• We're Celebrating Diversity on TBT! Join our new mini-event this month by making a 3D craft that represents what diversity and inclusivity mean to you. For your hard work, you'll receive a newly released villager collectible and the chance to win the latest addition to our plush series! See the Celebrating Diversity 2024 thread to get started.

Describe a typical day in your life

- Wake up.
- Take my meds and have breakfast and coffee.
- Log onto work.
- Log onto Discord and open up my server and check for any DMs or notifications.
- Basically pilot my work station and my personal laptop at the same time for several hours.
- Eat lunch.
- Finish work for the day.
- Go to either martial arts or exercise at the gym.
- Get home.
- Play video games.
- Chill for a bit and then take meds and go to sleep.
- Rinse and repeat.
- wake up at 6
- breakfast, get to work by 7
- work til 4
- back home by 5
- shower and clean
- dinner by 6
- play video games and watch stuff til i'm too tired
- sleep by 8

Sometimes I meet friends after work, now that it's getting warmer I'm going to add swimming to that timeslot on certain days.
wake up
eat breakfast
log on computer check any forum im on for notifs,discord servers too and also emails
play random video game
eat lunch bathe
continue game
eat dinner
lurk online till i fall asleep
Okay, on a normal weekday I wake up. Eat breakfast. Go to school. Go back home. Go straight to my room and do homework and stuff. Then I go out to eat dinner. And then I brush my teeth and fall asleep.

On the weekends I wake up. Eat breakfast. Wait for lunch. Eat lunch. Play on my Switch. Then dinner comes. Then I brush my teeth and fall asleep.
07:00: wake-up, make tea, shower.
07:35: walk to train station with SO.
08:10: arrive at work early, eat breakfast.
08:30: start work.
11:15: 15-minute tea break spent with colleagues.
13:00: 45-minute lunch break spent with colleagues.
16:15: leave work.
16:45: arrive home, shower, make dinner.
18:00: either go out to see friends or stay in with my partner. If I'm lucky indulge in my own hobbies.
23:00: bed.
- wake up
- do some puzzle games on my phone in bed
- wash face/get dressed
- grab meds and coffee
- breakfast if there’s time
- go to work
- work
- go home
- stop for groceries if needed or order food if lazy
- clean
- watch a show
- get ready for bed
- sleep and repeat 🙃
Wake up
Eat breakfast
Eat lunch
Eat dinner
Wake up
Run / Workout

Though running will be shifting to after breakfast whenever the weather gets nicer.
  • Wake up. I'm usually up by 7-something, but I've woken up earlier and later. My sleep schedule is terribly inconsistent for me to wake up at the same times every day.
  • Eat breakfast. I usually eat a small breakfast because sometimes I don't have a lot of time. Plus, I eat super slowly, so I could use up a good 15 minutes just eating a bagel or something. Oh, and I almost always drink coffee.
  • Check notifications. (TBT, Discord, YouTube, etc.) I'll sometimes check them first thing in the morning if I'm awaiting something particularly exciting.
  • Get ready for school. This includes getting dressed, brushing my hair/teeth, getting my stuff together, and choosing a song to play on Spotify so I can listen to it on the bus. If I have spare time, I'll go on my phone.
  • Y'know... School. My school days aren't particularly interesting; I go about my day, hang out with friends + go on my phone during lunch, continue my school day till it's over.
  • Go home. What I do once I get home varies, but it's usually one of the following: Eat something, watch TV, listen to music, browse TBT, or something else.
  • Eat dinner and clean the kitchen. For some reason this takes forever. Like I already mentioned, I'm a slow eater, and cleaning up takes a while, so this takes 1-2 hours.
  • Continue doing stuff. Same stuff as "Go home", basically. I really don't have a varied lifestyle or hobbies.
  • Get ready for bed. This includes putting on my pyjamas, making my school lunch, brushing my teeth, and cleaning my room.
  • Do stuff till I fall asleep. I have trouble sleeping right away, so I'm usually on one of my devices until I feel tired. Probably not the best solution, but it's better than laying in bed with my thoughts.
This is how my weekdays typically go. Some non-daily things I do include showering ever two days, washing my clothes during the weekend, and sometimes doing my homework when needed. This is gonna change completely once I get to college, so expect me to make another post here a few months from now, lol.
7:00 - Wake up at get ready
7:25 - Leave the house to wait for the bus
Around 7:50 - Arrive at school
8:10 - Classes start
2:40/12:00 - Classes end, I get on the bus back home
3:10/12:20 - Get home, eat something, watch YouTube, do homework, take a nap, read
5:30 - Eat dinner
6:00 - Go back to whatever I was doing
10:00 - Get ready for bed
Anytime between 10:30 and 3:00 - Go to sleep
Occasionally stay until about 4:00-4:30 for rehearsals

Saturday (Oct-Apr/May):
8:45 - Wake up, eat breakfast, get ready for theatre class/rehearsal
9:40 - Leave the house
9:55 - Arrive at the studio
11:30/12:00 - Leave the studio
Rest of the day - Just chill
If it's May/Jun-Sept, I don't do anything

Whole day - Chill
Go to bed at 10:30-ish
-Wake up
-Procrastinate getting ready by being on my phone
-Eventually get ready
-Get something to eat
-Go to classes
-Take a break
-Go to rehearsals
-Eat dinner
-Do homework or study for exams
-Practice music
-Get ready for bed
-Be on phone until I fall asleep
Wake up
Take dogs outside
Feed dogs
Check computer
Take dogs outside
Maybe eat
Take dogs outside
Take dogs outside
Feed dogs
Take dogs outside
Take dogs outside
Take dogs outside
Fight my sleep paralysis demon
Wake up
It hangs around as I eat breakfast
I go to work. I have to do double the work because they can't pull their weight
Go home. Go to sleep
Fight my sleep paralysis demon
Wake up between 7:50-8:00. Get ready for work (everything is done the night before) and leave the house by 8:15. Get to work for 8:30. Work until 4:30 and then go home. Get home and usually just browse on my phone for a bit until making dinner at 5:30-6. Eat by 6:30-7 usually. Then it's watch videos with my bf, play video games, just chat with him, read, whatever, until 9 and then if I need to shower that day, I'll shower, if not, I'll continue vibing until 11, then I'll make/pack my lunch. Then bed by 12-12:30.
- wake up
- check discord and twitter
- check tbt
- get out of bed and get ready for day
- drink chocolate milk
- browse tbt
- play game
- look at fanart
- talk to bf if he is awake otherwise wait for bf
- eat lunch
- take vitamins
- take nap, if not tired lay down and browse twitter and discord
- get out of bed and eat dinner
- play game or talk to friends or bf
- shower
- watch show with family
- lay down
- twitter and discord
- listen to music
- draw, if in the mood
- spend time with friends and bf
- sleep sometime after 3 am
~ 4 Wake up, take meds and then go back to sleep
~ 6 Wake up again
Eat breakfast & get ready
Make tea and read comics / news if I have extra time
Long bus ride to school
Attend classes
on my lunch break I usually fall asleep / do homework or pretty much anything else that doesn't involve eating lunch
Go back to classes
Short bus ride home
Eat a snack
Yard work / Go to the gym
Listen to music and do homework
Eat dinner
~ 9 go to bed
~ 10-12 successfully fall asleep