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mistreil's doodles

long time no see! i've been mia and will continue to be mia until june (work is suffering and i'll be out of the country)

but i like april fools too much, so sharing my april fools prank from twitter:



and a small thank you doodle i did cause people were genuinely supportive and i. needed to appreciate it properly GKLJFLKG

oh my gosh??? I legit can't stop starring at your tbtwc art spoiler, ITS SOOOOO GOOD?!!?
Keep up the good work! you have some serious talent 🥹
_:)з)∠)_ i've been dead thanks to work, and then ran away to japan for a little over 3 weeks, and now... i'm alive again! for the rest of the summer, hopefully, maybe!

and so, i shall be dumping my art here again

a little more structured than usual.
and one day i'll update the first post of this thread and organize better. haven't touched it since last camp...

🌸 vacation journal
after i got back, i wanted to doodle my adventures, and decided to start from... the very beginning! so i'm trying to doodle a little comic every week (for now its just pre-vacation stuff, and eventually it'll be about the trip itself).



there's more -- best place to look at them is probably in this ko-fi gallery
by the time i finish, it'll probably be time for another vacation o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ;; there's a lot for me to draw. it was lots and lots of fun!

🎮 mabinogi fanart
there's only one picture here but anyways. if you play mabinogi 🤝 me too! they had a stream recently and my daughter is coming back to korea soon


i feel like i don't do fanart often enough. i should probably do more, buuuuuuut ocs are easier to draw and more fun.
i should draw more tales and mabinogi fanart tho. my main fandoms.
🎨 oc art
aka what i draw 99% of the time

recently i decided it'd be funny to draw my oc as a baby, and then i started drawing my friends as babies too. it's very fun stripping away all of their braincells, and it's cute (╹ڡ╹ )...


there's more but they're uncoloured
also side note i have commissions open for baby just because theyre fun to do, so why not

... and then... uh... lots of oc art and references.







... there's like a bunch more and sketches and stuff too. but the above are... the main things, so i'll just skip the rest

there's tons of stuff i want to draw and projects i want to do game dev i miss you so hopefully i'll get something done over this summer before work takes me by the throat again (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
the wooden standee commissions that from last year's fair have been delivered finally because im so slow teehee- 🙏

jadetine posted an actual photo of hers, but here's some 3d mockups i made of them to make sure everything looked okay when put together!


@jadetine 's standee


@IonicKarma 's standee (rl pic)​

i slap filters on them because my blender lighting abilities are horrible. i also realize now i forgot to switch one of the mushroom colours in the mockup for jadetine. but im too lazy to fix it and you can just see the actual thing in her photo
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Beautiful. And the little space whales, they bring me so much joy.
I am definitely not handing over mine.
I love seeing all of your drawings. I can't draw at all....not for lack of trying, I just don't have the fine hand coordination i guess.
I love seeing all of your drawings. I can't draw at all....not for lack of trying, I just don't have the fine hand coordination i guess.
Honestly, the motor skills/coordination is definitely a "developed over a long period of time" thing! A lot of the stuff I draw is now just from muscle memory, but whenever I try things out of that comfort zone, it's definitely... a process. struggling. suffering.

gotta suffer have fun drawing for years for noticeable results o( ̄┰ ̄*)ゞ or, do studies and all that. i was the type to just learn slowly by doodling for fun/as a hobby, rather than seriously committing. whatever works best for you
Honestly, the motor skills/coordination is definitely a "developed over a long period of time" thing! A lot of the stuff I draw is now just from muscle memory, but whenever I try things out of that comfort zone, it's definitely... a process. struggling. suffering.

gotta suffer have fun drawing for years for noticeable results o( ̄┰ ̄*)ゞ or, do studies and all that. i was the type to just learn slowly by doodling for fun/as a hobby, rather than seriously committing. whatever works best for you
I actually tried off and on for years. And I am not exaggerating when I say my handwriting is atrocious (always has been) and my "drawing" matches, lol! I've always blamed it on being left handed but that's probably not it. hehe. Anyway I do truly enjoy seeing your art.
I cannot wait to get my asteroid plushies, our battle will be legendary 😌🔥

You're forgiven for breaking the space whale, maybe I won't need it after all. It's all yours ❤️
i go to a mall pretty regularly, so last month i decided "I'll take a picture of an outfit on display and draw an OC in it each month", and so here we are 2 months in



i rarely draw compositions like this or clothing since it's not... too in my interests, but it's pretty fun to do once a month. i just rip general composition ideas for these from store ads 😅
forgot to update again hehe -- in my defense, work is super busy for me after September.
the joys of working at a school

more oc art where they're wearing clothes I saw at the mall! I still tried to draw one per moth
can you tell i like the colour blue

i also really liked the concept of the Project Voltage Miku designs, so I wanted to draw OCs x pokemon types. i only managed to do one, but it was fun! i uhh... haven't drawn pokemon in forever
but it was one of the first things i drew when i first started doing art so... i hope child me is proud lmao

and then more character design stuff
i just like clothes. and ocs. im a simple person with a one track mind (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

also sprite work because i missed game dev, so might as well learn godot and try to make a little game while I have a bit of time over the holidays

ok bye see you next time i remember to update heh...