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Join Date Anniversary Thread


Yoshi's Islanders
Aug 17, 2013
Night Sky Scenery
Shooting Star
Celeste Chick Plush
Shooting Star
Night Sky Scenery
White Star Fragment
Pink Star Fragment
Purple Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
Green Star Fragment
Feel free to use this thread to share your TBT anniversaries (aka the day you joined The Bell Tree). I'm sure like myself these forums mean a lot to many of us and I think it's important to celebrate by sharing our thoughts and feelings. :)

To get things started today (the day I am posting this) is my 8th TBT anniversary. :oops: Hard to believe I was just a teen in high school when I joined and now I'm in my mid twenties. I've been playing Animal Crossing since Wild World and definitely poked around the forums before I ended up joining, though it wasn't until after I got New Leaf that I joined.

I have had a ton of fun on the Bell Tree over the years. Most people here are so friendly and fun to chat to and trade with. I also want to say that I appreciate all the work the site staff put into everything from all the fun events to even just daily site upkeep.

Even when I'm not currently playing Animal Crossing I just can't help stopping in and checking out what's happening on the forums. Here's to many more great years in the future on The Bell Tree! 🥳
Apparently, It’s been almost nine years. It doesn’t feel like it’s been that long honestly. I was active right at the beginning of my join date, but I was very young and immature — emphasis on that. I’ve matured a lot since then. I’m a completely different person than I was even a few years ago. I’m not sure if anyone remembers me from the several years ago, but I’ll save you the trouble and say, be glad you didn’t. I cringe at myself. I’m wanting to forget those days, haha.

Anyway, let’s fast forward to more recently. I’ve been having fun on the forums. I’ve seen a lot of great people around. I want to stick around this time. This is one of the only forums that still somewhat active and I’m thankful for that, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down.

Congratulations on eight years! I’m happy for you! That’s a long time to be apart of a community!
Sorry for this not really fitting the thread but how do you check when you joined? (Is there a way to check when you joined on the site/when you made your account?)

I'm not sure when I made the account but I mostly liked to read than post, and just started to post lately. :)
Sorry for this not really fitting the thread but how do you check when you joined? (Is there a way to check when you joined on the site/when you made your account?)

I'm not sure when I made the account but I mostly liked to read than post, and just started to post lately. :)

If you click on your username (on any post) it should show you your join date. When I click on yours it shows Nov 7, 2016. :)
Feel free to use this thread to share your TBT anniversaries (aka the day you joined The Bell Tree). I'm sure like myself these forums mean a lot to many of us and I think it's important to celebrate by sharing our thoughts and feelings. :)

To get things started today (the day I am posting this) is my 8th TBT anniversary. :oops: Hard to believe I was just a teen in high school when I joined and now I'm in my mid twenties. I've been playing Animal Crossing since Wild World and definitely poked around the forums before I ended up joining, though it wasn't until after I got New Leaf that I joined.

I have had a ton of fun on the Bell Tree over the years. Most people here are so friendly and fun to chat to and trade with. I also want to say that I appreciate all the work the site staff put into everything from all the fun events to even just daily site upkeep.

Even when I'm not currently playing Animal Crossing I just can't help stopping in and checking out what's happening on the forums. Here's to many more great years in the future on The Bell Tree! 🥳

Congrats on your 8 year anniversary being here 🥳. It has been a pleasure seeing you here and getting to know you over this past year a :). I hope to see you around here for more fun times on the forums 🙂.

I missed my anniversary; mine was late May 2015. I was inactive though sometime between NL & NH. Even though I hardly play NH now, I still plan on staying here for as long as possible since I’ve made so many friends here and wonderful memories and these events are just so extremely fun ☺️.
@Holla Congrats on your 8 year anniversary! 🥳

Apparently, my three year anniversary was just yesterday. I got New Leaf in 2017 and started googling questions about it. Most of my searches led me here. I lurked for a while just to get information without joining, but then I finally decided to join in August of 2018 because I found out some of the items I desperately wanted were region locked (blossom lanterns, hinaningyo, etc).

I've been enjoying my time here ever since and don't plan on leaving anytime soon, regardless of whether I'm actively playing an Animal Crossing game or not. This is just such a great community and there are so many fun events and gorgeous collectibles to obtain!
It's a bit late to post about it, but I got 10 seashells not long ago to commemorate 2 years of being on the forums! I never expected to stick around and enjoy being here quite so much, but it has honestly been great. I have made some great friends, enjoyed animal crossing, and been introduced to things I never would have before so thank you to everyone on the forums.
My 8 year TBT anniversary was last month. I was 16 when I joined, and I took a three year hiatus from the site from 2015-2018 from when I was 18 to when I was 21. I’ve had a plethora of different usernames since joining, but I’ll never forget the friends and memories made here. :giggle:
Congrats on your anniversary! I guess we're stuck here forever? We joined the same year so my anniversary will be coming up in a few months too. I didn't log on between late 2014 and early 2020 though so I took the biggest break ever haha.
happy belated anniversary, @Holla! may you have many more wonderful years to come. 🥰

i celebrated my 6th year anniversary back in april and i’m,, honestly still in shock about it lol. the person that i was back in 2015 is so foreign to me now that she’s practically a stranger; i’ll occasionally stumble across very old posts of mine and i just won’t recognize the words that apparently came from my fingertips. it’s strange, but also oddly interesting.

a lot has happened to me and because of me over the past 6 years; i’ve lost friendships, i’ve grieved, my sexuality confusion fluctuated so many times that i don’t try to label myself anymore, i’ve been hospitalized, my mom got sick, my cat almost died and so much more.

but i’ve gained so much in the past 6 years, too; i’ve made some amazing friends and have developed healthy relationships, i finally accepted that i couldn’t tackle my mental health on my own and agreed to start therapy, i now go by the name that i want to be called and feel so much happier for it, i’ve dropped some awful coping mechanisms and so many other amazing things.

i haven’t been active here for the entire 6 years, but regardless of what i’ve gained and what i’ve lost, i’m very happy to be a part of this community. it’s crazy how time flies, besties.

also, this is by far one of the uh. cheesiest? most personal? posts i’ve ever made on here lol, so i’m just gonna pretend that i never posted this. 😗✌🏻
Today is my 7 year tbt anniversary, wow I can't believe it's been so long! 🎉
I joined back when I was in college to get all that sweet Japanese DLC for New Leaf, I fell off for a while but the people here and amazing events the staff here puts on keep bringing me back, glad to be a part of this awesome community.
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belated congrats on your 8 years!! i joined about a month before you did so just about missed my anniversary but it's so weird to think i've existed on this forum for so long, even if i took a fairly chunky break from it somewhere in the middle. i was a literal child when i joined (probably shouldn't have been on here, sorry mods) so it's funny now to look back on my older posts and see the way i used to interact with people on here vs now lmao
Today is the third anniversary of me joining TBT! Wow, where has the time gone 🥺

Only been really active for about 18 months (scared lurker 😂) but so amazed at the lovely community and amazing friends I have made. Can’t imagine life without you 🥺💞
My one year anniversary will be on September 22nd, and I am proud to say I am very happy I joined this community. I have met so many wonderful people on this forum, and I hope I continue to make more friends along the way!