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  • holy bananas, i definitely need to be talking to her more LOOOL im always TT in the day
    i couldve done that yesterday.. omg but i'll try time traveling in my town tonight back/forth see how that goes
    and !!!!! omg are you sure?? ;U;
    TT her? im gonna try that LMAO i need her recipes tbh UwU
    and that would be awesome! what would you like for it? <3
    omg really? LOL, id love to get a wand too then shoot!!! but i'm too nervous to time travel back and that many days forward again TAT
    No, I just feed bad to give you something that u already have T^T you can keep the grass standee but I just want to make it up for you
    I am so sorry. Do you need any of these: gong, clackercart, golden arowana model, traditional straw coat , gold armor, pansy table, star wand.
    Hello, I just realized that I mistake grass standee with glass standee. I just want to check if I had trade with you DIY that you already have? If you do I can compensate with IGB, TBT or I will let you know if I have new DIY to see if you need it. I am so so sorry
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