mistreil's doodles

this is a doodle but im using this to hold me accountable to actually finish this stupid comic before april 8th

i have other art i need/want to get done and a ton of work but brainworms winning today

send me strength and a braincell or two yall
this is a doodle but im using this to hold me accountable to actually finish this stupid comic before april 8th
View attachment 547701

i have other art i need/want to get done and a ton of work but brainworms winning today
View attachment 547702
send me strength and a braincell or two yall

help me i only have 2 days left and i remembered i hate backgrounds so this was a terrible, terrible idea

theres no way ill finish in time oh mygo d
aHAHAhaha-- i spent all day yesterday going from sketches to colouring my hand hurts and im not 100% happy but this is good enough

rip acnl online and my acnl city 🙏







my city name is Cerulean -- opening the game back up for the farewell event brought back so many memories that i didn't expect
i never said goodbye to my city because i just... stopped playing one day. so this is my farewell to it!
a silly doodle this is how normal people function right

AS A DISCLAIMER im ok!! this is more of a lighthearted joke at the fact that... i'm finally sort of free from deadline hell irl, and then immediately proceeded to make a list of stuff to do to keep myself preoccupied. and also opened commissions (ilu guys btw im not feeling stressed or overworked by the commissions at all, it made me really happy to see people wanted art. i really have a lot of fun drawing peoples characters so its a good thing for me)

cool so now that that disclaimer's out of the way, i do feel like talking about me!! doodle above is sort of a joke-but-not-a-joke, since i do get really bad seasonal depression esp since that timing coincides with when my work irl is busiest, so i tend to lose a lot of my outlets that keep me sane (art, etc.) and my mental health falls into shambles. particularly bad this year because i was dealing with moving at the same time. on the other hand, having constant deadlines keeps me a functional human being (? questionable) for me, overworking is a lot better than the times when i would just... lie in bed until 4pm or something. neither are great tho, im still getting used to proper balance

anyways, i've got good support systems and i'm very good at recognizing my own behaviours, when im starting to slip, and when i need to take care of myself (which took a lot of time to get to! but it helps to be able to recognize... when im going to start spiraling and pre-emptively prevent it). so i do mean it when i say i'm ok!

but i do also think it's important for me to communicate that, despite the fact that i appear very productive/hardworking (apparently?), it's not completely coming from a healthy place. also it's not sustainable and i know my boundaries! so i do sincerely hope no one sees me as any sort of standard. this comes up because i had a friend talk to me before and they felt bad that they weren't getting as much done as me.
i've overworked in the past to the point where i broke down, which made me be veeeeery mindful and careful after i recovered enough. and made me also very wary about when i feel like people might be pushing themselves too hard too. i also have a lot to say about how i present myself vs. my actual internal workings but thats neither here nor there

so if you are comparing your productivity to anyone else's (not even mine), be nicer to yourself!! taking breaks and going at a sustainable pace is healthy and better, and sometimes productivity is not a good indicator of well-being. make sure you take care of yourself even when you're being productive! be mindful of your condition!!

anyhow!! pls remember to take care of yourselves, take breaks, get some rest, drink water, fix your posture, go on walks, set 23432532 timers so you don't lose track of time, etc. and get help when needed

warm up doodles turned into expression practice i guess. i like drawing strong emotions but im not super good at it 💦 i really like crying and angry faces especially lmao

also i just like this oc a lot theyre easy to draw and funny
OH I love your linework, it's really cool!!
and your coloring is so pretty, I love the watercolor type stuff so much 😭 🥰
something completely different

my friend and i were drawing still lifes (from line of action) and we got to this image

and i was obsessed so i spent my saturday morning doing this

i am very bad at still lifes and figure drawing and whatnot. but i like practicing it! but im also silly so half the time i just turn the poses/objects into jokes. im learning. mostly examining refraction and how to draw glass from this... but also dangan ronpa blood funny
happy tbtwc yall im going to take a nap after among us


im having fun but also i would you all to know if you see ssbu sessions early in the morning its because its the only game i can easily leave on spectate while i wake up. i normally dont wake up until 11am but i schedule early sessions for the morning/non-NA peeps

i also draw in between sessions/rounds/etc my brain is Going constantly
hi this is called stress relief and also just because i like doodling my stupidity sometimes and i think maybe it's funny for you guys to see my behind-the-scenes


its a good thing i fixed ribbot because lol my computer crashed during the mpss stream. i had no choice but to focus on upgrading him to better grab things within a range
good morning, i promise i wont do these doodles so much, im just easily amused atm and very tired

another day of tbtwc!!!! lets get those games in 👏👏👏👏👏

it is so weird for my family to see me awake this early, it's more normal for them to assume im just going to bed. regretfully, i am awake.
so about that hide and seek session


rambling a bit cause im tired

i'm very happy that it went well since it was my brainchild and i was super nervous for the first session!! it seems like people enjoyed it (both watching and participating), so... phew. 💦

when acnh first came out and i discovered the timer, i roped my friends into playing hide and seek with me when i visited their islands (which were all way more decorated than mine)! i have a lot of fond memories so i was really hoping it'd translate well for an acnh event.

i'm looking forward to the sessions, especially ones where i get to visit other people's islands 👀
doodling this because while its funny i am also still traumatized
and eepy. so very eepy. i say at 11pm, doodling this