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Who were your first 10 villagers?


axolotl girl
Squirtle Squad
Apr 24, 2015
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Friendly Ghost Plush
Blue Crescent Moon
White Crescent Moon
White Crescent Moon
Blue Crescent Moon
Space Whale Plush
Blue Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
I know this question has been asked time and time again, but it’s been a while!

Who were your first 10 villagers? Did you like them, or did you move them all out as soon as possible? Were any of them villagers that you didn’t really like, but having them changed your opinion? Or vice versa? Do any of them still live on your island?

My first 10 villagers were Kid Cat, Tammy, Piper, Prince, Pekoe, Shep, Bertha, Julia, Octavian and Zucker! I was pretty much indifferent about all of them except for Kid Cat and Octavian prior to New Horizons, but they’re all special to me in their own ways now, and I’m really happy that I had the starting villagers that I did!

Kid Cat has always been one of my favourite cat and jock villagers, so I was really pleased to start my island with him! I’ve never minded Tammy, but I’m much more fond of her now than I used to be. I miss the days where I’d run into her wandering around the island at 5am because she accidentally pulled an all-nighter, haha. I let RNG decide who my first peppy, lazy and normal villagers would be, and I think it’s a neat coincidence that they all have names starting with the letter “P“!

Shep was the villager I was the least happy about, and I remember complaining about wanting him to move out a lot during the game’s first few months LOL, but overall he wasn’t so bad! He’s still not my favourite villager, but he’ll always hold a special place in my heart for being my first smug villager in the game. Bertha and Julia were lovely to have, with Bertha’s Birthday actually being the first Birthday that I got to celebrate in New Horizons! I ended up booting her out shortly after for Audie (sorry Bertha 😅), but she was a treat to have! One of the most criminally underrated villagers imo! Octavian was super fun and reminded me of nostalgic memories from having him in Wild World, and I liked having him and Zucker on my island at the same time! I think it’s cool that I had 2/3 of the octopus villagers in the game at the time in my first lineup of villagers! 🐙

My first 10 villagers have all long since moved out, though there was a time where I had been planning on keeping Kid Cat and Zucker permanently. I sometimes think about trying to find Zucker again and moving him back in, but I’m not sure if I ever actually will. Regardless, I’ll forever cherish my memories with them!


Who were your first 10 villagers?
I don't remember all 10 of my first villagers, but I started with Snake, Diva, Sherb, Apple, Gayle and Huck. Gayle and Huck are no longer on my island but I still have the rest. I miss Gayle, but I felt indifferent towards Huck, probably because I already had a frog, Diva, on my island.
I don’t remember my first ten. However, I remember my first five. I had Cherry and Goose as my starters. My three plots were Lily, Sherb, and Cookie (I’m not certain on the Cookie one, but I’m pretty sure it was her). I was very fortunate to have Stitches move in as a random plot after getting these five as my first villagers. Also, Marshal of all villagers was my camper. I ended up trading the popular villagers for my dream villagers.

I remember trading Stitches for Goldie, which was nice because we both got what we wanted. I kept finding Sherb on mystery islands after trading him for a villager I wanted. I brought him on each time as trade bait. I acquired my dream villagers quickly because of my villager luck.
on my current island, i believe it was faith, billy, annalisa, shino, prince, and phil. after that, im not totally sure who moved in.

honestly, i wasn't a big fan of any of them except for phil and maybe shino. phil became my buddy. everyone else moved away eventually.
From the very first island from 2020 before it was deleted my first villagers were:

1. Antonio
2. Rocket
3. Nate
4. Skye
5. Patty
6. Eugene
7. Shari
8. Charlise
9. Anabelle
10. Dobie (who is my least favorite)
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hmm... if i remember correctly... pashmina ( who moved out very recently, actually!) , dom, merengue, roscoe (still on my island!), rodeo, agent S, hornsby.... and past that... i don't remember the last three bahahah
I’m trying to remember my first 10 from my first island . Buck and Flo were my starters. Flo is still the original. Buck I let leave for a bit but brought him back at the end of last year . Alfonso , Apple and Margie were around for awhile. I really liked them all. Cyrano was a random move in. I did like him but didn’t keep him long. Now I have his Amiibo so I can bring him back if I want. Julian was my camper almost forgot him. I am pretty sure the last three were Piper , Sterling and peanut . I really liked all of them.
-Reneigh (these were the first two when I arrived)
I still have them, as New Horizons is my first game and I haven’t the heart to let them leave lol.
I'm not actually sure I remember! Let's give it a shot. Bolded villagers still live in my town to this day.

Know for certain:
- Hazel
- Antonio
- Dotty
- Benedict
- Sydney
- Huck

Reasonably sure:
- Cesar
- Astrid
- Norma

Apologies to the mystery 10th villager! Maybe Bubbles? Maybe that's why I let Dotty go?
I can not remember much from my first village in New Leaf, but I the ones I do remember are Amelia, Bam, Benedict, Curt, Gabi, and Roald
I started over a year ago so my memory’s a bit wonky, but here are my first 10 villagers, in the order I believe they moved in:
  1. Reneigh (Didn’t like her at first, but now she’s grown on me)
  2. Bill (I had him in NL so I’m lucky there)
  3. Filbert (Decent villager)
  4. Twiggy (Much like with Reneigh, she grew on me after a while)
  5. Ava (She was also in my NL town)
  6. Olaf (Didn’t like him)
  7. Gladys (She’s nice :))
  8. Broffina (Same as above)
  9. Toby (Got him through his amiibo card)
  10. Dotty (She's alright, though I’ve been wanting to replace her with some other villager)
Filbert, Ava, and Olaf have since moved out.
My first 10 villagers were Pierce, Ursala, Roswell, Spike, Gloria, Ava, Rex, Apple, and Julian and Beau. I liked all of my villagers except for Roswell who moved out recently.
I cannot remember exactly, as it has been a while since I have looked at my older New Horizons screenshots from starting out in 2020, but if I remember correctly, I believe my first villagers were:

Samson (starting jock.)

Canberra (starting sisterly.)

Axel (first forced villager campsite find.)

Doc (I scanned his amiibo card to get him from the campsite on purpose, as he is an old favorite from New Leaf.)

Stu (mystery island find.)

Norma (mystery island find.)

Chow (random move-in.)

Colton (random move-in.)

Truffles (random move-in.)

I still have Doc, Stu, and Norma, as they are permanent dream villagers of mine, everyone else has been gone since.
Oh gosh, back to May of 2020…

Looking back it’s so nostalgic, I really love how simple the beginning of the game was. My island was so new and open and i was just discovering everything and having silly fun. ❤️❤️❤️

Genji - still have him
Shari - she was a good sisterly. I wouldn’t have given her a chance on my own, but she was really so sweet. The sisterly persona came off as less rude and more spacey on her.
Bangle - still have her
Rex - he’s so cute, I miss him
Lionel - was not my first pick, of smug, but I ended up liking him okay. The lions all look very cuddly to me. I enjoyed giving him silly clothes.
Yuka - she is very pretty and I probably would have liked her more if it wasn’t for the fact that I misunderstood how the plots worked and so got her as a random move in.
Octavian/Ruby - I had Octavian for I think sleds than a week. He was the first of my villagers to ask to leave. And he had only just moved in, so I felt insulted and said yes. So he doesn’t really count (even if I have since forgiven him) and I really adore Ruby, I thought she would be my permanent peppy and not bangle, but then I just grew to love bangle too too much.
Flurry - miss her. I think I need to bring her back.
Kabuki - he’s so cool, one of the very best looking villagers.
I believe it was,

Reneigh (I've had her before and wasn't a fan)
Teddy (I loved him. But I had a plan)
Sherbie (Starting lazy, still on my island)
Sally (Cutie who taught me normal reactions)
I can't remember who my peppy was. I think it was Merry but I can't remember for sure
believe it was HippoDelux, but not for sure
(Then I started adding in my villagers)
Kid Cat
Raymond (From my friend who was holding him)

Cat, Marshal, Raymond, Sherbie, Marshal and Static are still here. They've been with me for a very very long time.
I only remember my first 6:

All of my original villagers have moved out except for Audie, who'll never leave as long as I can help it.
my first 10 villagers were ( I think ) :
  1. Axel
  2. Rhonda
  3. Agnes
  4. Zucker
  5. Merry
  6. Alli
  7. Tia
  8. Shep
  9. Curly
  10. Anabelle
I liked a few of them for the most part, my favorite is obviously Merry! She’s the only one still currently on my (abandoned) island, but I also like Zucker (except for his house interior), Agnes, and Tia. i mostly move villagers out once I get their photos unless it’s someone I really reallly want to keep around. I haven’t played in a while though, I only turn the game on when I need to do something for tbt events (ɲ˃ ˈ̫̮ ˂ɳ).
For a while I just kept 5 villagers, I got 10 villagers for the first time yesterday with the arrival of Marshal (who was camping)

1. Agnes (Cute)
2. Samson (Suddenly moved to my friend's island) Peaches took his place
3. Marina (That I had lost in a TT accident in New Leaf, so I was super happy to see her again)
4. Punchy (So funny)
5. Tabby (I thought she looked weird at first but now I love her so much ♥)
6. Julian (First camper who decided he was the boss on my island, I was mad at him first for stealing the house I had reserved for someone else but I like him now.
7. Greta (She didn't stay long)
8. Reneigh (I scanned her)
9. Tammi (The monkey, her eyes ate my soul)
10. Freya (New, we didn't talk much)

Samson and Greta stayed like 2 weeks and left before I got 10 villagers, Peaches and Marshal replaced them to make my first 10 villagers.
Marshal just came, I didn't even see his house yet.

In New Leaf, I bought most of my dreamies right away so I didn't have the chance to meet many, in New Horizon I decided to let them come and go, for the moment... and keep the dreamies for later.
My original 10 villagers in order were:
  1. Biff
  2. Rocket
  3. Zucker
  4. Freckles
  5. Sandy
  6. Beardo
  7. Angus
  8. Prince
  9. Gayle
  10. Boomer
Out of the 10, only 3 of them (Zucker, Freckles, Boomer) ended up remaining on my island, with Zucker and Freckles being permanent and Boomer kinda just managing to stick around, lol. Aside from wanting to let Prince go as soon as possible so I could get a Snooty in the mix, I definitely didn't mind any of them! I just wanted to keep rotating new villagers in to keep things more fresh on my island, so Rocket/Sandy/Angus/Gayle got replaced within a year on my island, and Beardo/Biff got replaced within two years.