Join Date Anniversary Thread

A month and 2 days late, but I reached my 10 years on TBT!

Oh, the good old days of the mid 2010's of TBT, how I miss you so. Though back in 2013, I was a bit selfish and wanted all the attention to myself, I don't do that anymore.
Well guess who was way too distracted due to Space Camp and 100% forgot their own 10th anniversary? Me lol!

Man 10 years already. Time sure does fly. Thanks for making TBT such a wonderful community here everyone.
I can't believe that I'm writing this, but yesterday was my 10 year anniversary. I haven't been active for multiple years at this point, but it's pretty crazy to think about how much has changed during that time, both on the forums and in my personal life. Here's to hoping the forums continue for many more years!
I hit my 5 year anniversary on August 16th! I missed it at the time because I was so focused on Camp TBT, but I realized it just a few days ago. It's hard to believe that it's been that long. To think that I joined back in 2018 only to trade for a few region-exclusive items in New Leaf and I'm still here today even though I'm not currently playing any Animal Crossing game at the moment. It says a lot about the people and the staff who have created such a warm and friendly place. 💖
Today is my 10th birthday!

Okay not quite, the account is 10 years old though. I sure wouldn't have expected to still be active on TBT at this point, I think I only joined because I wanted to trade some New Leaf items...

Special shoutout to all the people who encouraged my silly creative endeavours over the years (I wouldn't have become nearly as okay at it without that) and to anyone I had fun interactions both on the site and during online game sessions. There were so many of you. It made the time invested very worth it! <3
Yesterday (September 14) was my 14-year TBT anniversary. I was on-board for all of the City Folk & New Leaf shenanigans, and am happy I came across this lovely community of people.

Of course, things are a bit different now, but it's amazing to see & experience how much this forum has evolved overtime (and myself as well).

Thank you to each of you that still enjoy stopping by from time to time. :) It keeps things lively and welcoming.

I hope this place continues to be a safe space for you to hang out, make friends, talk about your favorite things, participate in events, enjoy collectibles, and be you. I certainly plan to continue sticking around for quite some time!
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Today marks my 8th year anniversary for the forums! 👀 I tend to miss these usually, but it's cool to acknowledge it on the actual day. I'm pretty on and off, but I've never truly quit the forums, and it's kind of nice to know that I'll always come back sooner or later. 🤣