What do you miss from New Leaf?


Tommy - Demalicé
Sep 24, 2013
Tasty Cake
White Pansy
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
Red Pansy
Yellow Pansy
Yellow Tulip
Are there any parts of New Leaf you wish were in New Horizons?

I miss the Town Tree, I remember the feeling when it grew to its max size and I had a real sense of achievement from it. I also miss the Island, I sort of wish there was one Island that you could visit whenever you like plus the opportunity to visit the other little Islands, part of my daily New Leaf routine was popping over to the Island in the evening for a spot of Fishing and Bug Hunting, 2000 Nook Miles for the privilege just seems too much,

What do you miss?
The island in NL was good because you could set it up once to be good for beetle hunting and it would stay that way. Some people like the tarantula islands in NH, but I think that's too much effort to chop down the trees, etc every single time. You also have more limited inventory space to take the tarantulas home. Money feels a little slower to get now, but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. It's just different.

I think the main thing I miss is not having to replace my tools (minus the axe, until you get the gold one) all the time. But otherwise, I am enjoying NH more than NL.
Not having to replace tools, The Roost, pitfalls, and Tortimer Island.
Scamming villagers on the flea market for sure.

I'm probably going to miss Museum exhibits too. Those were really fun
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The difference on the beach between shoes on and shoes off for the footprints. Really small detail. And Redd because I want statues
I miss the games you could play on the island and being able to have the locker storage
The mini games !
I hope they add them in again at some point because I really like the competitiveness i had with my siblings while doing it xD
i also really miss the Roost !! I reaaallllyyy want them to bring that back lol. It was such a cute little building.
Not a lot, tbh. But I do miss having an island with to play games with my friends. I hope Kapp'n and Tortimer's island will be back eventually. I didn't care much about swimming, but it'd be neat if they bring it back. Everything else, I wasn't too big of a fan.
I miss the music! I don’t dislike a lot of the music in Horizons, but I do wish they were a little less tropical-sounding. New Leaf has some really iconic tracks, the 9AM and 12AM tracks are my favorite.
character dialogue, dropbox (like the one on the island), diving, how in multiplayer you could pick up stuff and have it go into your pockets
The museum giving you the information on the creatures you catch and donate instead of having to hear it from Blathers.
I gotta say, this game severely feels unfinished because there's a lot of stuff missing from New Leaf. It just hurts.

I wouldn't say I miss anything, because some of it is most likely to be brought back by updates. Why does everyone forget about the updates?
- Island Minigames
- Swimming
- Cafe
- Bushes
- Dream Suite
- Hourly music
- Not having tools break a lot
- Paintings/Statues
- All rooms expanding to 8x8 sizes and choosing which rooms to add
- I actually miss wilting flowers, and how they were optional. I liked watering flowers that became wilted.

I also kinda miss NPCs that had their roles replaced by objects. I actually liked Phyllis (though more so in the previous games before NL) and Copper/Booker, Harriet, etc.
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Why do you prefer NL dialogue over NH?

i’ve heard this changes later on, but in NH they don’t form relationships with you or ask you to get them things. i feel like in NL they automatically got attached to you and would ask you to perform tasks for them. the dialogue in NH is just very short and repetitive
Nothing as of yet because I am still in the early stages of experiencing the game. Maybe down the road I will. It may takes few days and its not instantaneous the interactions with villagers and them doing activities and interacting with items you put out. I believe it will surpass NL in the long run. I love the museum despite at this moment no painting. The flowers awww <3. We'll see what happen down the road.
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i think im the only person who misses that island escape minigame they added with welcome amiibo lol
that game was also part of (get ready I'm about to say amiibo festival) amiibo festival.
i think im the only person who misses that island escape minigame they added with welcome amiibo lol
that game was also part of (get ready I'm about to say amiibo festival) amiibo festival.

I forgot about that!!! I spent hours on that and the fruit block game!