before and I’m super curious now. Either that or I’ve forgotten it from when it was in a past game.
I totally agree with you on this. Yeah the amounts of loans are high sometimes and he can definitely seem like a stickler, but it is pretty cool how lax he is about you paying off your loan right away. He’s always friendly and isn’t nagging you about it constantly.
I think they’ve friendlied him up a bit in the newer games, it was the past games especially WW that left resentful or annoyed feelings towards him.. but it’s been a while since then so I’ve definitely forgotten a lot of that.
okay but, can you let me know what the backstory between Redd and nook? I’ve never heard it before and I’m super curious now. Either that or I’ve forgotten it from when it was in a past game.
Oh hell yeah I can tell you okay so basically:
When Tom was a young adult, he left for the city to start his own business but faced extreme hardship and 'pitfalls' , he admits to his shady past and admits that Redd played a part in his struggle and subsequent failure that caused him to return from the city after what he calls 'The incident'. We don't know what 'the incident' is as he wont expand on it any further but he DOES say that 'foxes are not to be trusted and also outrightly said that working for Redd has caused him issues in the past. Sable mentions that when he came back he was a 'changed man' after her worries of the city being too bad for his pure soul.
People generally theorize one of two things for the Tom and Redd ordeal: Either Redd robbed him/did some shady business that caused Tom harm such as fake goods orrrr on the more humorous side others suspect a failed relationship between the two could be 'the incident' and could be causing their hatred. In defense of the later there is a quote from Tom that says 'I lost more than just money... I lost a friend.'
Regardless of if it's romantic, platonic or strictly business, it's a sad situation for Nook!
I just dislike how him, Timmy, and Tommy follow you around the store like you’re a criminal. That’s literally the main reason I dislike him. It doesn’t have anything to do with his loans or him wanting your money. Minus that, he’s an okay character I guess.
Oh hell yeah I can tell you okay so basically:
When Tom was a young adult, he left for the city to start his own business but faced extreme hardship and 'pitfalls' , he admits to his shady past and admits that Redd played a part in his struggle and subsequent failure that caused him to return from the city after what he calls 'The incident'. We don't know what 'the incident' is as he wont expand on it any further but he DOES say that 'foxes are not to be trusted and also outrightly said that working for Redd has caused him issues in the past. Sable mentions that when he came back he was a 'changed man' after her worries of the city being too bad for his pure soul.
People generally theorize one of two things for the Tom and Redd ordeal: Either Redd robbed him/did some shady business that caused Tom harm such as fake goods orrrr on the more humorous side others suspect a failed relationship between the two could be 'the incident' and could be causing their hatred. In defense of the later there is a quote from Tom that says 'I lost more than just money... I lost a friend.'
Regardless of if it's romantic, platonic or strictly business, it's a sad situation for Nook!
It seems likely from said quote that Redd and Nook were colleagues if not equal business partners and that Tom, at least, trusted and respected Redd before whatever betrayal of trust went down. Tom currently seems to trust Redd enough to accept his presence during fireworks festivals… but I feel certain Redd keeps his trawler on the north beach because he knows he’s UNWELCOME with his scams still. (An interesting speculation on that note, though: Lottie’s uncle Lyle used to be a shady insurance salesman, and worked with Redd. Eventually that job washed out, and he ultimately took a job with Nook Homes and went straight. From what we can tell in HHP, he’s still supporting Lottie in what seem to be legitimate ways, and has gradually seemed happier with the prospect than he was at first. EDIT: And when you invite Lyle to the Roost, he brings Digby - who he says he’s still working with, Lottie, and Tom Nook. As such, I suspect if Redd DID come asking for help and genuinely wanted to turn his life around, Tom would be cautious but willing to give him a chance. ONE chance, mind you, because while he might get willing to get burned again I can’t imagine he’d be okay with that risk towards the boys or to a lesser extent the islanders, but a genuine chance nonetheless.)
Also, today I just invited Lyle to the Roost and got the Happy Home Designer Nook Homes reunion, and Lottie attributes her success to Tom Nook’s mentorship. ‘I could never repay him for what I learned. And he doesn’t even charge interest!’ Love the game acknowledging that tidbit.
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Girl, honestly I am so happy you made this post! 🥺 Tom Nook is actually my favourite NPC in the whole game! He’s been there since day one, he’s always been so patient and helpful and allows you to take your own time, even YEARS 😂 - Heckkk a landlord would never let you do that in real life. Gosh help us. He’s had a sad backstory in Wild World. Tom Nook would become upset about it, which showed he cared. He helped Timmy and Tommy work their way up, starting from helping them to have a job and now in New Horizons, Timmy and Timmy have their own store. Tom Nook is misunderstood. I have always appreciated him, I don’t hate on any NPCs either and heck if that makes me bad then so be it. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I have like 4 plushies of Tom Nook (the most of one particular character) and I hope to get more one day, I’m proud. ^^ HECK I even had a birthday cake made last year for my 21st and I wanted him to be on the cake, which he was and I was the happiest and luckiest lady ever. 😊
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It seems likely from said quote that Redd and Nook were colleagues if not equal business partners and that Tom, at least, trusted and respected Redd before whatever betrayal of trust went down. Tom currently seems to trust Redd enough to accept his presence during fireworks festivals… but I feel certain Redd keeps his trawler on the north beach because he knows he’s UNWELCOME with his scams still. (An interesting speculation on that note, though: Lottie’s uncle Lyle used to be a shady insurance salesman, and worked with Redd. Eventually that job washed out, and he ultimately took a job with Nook Homes and went straight. From what we can tell in HHP, he’s still supporting Lottie in what seem to be legitimate ways, and has gradually seemed happier with the prospect than he was at first. EDIT: And when you invite Lyle to the Roost, he brings Digby - who he says he’s still working with, Lottie, and Tom Nook. As such, I suspect if Redd DID come asking for help and genuinely wanted to turn his life around, Tom would be cautious but willing to give him a chance. ONE chance, mind you, because while he might get willing to get burned again I can’t imagine he’d be okay with that risk towards the boys or to a lesser extent the islanders, but a genuine chance nonetheless.)
Also, today I just invited Lyle to the Roost and got the Happy Home Designer Nook Homes reunion, and Lottie attributes her success to Tom Nook’s mentorship. ‘I could never repay him for what I learned. And he doesn’t even charge interest!’ Love the game acknowledging that tidbit.
Love this
Don't understand why ppl hate Tom Nook when he doesn't put interest or deadlines on your mortgage. Pretty much the best landlord ever. You can do whatever you want with your property and ENTIRE ISLAND in the game too. Imagine a sadder AC world where you pay taxes and the Animal Homeowners Association tells you to take down your wreath because it doesn't match the rest of the island💀

I just dislike how him, Timmy, and Tommy follow you around the store like you’re a criminal. That’s literally the main reason I dislike him. It doesn’t have anything to do with his loans or him wanting your money. Minus that, he’s an okay character I guess.
You would have a terrible time in a Sephora irl if you haven't been before:ROFLMAO:
Tom Nook essentially gives you everything you need to succeed, and asks for virtually nothing in return. Then you make the community a better place with the help of your villagers, which benefits everyone!

"Tom Nook = Evil Capitalist" was a funny meme, but it's even more interesting to take a look at the actual dynamics of the game, where he's exceptionally generous (at least this time around).

Nowhere Grotesk on YouTube has a really interesting video essay series exploring Animal Crossing through a leftist utopian lens: "Your Island is a Commune". I highly recommend this series, which examines AC through the Japanese concept of furusato ("old home" or "hometown"), anarchism, and social ecology. The third part has a section on how Tom Nook supports community interdependence, starting right at the beginning!

I don't hate Tom nook, but be doesn't need to be so greedy with money. Lol.

The only npc I truley can't stand is Zipper. He's scary... and mean.
He let you pay-off your mortgage interest-free selling fish and fruit. What more could you ask for. Show me a landlord/bank that understanding. The evil capitalist jokes only makes sense if you're talking about previous games
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I really love him! He is so considerate and lets YOU decide when to pay him back. He is very misunderstood. He was a little rude in past games, he forced you to work for him, he would give you a prezzie that was really just unsellable, he would FORCE you to get a bigger house if you payed your loan off until New Leaf. He may have had a bad soul then but now his heart is bigger and he cares. He just wants to make some money. He is a kind and loving landlord :)
What an incredibly detailed and well exolained thread!!! I completely agree with you! I honestly think that the conception of.tom nook being greedy etc is a misconception made (innocently!) by people who dont know about his lore (?) I also believe that with the release of new horizons theres been an incredible influx of memes about tom nook being greedy etc that made new players genuinely start to believe that he is mean :( i actually think it became the trademark meme of the game which makes me sad because hes so much more than that... I dont know i just love him hehe
The main thing I hate about him (particularly in GCN and WW) is that he forces you to join the HRA, even though there is an option provided that you don't want to join.