How old where you when you first played AC?


Squirtle Squad
Oct 9, 2012
I remember I was like 13 sitting at home in the living room playing the game. I bought it just because of thr cover and didn't know what it is about lol

I first played when the original AC released. I am now 31 and still love it!
I don't remember exactly how old I was, but I was somewhere between 3 and 6, and the first AC game I've played was New Leaf.
My first game was wild world. I can't remember why I wanted it, maybe a friend had it I think? But I was about 8 I'd say.
It still has my favourite ost, and some of my favourite events out of any of the animal crossing games I've played!
I was sixteen, and I played the first Animal Crossing on Gamecube when it was brand new. I saw it in Nintendo Power magazine, and it was the reason I bought a Gamecube. I remember hunting frantically for mushrooms in the morning in late October, because they only started appearing at 8AM, so I think I had about five or ten minutes every morning to grab as many as I could find before I had to leave for school. ^o^;>
i honestly don’t remember for sure, but i’m pretty sure i was 5 or 6. my mom got me a grey ds and a few ds games (one of which was wild world— i’m confident she only got it for me because it had animal in the title LOL) for christmas one year, and i’ve been playing ever since 🩶
wild world was my first ac game - got it when it was released so would've been about 9
About 6, I remember playing wild world in daycare with other kids on a DS lite.
I was 18. I had just gotten a GameCube for the first time and needed some games for the system, and Animal Crossing ended up being among the games I bought. I never expected to like it anywhere near as much as I did.
I was about 8!! My friend had City Folk and I'd asked my parents specifically for the animal crossing City game for my DS (cause we didn't have a Wii and I knew I liked that one) lmao. They bought me WW <3333
I was 13 and this was pretty recently. It was New Leaf. But technically, depending on how you look at it, you could say I was 12.
I can't say for certain, but I must've been like 9 or 10! I remember though that I played it for the first time on my at this time best friends DS (very first version) and later that year my parents gave me for christmas Animal Crossing Wild World with a DS Lite in black 😀
think i was 10 or 11? maybe younger - unsure. i made a friend on holliday in greece with my family, and i might have been ill one day or something? anyways, was inside at one point and i hit up my friends' 3DS and saw she had animal crossing new leaf! i figured out how to make a new character and sold some apples at the retail. then i got my own 3DS maybe that year or the year after for christmas. 😌
I was 18. I had just gotten out of high school a few months before getting New Leaf. I vaguely remember being sick at the time and generally not in a good state of mind. I would like to never relive that entire year, honestly.
I think I was ten years old. I rented the Gamecube version from a video rental store so much that the employees just gave it to me. Fun times.
I was 10 when I first played Animal Crossing. When we started, all three of us kids shared the same town, then got our own towns.
I was 10 when I got a DS Lite and Wild World.
Now I’m 27.

I also recently got a copy of the original game to try out as I never had a GameCube as a kid even though most of my friends did. It’s really neat to see where the series started.