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Unfavourable Celebration .::Horror Rp::.


Sickly Sweet <3
Dec 26, 2014
August Birthstone (Peridot)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
June Birthstone (Pearl)
May Birthstone (Emerald)
Togepi Easter Egg
April Birthstone (Diamond)
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
January Birthstone (Garnet)
.:: Unfavourable Celebration ::.


Welcome, Welcome! come one, and come all, A new Carnival has shown up in your very own town! Lucky Card Carnival has arrived on the spot, step right up and experience wonders beyond your wildest imagination!

Upon entering you realize that the rides are amazing, attractions even better, and the food is to die for.
So far Lucky Card Carnival lives up to all of the expectations one could wish for, and to make things even better it's All Hallow's Eve and the carnies happen to be Inviting you all to stay after 12 o'clock, speaking of grand prizes and excitement due once the clock tolls midnight.
With a spooky and fun concept, it must be worth it!..... right?

Perhaps wrong, the scenery once full of glee and cheer soon morphing and becoming eerie and frightening, the exit stuck shut and everything beyond the iron gates Is pitch black, as if nothing exists outside of this new horrifying carnival. the employees begin cackling as you try to wrap your mind around it.
oh no... this certainly wasn't the best decision after all.

  • Please use correct grammar!
  • Make sure each reply is at least three sentences! each sentence being at least five words.
  • No mary-sues!
  • Please do not godmod! if you do, I'll be sure to personally kick you out!

  • We don't accept roleplays that RP like this --> *Smiles kindly*
    We only accept this format of roleplay. -- > Suzuya grinned, quite pleased with himself.

  • If you are talking out of character, such as telling us you need to go, or want to just talk to us.
    Please use this format. (Hello guys! I need to go~) There will be NO OOC talking tolerated without this speech bubble.

  • Please stick to the story! do not go off and make your own story.
    We want This Roleplay to be scary, so don't just randomly decide it's going to be some laugh fest or make fun of it.

  • Shipping/Coupling is allowed, but ONLY if the other person agrees. you need to ask them in an PM or VM if it's Okay, because if it's not and they tell Us you are harassing them, we will have to give you warnings before we remove you from this Roleplay.

Be sure that an anime-styled photo is added at the end of your form

You are allowed to have only ONE player and ONE carnie, it is not required you play as both, but if there are too many players and no carnies, things could become tedious.




Carnival Talent?:
Things they hate:
Things they love:

Lolipup & InfinityFlames will be the Administrator and Moderator for this roleplay!

Name: Suzuya Juuzou
Age: 21
Gender: Male (Though he is usually always confused for female, so please contribute to this~)
Traits: Due to trauma from long before, he isn't very good at communication With people, living at an orphanage until recent. he only really shows happiness when He's talking with his adoptive dad. He can hurt people's feelings without even realizing it, though as heartless as it sounds. he really doesn't care either way.
Also, he's not very responsive to pain, which results in him passing out or getting very bad injuries because he doesn't understand the concept so well.
Personality: Eccentric, spontaneous, dense, sometimes childish and snarky
Other: Suzuya usually has about ten kinds of pocket knives with him at all times, along with his beloved sewing needle as he likes to stitch himself up from any cuts Or injuries. also noted how he likes to call his stitching 'Art'.


Name: Cato
Age: 19
Gender: M
Traits: high functioning sociopath (sociopath. a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience. A "high functioning" sociopath is someone at least moderately skilled at pretending to have a full range of emotions and a conscience) intelligent, appears normal
Personality: He is a chameleon of sorts, always changing the way he acts/faking emotions in order to be more favorable to people. If he appears to show interest in you, it's likely that he believes he'll gain something from that "relationship." He is prone to outbursts of anger, the only true emotion he feels, but will seemingly "forgive" in an instant. "Friends" are merely accomplices to him. Although he may warmly smile externally, inside he is cold and calculating. He does not fear the consequences of his actions.( Those who see his true self will likely believe he is a carnie)
Other: has never taken a life before.

Name: Ludivine (Prefers to be called Ludwig, purely based on simple preference.)
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Traits: Good at well-keeping a straight face in the worst situations, and to add, doesn't get very visibly distressed or scared, rather having her face boil up as if she had a fever and natural instinct goes from there. She can also do some cool things with her eyes or something like that.
Personality: Seemingly drab in her speech and action, but is actually easily pleased and excited. Highly enjoys the company of others, and has to shove her opinion in everything. At least in a normal, everyday situation. Very lax, but incredibly irritable when tired or scared. Either ways, she is at the least fairly amiable. Very pessimistic in danger and aimless, and very brittle and her mind tends to wander, and she shrinks and keeps to herself if that brittle shell is broken.

View attachment 170893

-melanie martinez
Name: Osamu Kanzaki
Age: 17
Gender: Transgender male
Traits: Calm and collected in dangerous situations, naturally isn't afraid of things classified as "scary", not very social and pretends like everything is fine, when it really isn't.
Personality: Very kind towards others, although before you get to know him he is cold towards you. Not caring about you, until you get close to him. The reason for this is because he doesn't like getting close to people, because he usually ends up hurting them.
Other: Osamu dresses like a girl, even though he is transgender. It's his personal preference and doesn't get mad when you misgender him, he will be kind and politely correct you. He doesn't get mad because since he looks like a girl, it's easy for people to confuse his gender. Osamu is bisexual as well.

Name: Noah Kye
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Traits: Noah has always been the fun type of guy to be around, being athletic, attractive, and talented. Talented in what? In puppetry, music, and drawing.
Personality: Noah is curious, kind, helpful, but is easily angered. If he sees someone who's hurt or having trouble with something, he'll try to help them right away.
Other: He's gay

Name: Hime Anya
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Traits: Not really afraid of things, as she was brought up sheltered. She's also kinda idiotic as she doesn't know what a lot of things are. Also speaks in a very formal tone.
Personality: Very curious, but also somewhat dumb in that she knows barely anything of the outside world. However, she is very cautious of men as her parents were gay and taught her that men were dangerous people and would do "bad things" to her.
Other: Brought up secluded and sheltered, and had never left the site of her parents' mansion until she turned 18 when she legally had to be let out. She's not really "used" to things so she'll be confused by a bit of stuff!

Name: James
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Traits: Trustworthy, bit of a smartass, can be nice when he wants too, but is otherwise a jerk.
Personality: James isn't the nicest of all people. He's basically a jerk. However, he does have a good side, but one would have to do a lot to get on it. He's a smartass. He'll crack a witty joke when he wants too.
Other: Just a quick side note, I'm not good at writing personalities. My characters often have a form of development, which leads me to just about never follow the personalities. It's the reason I kept it so short.


These people hold essential rules to help move the story forward and of course add a terrifying atmosphere~
You can apply the same way as you apply for players, however their 'talent' is required, and allowed to be supernatural if you so wish as they live in the 'dark realm' of the carnival, they will act as normal people until midnight strikes.

Name: Naegi Makoto
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Weapon:A talking teddy bear, that is most certainly alive and not just a toy
Carnival Talent?: Ultimate (Despair) Luckster, things tend to go exactly his way, being born with such an unnatural talent for Luck, Naegi's tricks tend to always be life threatening and amaze the audience with just how lucky he is to walk away from them, however due to this, tragedy loves to follow him wherever he may go.
Things they hate:Hope, being called wrong for anything that he believes in, people touching his stuffed animal will not be tolerated, miscalculating anything at all, his plans not reaching completion, Short shorts, broken toys, Cats due to being allergic.
Things they love:Despair, Sugary treats, games of any kind, Carnivals and their rides, getting excited from mass destruction and other's depression, people giving up. Romance movies where the bad guy gets the girl
Traits: Logical yet childish, extremely lucky to an unnatural degree, Fidgety and tends to tap his fingers a lot, tends to talk to his bear more than other people, his presence is hard to notice as his footsteps are quiet. often lost in thought.

Other: Has a very interesting secret to be revealed.


Name: Lani Zynd
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Weapon: Pistol
Carnival Talent?: Hypnosis
Things they hate: Acting her age, chocolate, normal folks
Things they love: Books, cake, lace, oddities, antiques, butterflies, children
Traits: Lani is a strange girl, often acting out of her age but never throwing a fit. Despite her looks, she is very warm, open, and friendly, but can turn on your back any minute. Lani seems to give off a dark vibe to some, being that she will be murderous at some points. Never able to form a trust with anyone
Other: She grew up on her own ever since she was 4

-melanie martinez
Name: Yukari Akiyama
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Weapon: Two circular swords
Carnival Talent?: Mind reading
Things they hate: Sadness, dark chocolate, rudeness and laziness.
Things they love: Sweets, cats, vintage toys, sugar and pink.
Traits: Yukari is very energetic and bubbly, loving to make new friends. Yukari is sweet and friendly, always putting others before herself. She cares about others more than she cares about herself, which has led her to hurting herself a lot.
Other: Yukari is a lesbian.

Name: Diamond
Age: 19
Gender: Male, but is a trap, so looks and acts like a female.
Weapon: Playing cards (like they throw them like knives, and they are sharp like knives) and small magic.
Carnival Talent?: Magician, also plays card tricks.
Things they hate: People who think they're better then him, small animals.
Things they love: The look on people's faces when he tells them that he's male, dark humour, people who find his tricks fun.
Traits: Cheerful, energetic, and commonly makes dark jokes even when they're not appropriate
Other: Homo-romantic Asexual :3

Name: Nisa
Age: 17
Gender: F
Weapon: summoning a living teddy bear/morphing into oneView attachment 170948
Carnival Talent?: tricks people with illusions
Things they hate: things she considers ugly.
Things they love: cutesy stereotypically girly things. (pink, lollipops, dolls, etc.)
Traits: yandere. she loves to act like a cutesy, bubbly little girl, although she is 17 and far from innocent. she is psychotic and although small and cute, is very intimidating when angered. she is obsessed with puzzles and riddles and often times will become livid if she asks you one and you answer incorrectly
Other: pansexual. carries around a pocket knife

Name: Mephistopheles
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Weapon: An old, pathetic sacrificial knife with no real value to anyone who actually attempts to fight her with skill, as it cannot penetrate bone without severe effort. It is very effective against the unsuspecting and scared, however.
Carnival Talent?: Juggles all manner of objects blindfolded.
Things they hate: Sight, extremely bright environment, loud noises, people who test her patience, people brave with stupidity, and the cold. She gets fairly frustrated at everything, and lashes out on the air due to her blindness.
Things they love: Quiet noises, to suss people out with her ears in the name of satisfaction.
Traits: Very fast, has amazingly good hearing, very prideful and relentless (Not a positive trait necessarily, though.), and very silent to be sneaky and all.
Other:I'm not going to spell her name right ever again.
She doesn't look particularly well in the first place, but the odd horn-like features only burst out of her skull upon midnight and her skin chars like a devil, when anyone with any heed of the situation has long left.

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Name: Lottie Loverna
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Weapon: A long knife with a slight curve. She is quite adept at using it to stab and slice anything she sees fit.
Carnival Talent?: Lottie can take on the appearance of anyone, real or fantasy for a limited amount of time--and she loves to trick others by using this to cause problems between others." Things they hate: Honesty, boredom, children and waiting.
Things they love: Games, candy, romance and destruction.
Traits: Lottie has a sinister personality and she loves causing trouble on all scales. She's quite a little liar, and enjoys making up unnerving stories to scare people, especially children, to cure her boredom. She has little patience for things, so she often dives right into a conversation and expects everything that she wants when she wants it. Lottie also enjoys reading dark romance novels, and because of her love for them she tries to find couples to observe them before trying to tear them from one another.
Other: She tries as hard as she can to hide the fact that she wants someone of her own to care about, but she has never figured out what kind of person she would like.


Finally, thank you very much for reading all of this!
I'm very sorry if it was very long, but If you are interested in joining our Roleplay, it will be an requirement.
Also, if you have any questions, please pm me~ <3
:EDIT: Also yes, you may have two characters~
Please PM either Me or InfinityFlames your character applications so we may review them, the roleplay is now in progress and any apps posted in the roleplay will not be considered, so please Pm them to us instead.

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Name: Ludivine (Prefers to be called Ludwig, purely based on simple preference.)
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Traits: Good at well-keeping a straight face in the worst situations, and to add, doesn't get very visibly distressed or scared, rather having her face boil up as if she had a fever and natural instinct goes from there. She can also do some cool things with her eyes or something like that.
Personality: Seemingly drab in her speech and action, but is actually easily pleased and excited. Highly enjoys the company of others, and has to shove her opinion in everything. At least in a normal, everyday situation. Very lax, but incredibly irritable when tired or scared. Either ways, she is at the least fairly amiable. Very pessimistic in danger and aimless, and very brittle and her mind tends to wander, and she shrinks and keeps to herself if that brittle shell is broken.

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Name: Ludivine (Prefers to be called Ludwig, purely based on simple preference.)
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Traits: Good at well-keeping a straight face in the worst situations, and to add, doesn't get very visibly distressed or scared, rather having her face boil up as if she had a fever and natural instinct goes from there. She can also do some cool things with her eyes or something like that.
Personality: Seemingly drab in her speech and action, but is actually easily pleased and excited. Highly enjoys the company of others, and has to shove her opinion in everything. At least in a normal, everyday situation. Very lax, but incredibly irritable when tired or scared. Either ways, she is at the least fairly amiable. Very pessimistic in danger and aimless, and very brittle and her mind tends to wander, and she shrinks and keeps to herself if that brittle shell is broken.

View attachment 170893

Accepted~ Thank you very much for applying! <3
Ah, Are you sure you don't want a carnie as well? ^^ though it is all up to you of course. owob
Name: Lani Zynd
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Weapon: Pistol
Carnival Talent?: Hypnosis
Things they hate: Acting her age, chocolate, normal folks
Things they love: Books, cake, lace, oddities, antiques, butterflies, children
Traits: Lani is a strange girl, often acting out of her age but never throwing a fit. Despite her looks, she is very warm, open, and friendly, but can turn on your back any minute. Lani seems to give off a dark vibe to some, being that she will be murderous at some points. Never able to form a trust with anyone
Other: She grew up on her own ever since she was 4
Name: Noah Kye
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Traits: Noah has always been the fun type of guy to be around, being athletic, attractive, and talented. Talented in what? In puppetry, music, and drawing.
Personality: Noah is curious, kind, helpful, but is easily angered. If he sees someone who's hurt or having trouble with something, he'll try to help them right away.
Other: He's gay
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Name: Osamu Kanzaki
Age: 17
Gender: Transgender male
Traits: Calm and collected in dangerous situations, naturally isn't afraid of things classified as "scary", not very social and pretends like everything is fine, when it really isn't.
Personality: Very kind towards others, although before you get to know him he is cold towards you. Not caring about you, until you get close to him. The reason for this is because he doesn't like getting close to people, because he usually ends up hurting them.
Other: Osamu dresses like a girl, even though he is transgender. It's his personal preference and doesn't get mad when you misgender him, he will be kind and politely correct you. He doesn't get mad because since he looks like a girl, it's easy for people to confuse his gender. Osamu is bisexual as well.

Name: Yukari Akiyama
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Weapon: Two circular swords
Carnival Talent?: Mind reading
Things they hate: Sadness, dark chocolate, rudeness and laziness.
Things they love: Sweets, cats, vintage toys, sugar and pink.
Traits: Yukari is very energetic and bubbly, loving to make new friends. Yukari is sweet and friendly, always putting others before herself. She cares about others more than she cares about herself, which has led her to hurting herself a lot.
Other: Yukari is a lesbian.
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Name: Cato
Age: 19
Gender: M
sociopath. a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience. A "high functioning" sociopath is someone at least moderately skilled at pretending to have a full range of emotions and a conscience.
, intelligent, appears normal
Personality: He is a chameleon of sorts, always changing the way he acts/faking emotions in order to be more favorable to people. If he appears to show interest in you, it's likely that he believes he'll gain something from that "relationship." He is prone to outbursts of anger, the only true emotion he feels, but will seemingly "forgive" in an instant. "Friends" are merely accomplices to him. Although he may warmly smile externally, inside he is cold and calculating. He does not fear the consequences of his actions.( Those who see his true self will likely believe he is a carnie)
Other: has never taken a life before. doesn't have a preference sexually, just adapts to a victim.

gonna edit with a carnie in a sec
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Name: Lani Zynd
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Weapon: Pistol
Carnival Talent?: Hypnosis
Things they hate: Acting her age, chocolate, normal folks
Things they love: Books, cake, lace, oddities, antiques, butterflies, children
Traits: Lani is a strange girl, often acting out of her age but never throwing a fit. Despite her looks, she is very warm, open, and friendly, but can turn on your back any minute. Lani seems to give off a dark vibe to some, being that she will be murderous at some points. Never able to form a trust with anyone
Other: She grew up on her own ever since she was 4
Name: Noah Kye
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Traits: Noah has always been the fun type of guy to be around, being athletic, attractive, and talented.
Personality: Noah is curious, kind, helpful, but is easily angered
Other: He's gay

First accepted! but could you please give Noah some more detail so I may accept him? his description is very small and it doesn't give off enough, otherwise perfect. <3

- - - Post Merge - - -


Name: Osamu Kanzaki
Age: 17
Gender: Transgender male
Traits: Calm and collected in dangerous situations, naturally isn't afraid of things classified as "scary", not very social and pretends like everything is fine, when it really isn't.
Personality: Very kind towards others, although before you get to know him he is cold towards you. Not caring about you, until you get close to him. The reason for this is because he doesn't like getting close to people, because he usually ends up hurting them.
Other: Osamu dresses like a girl, even though he is transgender. It's his personal preference and doesn't get mad when you misgender him, he will be kind and politely correct you. He doesn't get mad because since he looks like a girl, it's easy for people to confuse his gender. Osamu is bisexual as well.

Name: Yukari Akiyama
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Weapon: Two circular swords
Carnival Talent?: Mind reading
Things they hate: Sadness, dark chocolate, rudeness and laziness.
Things they love: Sweets, cats, vintage toys, sugar and pink.
Traits: Yukari is very energetic and bubbly, loving to make new friends. Yukari is sweet and friendly, always putting others before herself. She cares about others more than she cares about herself, which has led her to hurting herself a lot.
Other: Yukari is a lesbian.

Both accepted! thank you so much for being interested to join, the characters are lovely~ ^^

- - - Post Merge - - -

Name: Cato
Age: 19
Gender: M
sociopath. a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience. A "high functioning" sociopath is someone at least moderately skilled at pretending to have a full range of emotions and a conscience.
, intelligent, appears normal
Personality: He is a chameleon of sorts, always changing the way he acts/faking emotions in order to be more favorable to people. If he appears to show interest in you, it's likely that he believes he'll gain something from that "relationship." He is prone to outbursts of anger, the only true emotion he feels, but will seemingly "forgive" in an instant. "Friends" are merely accomplices to him. Although he may warmly smile externally, inside he is cold and calculating. He does not fear the consequences of his actions.( Those who see his true self will likely believe he is a carnie)
Other: has never taken a life before.

gonna edit with a carnie in a sec
Ohhh a sociopath... this should be fun, accepted, though thank you very much for intending to make a carnie~ I'll be posting my carnie pretty soon, just working his description <3

- - - Post Merge - - -

I don't ever really use images anymore, is it okay if I just describe my character?
Questions via pm~ I sent you a message ^^
Sure hun, just make sure to finish the characters soon and I'll review them ^^

yaaay thank you >u<

- - - Post Merge - - -

Name: Hime Anya
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Traits: Not really afraid of things, as she was brought up sheltered. She's also kinda idiotic as she doesn't know what a lot of things are. Also speaks in a very formal tone.
Personality: Very curious, but also somewhat dumb in that she knows barely anything of the outside world. However, she is very cautious of men as her parents were gay and taught her that men were dangerous people and would do "bad things" to her.
Other: Brought up secluded and sheltered, and had never left the site of her parents' mansion until she turned 18 when she legally had to be let out. She's not really "used" to things so she'll be confused by a bit of stuff!

[yes, i am just using the appearance of my oc because im kinda lazy to find an image i like]
skirt is a purplish colour, socks are black, shoes and ribbon on shirt are spiceberry and her shirt is black with spiceberry pinstripes ^^
Name: Diamond
Age: 19
Gender: Male, but is a trap, so looks and acts like a female.
Weapon: Playing cards (like they throw them like knives, and they are sharp like knives) and small magic.
Carnival Talent?: Magician, also plays card tricks.
Things they hate: People who think they're better then him, small animals.
Things they love: The look on people's faces when he tells them that he's male, dark humour, people who find his tricks fun.
Traits: Cheerful, energetic, and commonly makes dark jokes even when they're not appropriate
Other: Homo-romantic Asexual :3

[hes flat chested tho haha and the purple is red ^^]
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yaaay thank you >u<

- - - Post Merge - - -

Name: Hime Anya
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Traits: Not really afraid of things, as she was brought up sheltered. She's also kinda idiotic as she doesn't know what a lot of things are. Also speaks in a very formal tone.
Personality: Very curious, but also somewhat dumb in that she knows barely anything of the outside world. However, she is very cautious of men as her parents were gay and taught her that men were dangerous people and would do "bad things" to her.
Other: Brought up secluded and sheltered, and had never left the site of her parents' mansion until she turned 18 when she legally had to be let out. She's not really "used" to things so she'll be confused by a bit of stuff!

[yes, i am just using the appearance of my oc because im kinda lazy to find an image i like]
skirt is a purplish colour, socks are black, shoes and ribbon on shirt are spiceberry and her shirt is black with spiceberry pinstripes ^^
Name: Diamond
Age: 19
Gender: Male, but is a trap, so looks and acts like a female.
Weapon: Playing cards (like they throw them like knives, and they are sharp like knives) and small magic.
Carnival Talent?: Magician, also plays card tricks.
Things they hate: People who think they're better then him, small animals.
Things they love: The look on people's faces when he tells them that he's male, dark humour, people who find his tricks fun.
Traits: Cheerful, energetic, and commonly makes dark jokes even when they're not appropriate
Other: Homo-romantic Asexual :3

[hes flat chested tho haha]
Both accepted, thank you very much~ the rp shall start either later tonight, or tomorrow~ <3
here's my carnie

Name: Nisa
Age: 17
Gender: F
Weapon: summoning a
/morphing into one
Carnival Talent?: tricks people with illusions
Things they hate: things she considers ugly.
Things they love: cutesy stereotypically girly things. (pink, lollipops, dolls, etc.)
Traits: yandere. she loves to act like a cutesy, bubbly little girl, although she is 17 and far from innocent. she is psychotic and although small and cute, is very intimidating when angered. she is obsessed with puzzles and riddles and often times will become livid if she asks you one and you answer incorrectly
Other: pansexual. carries around a pocket knife
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