Lazy Villager Tier List

Lazy is my favorite personality type, however, there is only villager that is S ranked to me and that would be my BFF, Punchy. I love his look, the type of animal he is, his outfit & umbrella and the song he listens to is nice as well :).

Bob and Moe are tier A mostly because they’re cats but also because I like their designs :). If they were a random move in, it would be hard to say good bye to these two to let in other ones I want since the idea of having a lot of cat villagers is appealing to me (I love cats!).

I am not a fan of dogs but I do really like Lucky’s design. Stitches is in tier A since I liked his design as well.

I always wanted Pudge and did trade for him in NL but never got him since I made the mistake for trading for another villager right afterwards before he moved in. >< I invited him to the campsite with an amiibo card a few weeks ago and strangely found that I didn’t like him as much as I did in HHD and in NL. I’d still be willing to give him a chance if he was a random move in, or at least until I come across a villager that I want more.

As for the lower tiers, I do not like the designs of most: lions, tigers, leopards, horses, ducks, penguins, birds, bulls/cows, chickens, elephants, pigs, and alligators.

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Update on my lazy tier list:


I had to bump up another “chicken” even though I supposedly don’t like their models lol. I can’t believe I had Sherb, Hornsby and Cole so low.

Stitches is my all time favourite villager, and lazy used to be my favourite overall personality but I really dislike how they were changed for New Horizons.
Arguably, lazies have a lot of the best character designs in the game. Currently my island has three lazies (seriously send help xD I can't let go of any of them regardless of wanting more). Here's my tier list atm though:
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This one was difficult for me as I haven't had a Lazy villagers in ages. Hornsby was my DIY Lazy, and I almost never saw him before he moved out as my first move out. So, I need a Lazy... and really haven't experienced one.

Erik and Beau were quick Kings for me when thinking of a Lazy. A friend ended up getting Erik and like four other deer. So Erik is out of the picture while Beau is less tempting cause I already see Deers when I visit them. Filbert and Rex have both grown on my from being not even noticed to being really tempting. I wanted a Squirrel and never have gotten one so far while the Lions have grown on me as the Tigers have faded for me. So might be cool to have a large feline.

Cranston has shown up like 3 times on my hunts, and I struggle to leave him and have done so each time to ponder if I should take him.

The F tier boys are horrible. Two freaky faced highlighter yellow ones and Barold. The baby bear has a beard. :I
I love the lazies, and S rank lazies should be S+ rank! D ranks should be Z ranks though! Boy they are ugly.

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there are a lot of good lazies. honestly, there are ones in my tier c that i would consider having on my island for a shorter time. i currently have sherb and punchy but i want raddle so badly ahhhh
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Tfw no Marty. He would be in S tier though.

So anyway, nice and simple:

S tier - Lazies that I LOVE

A tier - Lazies I really like

B tier - Lazies I like well enough

C tier - Neutral on these


Egbert really is one of the best villagers in the game. Probably my 6th or 7th favourite. With sherb being 7th or 8th.
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Precious and must be protected: My favorite lazy villagers. Erik and Deli have been favorites of mine for awhile, but having Rodeo on my island has really made him grow on me. 🥺 I love that he has such a scary appearance and a totally non-threatening personality. 10/10 for all of them, would protect with my life.
Admirably laid-back: Other lazies I'd consider close to top-tier. I got really attached to Nate when I had him in New Leaf and honestly had a hard time letting him leave. The others I just think have really cute designs. I'd love to have them around for a while even if they weren't permanent, but they've all got dreamie-potential for future games.
Pleasantly carefree: Lots of good lazy villagers here that I think are either cute or interesting. I had Simon in New Leaf for awhile; he was fine but didn't leave much of an impression, I don't think. I'm rather fond of Moe for the theory that he's Tom's brother, since Tom is one of my favorite villagers. I like that Tucker is a mammoth; I think it's a pretty unique villager concept. This is also where I'd rank Marty at.
Living life at their own pace: These are the lazy villagers I'm kinda "ehh" on. I'm not usually terribly fond of Barold, but depending on how people interpret him in their islands/towns, I can like him. Boomer's cool and I like the pilot theme, but I didn't really understand the... spaceship angle(?) in his interior design when I had him in New Leaf. Ozzie's alright, but I can't unsee him looking like the Apple "moon face" emoji.
A tad unreliable: I'm not super fond of these designs. Drago's just not for me—I can definitely see why other people like him though. Same thing with Marcel.
Go clean your room: These guys just weird me out unfortunately. ;; I'd rather our paths not cross.
I didn't realize how many lazies I didn't like! Yes, Bob is where he should be. View attachment 263047

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A year later and Bob is still where he is supposed to be lol
The lazy personality is very hot and cold for me. I either love them or I dislike them, the ones in between are either designs that are ok or unsure about.

Tier S: I love all three of these villagers, they're species I really like and I think they're very cute, they'd all be welcome on my island permanently but I'd rather not have three lazies so for now I just have Sherb with the aim of getting Erik back.

Tier A: These are all villagers I really like, they all have sweet designs and are all villagers that I'd be happy to find when villager hunting or to have as random move-ins. I'd probably keep any of these villagers for a while as they'd all fit well on my island but I'd be unlikely to keep any of them permanently.

Tier B: I like these villagers, they're all either part of a species I really like or are strong villagers in a species I'm not as keen on. If I saw any of them while island hopping and was low on NMTs then I'd be happy to invite them back to my island, likely keeping them long enough to get their photos but I'd be unlikely to be as attached to them as I would be to the ones in the higher tiers.

Tier C: I'm pretty indifferent to these villagers, I don't dislike any of their designs but I don't love any of them either. If I saw them while island hopping I'd probably take a chance on finding a better villager, unless it was my very last ticket then I'd take them, but I wouldn't be disappointed if they were a random move-in and would get to know them to see if I changed my opinion before moving them on.

Tier D: Not a huge fan of these villagers, most of them are species that I'm not very interested in (mostly the birds and horses) or just have designs I'm not really drawn to, Hopkins is a very sweet looking villager from the front and I really like rabbits but I'm just not keen on him been a blow up toy. Benjamin isn't an awful villager but he shares a name with a family member so I'd find it odd to have him on my island. I'd likely move them of my island pretty quickly if they were random move ins as there are many other villagers I'd prefer to have.

Tier F:
I dislike these villagers, I'm not overly keen on Paolo's or Rodeo's eyes and I really dislike Al's and Clyde's colour schemes as it just makes them look unwell, while I just dislike Barold overall and find him a bit creepy. If any of these villagers moved onto my island I wouldn't be happy and would be moving them straight back off it.
Okay, first, for those who want a tier maker version with Marty -


so lazies - I both like a lot of them and am very picky. I don’t dislike many, but most of the designs are more middle for me than loved.

S tier are those currently who I think are my favorites - it’s a constantly changing group. Currently, despite the fact that I let him move away after receiving his picture twice, Weber is my absolute favorite and I expect to move him back at some point in the mystical future where I want to have permanent forever villagers.

A tier are also really great to me, I would strongly consider inviting any of these. And I do still think Rex is one of the best lazy designs (he maybe should be in S, but could not decide)

B are also good, I could invite these guys to my island to chill out a bit, but I am less excited about them about the A tier boys. A surprising inclusion here for me is Prince, who I swear I disliked pretty strongly just a couple months ago, but now I think he is actually nice, with a huck Finn vibe, maybe just because in his photo he is wearing the hat he is. Still, would love to take a lazy drift down the river with him.

C tier I have nothing in particular against them but also no particularly strong interest in.

D tier - don’t hate them, but don’t particularly like them. Just in the last few minutes I already think probably Al should have been in C tier. I don’t think I would ever invite him, but at the same time I think he might have an elusive charm to him.

it is hard to hate any of the lazies, since they basically just act like sweet, weird little babies.

First of all, I don't want to offend anyone with this list. I just love frogs :) Prince was one of my first villagers in New Leaf. Now he is my favourite boy. And always will be <3
The dogs category is equivalent to the best villagers. 🐶 Puck gets bumped up for being a hockey penguin.
