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Worst show you've ever watched?


Poyo Puffs
May 28, 2023
Mother's Day Carnation
Black Hybrid Rose
Black Hybrid Rose
Shooting Star Plush
Toy Duck Plush
Yoshi Easter Egg
From what I can tell, no one has made a thread about this that includes any genre of shows. The title is pretty self-explanatory. For me, it's the Pokémon show. No, not the entire anime, just one arc. The Journeys arc. I think you can compare watching it to waterboarding while being forced to watch Cocomelon: the 24 hour marathon. Maybe if they made an actual Galar show, and didn't change Ash's redesign, and if the none of the Slowpoke island episodes existed, AND if Ash didn't have the IQ of a grain of rice, AND if it wasn't just annoying, it would be good. Of course, all of these things are bad parts of the show because because I can complain about them. But what are your picks?
From what I can tell, no one has made a thread about this that includes any genre of shows. The title is pretty self-explanatory. For me, it's the Pokémon show. No, not the entire anime, just one arc. The Journeys arc. I think you can compare watching it to waterboarding while being forced to watch Cocomelon: the 24 hour marathon. Maybe if they made an actual Galar show, and didn't change Ash's redesign, and if the none of the Slowpoke island episodes existed, AND if Ash didn't have the IQ of a grain of rice, AND if it wasn't just annoying, it would be good. Of course, all of these things are bad parts of the show because because I can complain about them. But what are your picks?
Hmm…I’d have to think about what show I hate the most. I will say though, haven’t seen a whole lot of Journeys but I also kinda hate it too. The Japanese theme song is absolutely amazing and even has a good English fanmade cover but they decided to make the literal worst English OP ever. I hate that stupid team rocket gacha machine and the break from the formula and how they’re stationed in kanto. Haven’t we been there enough?
Comedy: The King of Queens, Seinfeld, Modern Family
Drama: Downton Abbey, Only Murders in the Building
Anime: InuYasha, Ranma 1/2, Fruits Basket
Reality: The Impractical Jokers, RuPaul’s Drag Race
i love the inuyasha/yashahime & ranma animes 🫢
Probably Breadwinners, I don’t look for bad shows really though. Or some lamer cartoon in my childhood but idk.
edit: i forgot i watched johnny test lol
Comedy: The King of Queens, Seinfeld, Modern Family
Drama: Downton Abbey, Only Murders in the Building
Anime: InuYasha, Ranma 1/2, Fruits Basket
Reality: The Impractical Jokers, RuPaul’s Drag Race
NO! I thought this meant BEST!!!! OMG I misread do NOT take this seriously!!! Girl how did I think that last night?!? these are literally all my fave shows. The past couple posts I made were about “dream car” and “favorite villager” so I was in that same mode.

My actual worsts—
—Keeping Up with the Kardashians
—90-Day Fiancé
—Kevin Can Wait
—Days of Our Lives
—Big Bang Theory
—Two and a Half Men
—Wife Swap
—Grey’s Anatomy
—West Wing
Can’t think of an anime

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i love the inuyasha/yashahime & ranma animes 🫢
misread it last night. I had it confused with “favorite” bc I was talking about “favorite villagers” and “dream cars” in earlier posts and my mind was in the same “favorite” direction
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Dr Phil gives me the ick. i can never stand to watch it.
I used to watch it and felt bad for some of the people he had on— he has a degree but isn’t licensed to counsel people, and it’s painfully obvious. And then to have a crowd cheering as someone’s crying…absolutely despicable.
And don’t even get me started on the “Turnabout Ranch” nightmare.
Oh yeah, The Big Bang Theory is actually trash. Not just cringe, there’s so many problematic dynamics in the show and it’s kind of amazing it didn’t rub off a lot on me. Aside from that it’s just. You know. It’s just terrible snd unfunny lol
Most "adult animated sitcoms" tend to fall under this category in some way or another. It's been a recurring sentiment that The Simpsons needs to end for longer than the show was ever considered good. I've never been a terribly big fan of Family Guy, but the more recent seasons have certainly given me a deeper respect for the earlier seasons. I've heard that it improves in later episodes, but Matt Groening's Disenchanted was particularly awful at the start.

Perhaps the worst of them would be HBO Max's The Prince. It's not that I have a particular attachment to the British monarchy or think that they are beyond satire; far from it. But many of the jokes are just petty, lacking in any specific commentary or social critique. The queen drops an F. bomb. Who cares? The show was released in 2021; that's not a shocking development anymore. More frustratingly, the target of the gags that actually are shocking and inappropriate relate to the children of the royal family. Wow, HBO Max, it must take some frankly massive cojones to literally make fun of children. Again, perhaps if there were some actual commentary or social critique on what growing up with such a celebrity status does for the development of a child, I might see the merit in it even if it were in poor taste. But there's not. And I mightn't be so harsh on this point if these were fictional children (a la Stewie Griffin and the like) but they're explicitly derived and named after real children who were at the time of the show's release and still currently are children.

Moving on from that, I'm not sure if anyone else remembers the time that Cartoon Network attempted to transition to live action entertainment. So as something of a transitionary show, they released the live-action/animated hybrid movie Out of Jimmy's Head and its subsequent spin-off show, Re-Animated. And while I'm sure if I really thought about it for awhile I could think of quite a few shows that surpass it in terms of sheer awfulness, both the movie and the show are so dreadful and lacking in charm that it nearly killed my love for the medium for a time.

As for live action shows, that's a difficult one. Not that I haven't seen any awful ones, because surely I have. But I don't remember them off the top of my head at the moment. I will say that I find reality shows as an entire genre to be some of the most vile and insufferable experiences (depending on what you define as "reality" TV), so when people whine about things like Jersey Shore and the like, I can only really shrug. It's not that I don't find them to be bad, awful even. And yes, the behind-the-scenes goings on are a thing to be mad about as well. But the entire genre is just dreck. When it comes to awful TV shows, there is a certain threshold you can reach where no matter how much worse it gets, the unpleasantness just remains consistent, rather than continuing to pile on. And the majority of reality shows are already well past that threshold for me.
Johnny Test is campy levels of bad and it's very boring that it twists itself to be this ironic. It's basically "so bad that it's good".
(Bling-bling boy made the show a bit watchable)

Velma is just repulsive and unwatchable attempt at making an "adult" reboot of a show aimed at mostly kids and families (Scooby Doo). Same goes for Ren and Stimpy: Adult Party Cartoon. Both are unwatchable reboots and doesn't need to be made, let alone being greenlighted by the studios.
(Glad I didn't watch both of these shows but I want to mention it. By the looks of the screenshots, It's not pretty. Yep, it's ugly alright...)

And the dishonorable mentions go to Powerpuff Girls (2016) with all the outdated pop culture references. Problem Solverz (What was that art style? It should've been on Adult Swim instead of Cartoon Network.) Along with any "reality" TV show you can think of (Maury, Love Island, Toddlers and Tiaras, etc.)
I watched a YouTuber react to an episode of a show called The Ghost Inside My Child, which aired on Lifetime. Apparently, the parents of this one kid thought he had a past life that died in 9/11 and that's why he was scared of planes and tall buildings...it was so weird and exploitative like the parents made up this story for the child. To profit off 9/11 like that...I found that extremely messed up.
Johnny Test is campy levels of bad and it's very boring that it twists itself to be this ironic. It's basically "so bad that it's good".
(Bling-bling boy made the show a bit watchable)
Oh yes, I knew there was a particular one which my mind had graciously chosen to withhold from me.

Oh, the hurt. Make it stop.
Too many to count.
Most modern shows are trash and the streaming boom only increased the amount of trash.

Oh yeah, The Big Bang Theory is actually trash. Not just cringe, there’s so many problematic dynamics in the show and it’s kind of amazing it didn’t rub off a lot on me. Aside from that it’s just. You know. It’s just terrible snd unfunny lol
Big Bang Theory is a nerd stereotype show for fake nerds. I feel like it was created to mock people who like nerd culture medium (tabletop games, superhero comics, etc) Like you said, its unfunny. Not to mention that I hate Wil Wheaton lol
Extremely unpopular opinion but I say Avatar the Last Airbender. That show does not deserve any of the love or praise it gets as everyone in that stupid show are dumber than a box of rocks as there are times where the most obvious and best solution to a problem is literally right in front of them and they ignore it and go for the worst possible ways to resolve conflicts. Every time I hear someone praising this stupid cartoon I just want to reach into my screen and just punch them in the face to make them shut up about it.
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Probably unpopular opinion, but here goes-

The Walking Dead - unless it's comedy, I really, really can't stand zombie shows. Dunno if it's the pacing, the drama, or what, but just not a fan.
Comedy/movie zombie is cool though. I loved Shaun of the Dead, Zombieland, even the old Night of the Living Dead (you can feel the tension in that one, lol)...but those are movies.

Lost - I tried. Got through a few episodes, never finished. Slllooowwww, ugh.

And not really shows, but can't watch golf or baseball. Just very, very slow/boring...

Maybe I don't like long, drawn out, slow stuff?
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I realized after reading other posts that I haven't seen most of the shows mentioned, and it's been a (long) while since I've really watched any shows. Back when I did, it was stuff like Black Adder, Keeping up Appearances, more comedy oriented stuff I could stream...
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Probably unpopular opinion, but here goes-

The Walking Dead - unless it's comedy, I really, really can't stand zombie shows. Dunno if it's the pacing, the drama, or what, but just not a fan.
Comedy/movie zombie is cool though. I loved Shaun of the Dead, Zombieland, even the old Night of the Living Dead (you can feel the tension in that one, lol)...but those are movies.

Lost - I tried. Got through a few episodes, never finished. Slllooowwww, ugh.

And not really shows, but can't watch golf or baseball. Just very, very slow/boring...

Maybe I don't like long, drawn out, slow stuff?
I had to watch The Walking Dead in an English class in college and couldn’t sleep for two nights…maybe I’m emotionally a baby or something but it was way too graphic for me.