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What's one discontinued item you'd bring back?

Bug Juice! It was so good. Although, Code Red Mt. Dew kinda tastes like it. They still have a website, but it's sketchy and is more like a relic.

My mom and I used to take midnight trips to the gas station to get Bug Juice and cookies. Good times!


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Bug Juice! It was so good. Although, Code Red Mt. Dew kinda tastes like it. They still have a website, but it's sketchy and is more like a relic.

My mom and I used to take midnight trips to the gas station to get Bug Juice and cookies. Good times!
what are you talking about? Bug Juice isn’t discontinued. I see it all the time in the grocery store!
Synders used to make broken pretzel pieces with cinnamon and sugar. They were pretty good. It's possible they are still around somewhere, but they stopped supplying them in my state. Maybe the sells weren't high enough. I didn't buy them a lot, but I did pick them up every now and then.

Oh, my apologies. I meant to add that it was discontinued in the state I live in. Oops!
Yeah this happens a lot. It depends on the region because what might sell well in one spot won't in another. A rich neighbor region aren't going to go for the cheapest sodas and greasy food like a poorer region will. So that will sell well for that spot but in the richer area the more expensive healthy food will sell better.
Super Mario 3D All Stars. That game really shouldn’t have been completely limited time only. I wouldn’t have minded if the physical release was time limited but to make even the digital version limited time is just ridiculous. There is no need for that because Nintendo would still be making huge money from digital downloads and you know people would settle for having a digital download only game perfectly well because Kirby Dream Buffet sold really well for having no physical release and the Bioshock Collection sold pretty well and you had to download the other two games and they technically have no physical release. Plus Super Mario 64 has been re-released on the DS and sold pretty well and the N64 Online service might not be what a diehard Mario fan wants to sign up for just to play one game.
It's called the Big n Tasty in America, but where I was from in Canada, it was called the Big Xtra. It was my FAVOURITE burger of all time.... best one I had tried at that point in my life! I don't know what made it so good and different than a regular Mcdonalds burger....

I also enjoyed their Veggie burgers back in 2005... I was 12 years old and I wanted to be a vegetarian and my family made fun of me but I always ordered the Veggie burger whenever we went to Mcdonalds. It wasn't vegan or a beyond patty like they have now, it was like a patty made of vegetables! I actually really loved and enjoyed it. And it came on a whole wheat bun!!! I prefer brown over white bread, so that little addition was perfect for me. I was so sad when they got rid of it and I haven't really had too much Mcdonalds since... the quality has gone downhill the past 15 or so years, so I prefer to make my own burgers at home.
nongshim pot or pan noodles, they disappeared when covid started and I haven’t seen them since 😭

I loved making the noodles in the frying pan and adding a bit of butter chicken seasoning, it sounds weird but it was so good

also the chicken salad croissant and maple pecan danishes from tim’s
I don't know if I posted here but I learned recently that Alphabets cereal was discontinued. We used to buy it all the time when we were kids so it's sad it's gone now. I loved them, especially the O's. They were always so soft. The a's were always the crunchy hazard lol.
The mario game and watch. I want a 2nd one so I can actually use the darn thing (keeping my currently owned one in-box because collectible)

I'm pretty sure oikos blended yogurts are still in production since it's on their website, but none of them have been in the stores in my area for over 2 years and I miss them.
On the other hand, the comfy friends swablu and 3ds XL substitute case are surely gone for good. It's just that the second hand prices and shipping fees from Japan are more than I'm willing to pay.
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last november these got discontinued.. its a huge loss for those who like to make the icebox cake 😔 they didn't have them in australia anyway as far as I know but they really ought to bring them back in the US so that my dad can keep up the icebox cake tradition
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Hands down I would bring back cheeseburger Doritos. They were so good, you could taste everything that makes up a burger; ketchup, mustard, beef, cheese, and pickles. I was so sad when people voted for the taco ones over the burger ones because the taco ones were literally just Doritos+cumin.
Guys they brought them back limited time ofc 😭I bought 4 bags
I hope they bring back the Pokemon cereal and Oreos from the 25th-anniversary celebrations for their 30th anniversary. I also missed out on tasting The Most Oreo Oreos (it's basically Double Stuf x100) so it would be cool to have them again. Many of the items I want back even include video game consoles whose discontinuation can be justified because of their dated technology, like the Nintendo 3DS.
That's all I can remember for now. If I can find anything else, I'll post it here.
I just want the shredded chicken burrito at Taco Bell back. A former Taco Bell employee on Discord gave me a custom order to use that’s somewhat close to it, but it’s super long and not the same.