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mistreil's doodles

happy holidays - some quick doodles in my downtime since i'm trying to max out selfish productivity over my holiday break

also ive been learning godot because i thought that'd be good to do. obviously based on animal crossing and flower breeding because thats all i do and it seemed the simplest concept to get done within a week

it's been a good learning experience! and took a lot less time than i expected. excluding art assets, the programming bits probably only took me like... 5 hours tops to figure things out from nothing? pretty easy imo, and lightweight compared to unity and writing my own stuff from scratch in js.. heh. but less control and not mobile compatible i think, which sucks a bit

still a wip but i finished most of the goals i wanted for what little time i have this break
happy new year! finished two things today, and i figured if i don't post now, i'll probably forget to post for a while (。_。);;


i don't actually count it as the year of the dragon until lunar new year, but it was a good excuse to draw my oc and i don't know what to do for new years pictures anyways, so... happy year of the wood dragon! 🎉

also update to the above: i more or less finished what i wanted to get done before the end of my winter break. i sort of got lazy for some of the background pieces, so i'll redo those in the future!


and now i probably disappear for a month or two, probably (* ̄- ̄*)ブ
something something it's the year of the dragon, so i revamped my ffxiv character into a proper oc finally
im trying to make sure i get art done every few weeks and so maaaybe i can keep posting regularly. surprisingly thats working out for me




i did not play ffxiv for very long, for the record. most of my time was spent in character creation, then getting my sister to help me buy clothes, and then being in gpose forever. that is how games are meant to be played


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hello i've been busy moving!
mistreil in boxes, 300 nmt. my muscles are all very sore from carrying stuff.

but i also made the reasonable decision to go back to fr for various reasons... including trying to make a dragon for my oc in the previous post. for which i need funds. and like i do in all games, i started doing commissions as opposed to properly grinding things out like a normal person. im a bad player of games.

so anyways, some commissions i did:
all of this was a very good decision because im incredibly busy irl. moving, doing essentially 2 jobs, etc. and so of course taking commissions is the normal sane thing to do amidst all of this.

also, i drew mocha's dragon thistle and her oc bueno while we were talking about fr and doing an art trade. im very bad at drawing dragons but chibis i can do.



my fr goals are to finish at least my oc dragon, a few other project dragons, and then disappear for another few years again. as is the mistreil way

my tablet isnt actually set up yet, so no new art from me for a week at least! hoping i'll have the energy to set that up by this weekend but for now, im living with the bare minimum
literally all thats in my room is an uncovered light for which i can change colours, and my computer desk with just my monitor, mouse, and keyboard. send help i dont want to dig through all my boxes
still so obsessed with the art you drew !! ♡ (and everything u post bcos it’s so pretty!)

P.s. ur literally playing animal crossing irl - froggy chair when ???? Unpacking is the WORST but I hope it’s over quickly for you so you get to enjoy your new room 🩷
still so obsessed with the art you drew !! ♡ (and everything u post bcos it’s so pretty!)

P.s. ur literally playing animal crossing irl - froggy chair when ???? Unpacking is the WORST but I hope it’s over quickly for you so you get to enjoy your new room 🩷
thank you mocha. i sure am playing animal crossing irl

have this lazily-slapped-together-with-a-mouse edit. i want to draw a proper animal crossing joke later

catch me with my cardboard box furniture!!
im dying squirtle


trying to maintain consistent habits is difficult when your life is chaotic
also i may reopen my art shop eventually for acnh stuff (nmt in particular. my friend has burned through my hundreds of nmt in her quest to get Cats. but also maybe gyroids or something. i do want to slowly work on my island again)

but dont expect that to happen for at least a week or two or three
View attachment 533602

thank u

i realized i never posted this here since i just drew it while losing my mind on.... january 15th, so here: yall can have lore behind that chibi style

it's called "the way i doodle is cute and dumb but i dont actually like drawing for people that way but also normal proper chibis i do take too long so what other things can i do"

and then i landed on that one which is essentially just super squished and i save time with faces by virtue of turning them into (´・ω・`)
also i may reopen my art shop eventually for acnh stuff (nmt in particular. my friend has burned through my hundreds of nmt in her quest to get Cats. but also maybe gyroids or something. i do want to slowly work on my island again)

but dont expect that to happen for at least a week or two or three
so that was a lie its open now

also have my attempt at drawing my fr dragon


dragons hard im struggling ive tried to draw more dragons this month than i have my entire life
it seems the busier i am irl the more i hole up and draw probably more than i should be is this avoidance? maybe.

anyways babies from my art shop!

i still have one more pic for my first batch of comms. but it's been fun drawing people again!

also commissions from flight rising

hi duckvely!!!!

... also have some oc art that i was doing during breaks between putting together furniture last night
because a 30 minute break obviously meant "yeah thats enough time for me to draw a reference page for my oc" wherein obviously it took me longer and so i stayed up late to finish. im a moron sometimes

"didn't you already post a black/white oc with a bowl cut a few posts ago?" yes. but this ones different and in an au i have with friends. i have like......... 3 monochrome ocs. they're all different i promise. i just have types.

i've run out of stuff to post which means i have to actually go and do work now. but i will be back next week with more!! this is copium
i don't have the time to draw a proper illust for lny so have a baby instead


happy lny!!!!! may all ur hongbao be thicc

also finished a cm for yanrima earlier

she's red so this also counts as being lny right--

ok goodbye for a week or so i'll be back with more art after send me strength cause imma need it for this upcoming work week 😩
noticed discord nuked my image urls so my first post is now just very ??????
this is what i get for not just directly uploading images here i guess heh

oh well! ill redo the first post some other time, and ill probably be too lazy to reupload everything


more commissions from my art shop! cute little babies

and more oc art. i wanted to design his weapon (marionette controls)
and then i decided to doodle him holding them. forgetting the fact that his clothes take me 10 years
and then i decided to colour the doodle because im a moron


i sort of want to try and model it in blender because it doesn't seem that hard?? but that's a problem for a me who has more spare time ywy);;
the sig art is a sign that there’ll be bunny balloon collectibles tomorrow right? …right?

hehe but fr, incredible art like always 💜
thank you!

i just like balloons (∩^o^)⊃🎈
i keep making doodles so compiling them into one place

some behind the scenes


the quest i never finished 11 years ago has finally been completed thanks to deana!!

also we're being robbed 500 bells at a time. or, well, nef and pyoopi are. im... distracted.

also random fun fact: when we were organizing who would/wouldn't be able to help out with this acnl event i said i wouldn't be able to help (since im super busy with work at this time of year. i still am.)

guess who's a liar!!! and a clown!!!
Mistreil!! I'm not sure if you remember me but I still adore your drawing of my OC back in the day :') it's good to see you still here and your art has improved sm!!! I love love love the lil' baby chibis 🥺💕
Mistreil!! I'm not sure if you remember me but I still adore your drawing of my OC back in the day :') it's good to see you still here and your art has improved sm!!! I love love love the lil' baby chibis 🥺💕
emzy!!! i do remember you! and im glad to see you around!!! 💕 also glad you like the baby chibis hehe