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Do you like your parents' cooking?


Jan 26, 2014
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July Birthstone (Ruby)
I love how my mum seasons meat, and how my dad incorporates foods from different cultures with his Caribbean cooking.
Yeah, for sure! I mean, I can't even cook to save myself, so I really appreciate my dad and mom cooking for me all the time. o:
... Well, even though all I do is eat either ramen, udon, or pasta every day.
My dad is OBSESSED with cooking. he has over 150 recipe books (they fill our entire kitchen) and loves making fancy meals and making them look like they're served in a posh restaurant. So yeah I love it.
Such a step down when I go away to uni :/
My Mom moved away and got remarried (she very very rarely cooked, anyway), and my Dad just plain doesn't cook lol.

But uh, I prefer the way he makes sandwiches in comparison to my own?? :p So... yes?
as they say "the pie tastes best when u make it urself'

and coz idk how to cook i always eat food i dont like
My dad's food is amazing, especially his Sunday dinners and his meat pie because he makes everything from scratch. :D
I like certain things my parents make. My mom makes the best eggs! Like, I don't know why, but they taste different then when I go to other peoples houses. She also makes these 'no-bake' cookies we all like. (All meaning my family/anyone else who eats them)
My dad's cooking is really nice, but I really cannot stand my mom's cooking at all. She always overdoes miniscule things like seasonings and under/overcooking food. Not to mention that she always tries to make food for me when I tell her to let me do it myself and then tries to shove it in my face when I'm not even hungry.
My mom is the best out of my family to be honest.
My dad managed to ruin pasta for me for like a year by adding something that made me sick ;_;
Plain pasta btw.
Generally. My mom is pretty good, but has less of a sense for what will taste good and what won't, somehow me and my dad have that lol. She goes a bit light on seasonings too, so sometimes it can be bland. Most of the time everything's pretty good! My dad cooks every so often and it is quite a treat because he does things very well! (Especially his spaghetti ^^) Sometimes he may experiment and it's eh, but it is usually when we just have no food and he uses what we had to make something random.
My mom doesnt usually cook for us, and if she does its like. food you heat up from the freezer. o_o"
my mom is a trained chef, so yeah, but my dad can't cook for s***
i never eat with my parents though and always cook for myself
My dad's food is fine I guess^^
I only don't like the things he cooks together with his girlfriend because she puts radishes in everything .u.
of course, i love my mom's cooking. it's the best O.O well...sometimes.

only thing i dont like much is when she makes this type of stew, oh and fish. OH AND EGGPLANT. but thats bout it.