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  • Hey Mint, it's Carter your fellow Ontarian! I'm not sure if you remember me, but we played ACNL together when it first came out in Japan. How's life treating you lately? ^^
    Yeah, that's about my thinking...Right now, the panels are surrounded by whatever ores I can get, since it's not like I had a big collection of ores. But I have goals.

    I look forward to that, then. Hope things cool down a bit!
    I sorted out Anabelle, and I've been working on Ribbot's yard -- I did give him a PWP for flavor, in the end (Solar Panels, so he can soak up that fine sun for his power cells), and I'm thinking rubies and sapphires, with silver trim on the road.
    Now it's just down, conceptually, to Papi and Hazel.

    What have you been working on lately?
    I wasn't sure. I need to do some chopping of trees to get his yard cleared out... I did a single color for around his house, but I'm not sure if I'd want to just do silver. It seems a little dull, especially for a sort of "rock garden." Maybe Gold, since it's a metal, and sapphires?
    The yards are mostly letting stuff grow, while I ponder out what to do about Papi, Hazel, and Anabelle (besides what shrubs I want). I need some more flowers for the ones I have in mind.
    Well, all of the villagers have a flower scheme already, in little borders around their houses (except Skye; I'm growing stuff for hers), but I'm not sure if I should just use those schemes more or not. Anyway, the perfect town thing I won't think be effected by that: my concern is more that, for example, one thing I would do if ores were not trash is give Ribbot a yard with some ore in it, since he's, you know, a robot. I'm very fond of this idea, so I'm trying to free up stuff to let me do it regardless, at least for right now. I have some ideas for...I guess at this point most of my villagers, but there are some that just have me stumped.
    I did something like that in my little zen area. I like a shrub-lined path a bit, myself, since I go in for dirt paths.

    I do not have any ponds in that area, but I could always put a fountain or something in the middle; maybe some gold roses around it, like the prize at the center of the hedge maze. Would be pretty cute. I initially tried the idea elsewhere and found that it just did not work out, not one little bit. Not enough space. I did something with those border hedges I put up, though.

    Right, it's something like that... I'm just stuck on, for a few of them, what sort of flowers, what sort of PWPs, that kind of thing. I might ponder out specifics with you. I'm thinking that, if I want to sacrifice my perfect town for it (and I might), I could do a couple of sort of clever ideas. I know one villager is getting her own bench, as soon as I decide which bench.
    Cool! I, personally, reccomend hydrangeas for the bushes, since I feel like they go well with bamboo and things.

    I do my town sort of area-by-area, rather than a theme or anything. I think I have one or two major areas left to consider: a hedge maze, a sort of "riverwalk."

    I might do something with one of the ponds around town, I might do somethings in front of the town hall, my flowers need arranging... And also, I'd like to give each villager, like, a "yard" or little space that's theirs, and I'm pondering exactly how to do that.
    Thank you!! :D And now a turbine I believe xD Sad news though....Tia slipped out of my grasp somehow and is now moving out :'( I loved her...this makes me dislike Boone more now.
    I seriously REALLY hope so....I was asked to build a windmill...and his house is at the exact spot on the cliff where I always wanted it :|
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