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  • Living in Japan was like a dream.. the most amazing experience I've ever had. I could literally write a book explaining all things I did there! I first worked in Okinawa at a beach resort and then I moved to Tokyo to teach English to a class of 5 year olds and also I was a private English tutor. I highly recommend you to go, not to travel there, but to live there : )
    You sound like you've been really busy lately! What kind of job do you have now? Great! We can squeeze in some time for AC on weekends.
    Btw do you have any messaging apps like What's App, LINE, etc? I'm not on this site often as you can see haha
    Thanks, I added you back :) I know what you mean haha! Free time is a luxury now! Also, I'm glad you're doing well~
    I've been so busy lately.. I ended up going to art school at Sheridan, worked in Japan (in Tokyo) for a year, and now I'm working back in Canada. Yeeeah 6 years flies by fast o_o It would be cool to play AC together again once the switch version is released!!
    Hey Canadian Minty, it's Cartoty (couldn't log onto my Cartoty account lol)! I just noticed its been a long time since we played the Japanese version of New Leaf together! How have you been these past years?
    Early 2016 was actually the first time I went to Walt Disney World Resort ever. If it's anything special, its thematic and atmosphere are what makes it stand out among other theme parks. A few favorite rides of mine are: Splash Mountain, Expedition Everest, Tower of Terror and Test Track.

    Did you went to Old Quebec? Unlike the bog-standard look the rest of Quebec City adopted, the aesthetics in this location gives quite a lot of European vibe.
    I also like Village Vacances Valcartier for its well-designed water rides. There's even a large building filled with those rides, in case the weather isn't treating kindly to you.

    As for the Switch installment of Animal Crossing and Pokémon, I'm inclined to say they're a given. The hardware pretty much sold well over 10 millions units during its first year, and of course a new mainline Pokémon entry is apparently in development.
    With that in mind, it's only a matter of time for when a game from either franchise gets released.
    Long time no see indeed! Right now, I'm fine. How's yours?

    Between the last time we've properly met and now, there's quite a few interesting things that happened to me. Let's name just a few...

    - Went to Orlando's Walt Disney World Resort for the very first time, although only for a week
    - Acquired a Switch, SNES Classic, and quite a good amount of games spanning on multiple platforms
    Awesome! How are you liking it? I have all the sanrio cards but don't think you can invite villagers from ither towns like with regular ones. But if you can I can help you get the others
    The new update is awesome! I restarted my town and it feels like a new animal crossing game :)

    Going to start in on pokemon after christmas if I can get a used cart. I hate having to pay full price :p
    Hiya, Mint! Are you still playing? If so, any luck getting Filly to come visit your RV park?
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