How is your temper?


May 28, 2021
April Birthstone (Diamond)
Sky Clouds Scenery
Spring Sakura
White Hyacinth
Pink Heart Balloon
Purple Balloon
Sweet Balloon
Sweet Balloon
Yellow Balloon
Sweet Balloon
Anger, rage, hostility, and such. The 'red side' of emotion.

I don't have a fuse. Anger for me has mostly been non existent. If something or someone bothers me, my reaction is almost always shrugging it off.

Yet I wouldn't call myself 'thick skinned' either. I definitely can get flustered. It doesn't channel into getting angry though.

A younger relative of mine has been showing early signs of anger problems. Which is why I thought of this topic. I don't know how small children function though, so it could just be a phase that he'll grow out of. I noticed it little bit too, but not to the extent his parents described.
Completely under control. I'm just not easily rattled. I have trouble controlling my laughter, but not my temper. I can stand up for myself easily, but I was taught by my dad to remain calm if you end up in a stituation where you might need to kick someone's angry arse. It's served me well.
Completely under control. I'm just not easily rattled. I have trouble controlling my laughter, but not my temper. I can stand up for myself easily, but I was taught by my dad to remain calm if you end up in a stituation where you might need to kick someone's angry arse. It's served me well.

Oh gosh. I can't control my laughter either. I had to learn to bite my cheeks so I wouldn't laugh in a bad situation. I had certain teachers who would get angry because something 'wasn't funny'. Especially being one of those kids who would crack up at everything happening.

Yet I can kinda understand the frustration from a teacher perspective too. If trying to defuse a situation, then I can see how someone laughing would be irritating. We also don't control our sense of humor and what we happen to find funny, and for me, watching random classroom shenanigans was hilarious.

Even as a college student, I still laugh at anything that breaks the classroom monotony.
I rarely get angry. Only for very, very good reasons and by that point I'm usually ticked off so much that I'll explode on to whoever or whatever upset me in the first place.
Well, I have anger issues, so that sorta gives you an idea of how my temper is. I just get annoyed or ticked off really easily. And if I'm already in a bad mood, even the smallest things will set me off. When I'm angry, I'll have the urge to break something, though I'm not sure if that's common amongst everyone or just people with temper problems.

It was worse when I was younger, though. Apparently I was violent and broke everything I could. While I'm glad I could learn to tone it down over the years, I'm not at my desired stage. I don't wanna be mad all the time.

I've always wondered how anyone can be calm & collected about everything or can control their anger, but maybe that's just me. ๐Ÿค”
i honestly thought i was incapable of feeling anger for a good while but ive started getting into mario kart recently and its back !

For some reason, competitive games were like the only thing in the world that could make me upset. I actually stepped away from them for a while because of this.

Mario Kart though...I kinda just accept the game is going to be goofy and screw me over. I don't take it seriously (lol unless i'm playing couch multiplayer, then my ego needs that win). But against strangers I'm not very good to begin with so I expect many last place finishes.
It depends. Something has to bother me a lot or happen repeatedly. It's worse in real life than online, too. I tend to avoid places that would be bad for me like social media and if I somehow get mad online, I usually just leave so I can calm down.
In real life, I don't always get that option... It can be really difficult, especially if I'm stressed out and cannot leave the situation.
I donโ€™t know. Iโ€™d like to think Iโ€™m chill. Only certain things upset me to the point, but I donโ€™t take it out on other people. I dislike working after this 75 year old guy at my job. He physically cannot work and heโ€™s unable to walk around without using a garbage can as a walker. He doesnโ€™t even need the money and only works to get away from his wife. Iโ€™ll cuss to myself while Iโ€™m cleaning up his mess, but Iโ€™ll stop by the time Iโ€™m caught up. The time will come when he cannot work at all anymore, and Iโ€™m waiting for that day.

Iโ€™m not sure if other people think Iโ€™m chill as sometimes I have my moments โ€” thanks, BPD. Iโ€™ve gotten better at controlling my emotions more recently, though.
It depends on where I am. Like, at school, I can usually hold myself together, but of course thereโ€™s a lot of people that make me want to kick their ass. I donโ€™t end up doing it, but I really want to. Luckily, most people here are more irritating than infuriating, and the person that annoyed me the most, usually on purpose for no reason, was expelled. At the very least, heโ€™s not supposed to be coming back for the rest of the school year. So that hasnโ€™t happened much recently.

But in most other cases, I can keep my composure. My school is the only place that has people that enrage me. I think that my tendency to get mad has gotten better as I grew up, so now itโ€™s mainly only video games that can get on my nerves.
i have anger issues i think.. it's hard not to get angry when someone is irritating me (mostly at my sister). it's worse because i have a personality disorder that makes my emotions more extreme and it can take just the smallest thing to tick me off, but it usually doesn't last very long before i start to just get sad instead. i think ive gotten better at managing it in recent years though
knocking on wood before saying this, but i don't really get mad about anything these days lol. it takes me a while to get angry about stuff. and even then, i don't go on a rampage like i used to when i was in middle school. very embarrassed of those days ๐Ÿ˜….

although nowadays, i just get sad and upset instead of angry, so i just dumped one bad habit for another really. oh well. one day i'll be able to process my feelings like a regular person.
I get anxious and sad very very easily, however I rarely get angry. Something that might make someone else angry will usually just make me anxious or sad lol. The only thing that ever gets me riled up are rare fights with family members.
I have a bit of a hot temper, unfortunately. *sigh* I tend to lose it most with certain sensory things or my routine getting off. When you get both happening at once (happens at my work, unfortunately), oh boy. ๐Ÿ˜ณ
i'm not 100% sure but i feel like i rarely ever get noticeable upset with others. i try and put on a brave face when dealing with the world and save my meltdowns and bad feelings for when i'm in the safety of my own home. towards myself though? ooof i don't even know where or how to begin to describe how angry i get at myself sometimes. i'm trying to work on building some empathy towards myself because i seem to be fully capable of cutting others some slack but i just feel undeserving of the same treatment at times :c
I can get angry, but I rarely express it at this point. It would have to be a really bad/extreme circumstance for me to, and id happily accept eating the cost in that case.

Id just rather move on or just not deal with the person. It's rare if something gets changed anyway. People gonna people. Shuffle or remove what I can and live.

If annoyed enough but not angry, I'll confront the person about whatever it is sometimes knowing nothing will change, which I guess that is just stirring the pot. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿ™ƒ Not helpful either unless it causes them to remove themselves from your environment I guess.

I just find a lot of things pointless because things usually don't change or more issues come out of it when trying to change stuff. Gotta pick and choose your battles.
To other people, I usually look pretty emotionless. I am pretty in tune with my negative emotions though. Sadness and anger.
Because of past experiences, I confront people ASAP if something is bothering me. But that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm mad or anything. I'm usually very neutral when confronting people though.

In terms of me actually losing my cool and straight up exploding- it's usually when people are misunderstand me. And when they're not *actually* listening to what I have to say, and continue to ignore my warnings(of anger).

I am a very angry person. More of the silently boiling type
I am very sensitive but I like to think I have a pretty even temper. Some things though will make me snap bad too, depending on the circumstances.