true or false?

False, I've never had one but it sounds like a lot fun

The next person has been put on hold to the cisco music today
I was, but not anymore, so false.

The next person has played an RPG before.
No, I don't accept money from other people unless it's a special occasion. That's a pet peeve of mine. Only from my job and business.

The next person likes anime.
True, I love sharks, especially weirdos like goblin sharks and ghostsharks <3

The next person likes carbonated water
Not yet. I've had ideas about collecting stuff, but haven't committed to dropping the wallet yet.

Next person prefers to go to bed early.
false! i usually only get time to myself at night, so i end up staying up until 2 am or later.

the next person has been rear-ended before.
True. Soccer’s pretty cool.

The next person has listened to a Backstreet Boys song.