How old where you when you first played AC?

I was 4, I had a character in my mum’s WW town :)
And I’ve played every game since!
I can't remember... I think I was 9? When one of my cousins gave me Wild World. Though I wasn't super into it until I was 10 and I think the very same cousin gave me New Leaf. (I deleted that save about a year later in a fit of rage after accidentally selling my shovel and the shop didn't have the shovel that day OR the day after...)
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Though it'd basically always been a series I was aware of. I think I remember being 6 or 7 and watching a YouTuber whose Minecraft series(?) I liked playing through New Leaf and thinking it looked super fun lol
Oh jeez. I was 7 or 8 when I played my first Animal Crossing. I think I was 8 actually because it was right before I moved from my home state and I thought we were moving to Arizona, so that's what I named my first town. So 2004 was when I started playing the game for the first time. Brings back great memories, I will always love the original intro music.
I'm not sure tbh, I'm 35 now and I played AC for the Gamecube around when it first came out so, idk....maybe somewhere in my late teens/early twenties?
Not sure of the exact age, but between 4-6 years old. I know we had a GameCube in our home and I was becoming literate/intelligent enough to search up things online.
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I was for sure under 10 years old but it's been so long now I can't remember. My first game was WW though!
The first time I ever played animal crossing was when I was 7 or 8. I still thought robot chicken was funny at that age (oh how hopeless I was).

The town fruit was pears and I absolutely loved the music while working for Tom Nook. It wasn't my cartridge, but it made playing the game feel extra special. I planted an orchard, worked hard for my bells, and had a blast playing the game without knowing about time travel or any of that jazz.
I can't quite remember if I was 11 or 12. I didn't have enough games for my GameCube, and I saw it while I was browsing the video game section in a movie rental store. I picked it up because it had 'animal' in the title, and quickly bought a used copy after I fell in love with it.
‘Twas 2008 when I was the ripe age of 5 :’) Nan bought me a black DS lite and Wild World, and then suddenly I was lost in the AC world. Never looked back I guess!
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I was 15 when I first started playing New Leaf on the Nintendo 3ds I remember seeing it advertised everywhere and thought it looked so cute.

I then watched some people reviewing and playing it on youtube and was like yep this is cute I need this game.
I was the "young" age of 36 when my brother convinced me to play ACNH as the world was shutting down due to the pandemic. I became completely obsessed 😍 & played that game until I finished absolutely everything to do in it. And then I decided to try ACNL (thanks to my brother sharing his 3DS XL with me) to see what the hype was about from those that said it was a better game overall compared to New Horizons, and my verdict to that claim is: I get it! ACNL was definitely a more polished game, & I kinda wish that I was part of the initial hoopla around its release, but I just gave birth to my son at that time, so I wouldn't have had the time anyways.
I think I was around 11 at the time? It was like a year after New Leaf released. We had 3ds games available to borrow at our library so I decided to try new leaf since I thought it looked cute
Believe it or not, but I was 12 when I played pocket camp for the first time, I was the same age when I first played New Horizons! (I'm 16 now!)
8 or 9. I had a sleepover with like 4 or 5 friends for my birthday and two of them had Animal Crossing on their DS, which I had never heard of before. They let me make a character in their Wild Worod town and I was obsessed. I had my mom take me to buy the game the next day with my birthday money and I've been obsessed since!
I was 12 when I rented my first copy of New Leaf. Got my own copy for my 13th birthday. Now I’m 22, which means it’s my 10th anniversary since I started the series.