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What Are You Happy About Today?

Today has been pretty good 🙂. I’m happy because I’m having fun in ACNH again. I’m thinking of doing a storage cleanout still. I can’t believe how much I hoard 😅; so much it is overwhelming. It is taking me some time to get familiar with the game and the final update again. I forgot simple things like how to order nook mile stuff and from my catalogue 😅; I forgot we can decorate villagers houses if we completed the dlc instead of going through that process gifting them items to display. I now have to redo Claude’s vacation home since I made it look like what I decorated his regular house since I thought the picture was from harv’s studio when I was looking through my screenshots 😅. I was able to gift Megan a present today so I now can begin working for her picture and then replace her 🙂. I looked at some of my other designs at HHP and I was happy seeing some of my designs again. I’m stumped atm on new ideas though 😅.

I’m playing Genshin right now and just started The Knave’s story quest. Can’t help being happy seeing familar faces again and again, having Neuvillette & hearing his voice lines (can never get tired of it since I love his character and his voice actor is so amazing ).

In Splatoon, yesterday or the day before I was able to get one pair of shoes with the traitsI wanted; I used some ability chunks and a drink ticket at the food stand. I also ordered a pair of shoes that I saw another player wearing; I had no idea I could do that until yesterday.

I took pictures of some flowers outside today and submitted one for my entry. Spanky & Jewels were both cute when I came in doorway. Spanky stood up and meowed at me. 🥺 I love them so much.

Again, really happy with all the notifications I’m getting during this event as silly as thay may be. 🙂 Makes me feel even more part of this community ☺️. It’s a nice feeling since there aren’t a lot of places where I fit in or have a lot of friends 🙂.
Got to watch another episode of Hunter x Hunter with my parents this morning! Later on this evening we also caught up with another of GoodTimesWithScar’s Hermitcraft episodes—the forced perspective “shadowy” train tunnel was so good omg

I spent some time drawing today and finished my art for Zerous in the Draw the Person Above You thread!

Bought and configured my historic scenery today! I hope I did it all correctly lol ;v;

I grew a Purple Rose tonight!! 😭💜 Super happy to have obtained my first purple flower, I’ve been waiting for purple hybrid collectibles for ages!!
I hope you all are having a lovely day/evening 💚

- I’m grateful it’s a new day. I’ve been struggling a lot recently, and yesterday wasn’t exactly fun, so I’m glad that although I’m still tired and a bit off, it’s a fresh start to a day.

- So happy to see the return of the flower event!! I really enjoyed the first one, and all the new flowers are so pretty! I’ve managed to get two pink tulips so far 🌷I love the energy and spirit of the event as well, it’s been so nice.

- There’s over 1000 pages of people sharing their happiness on here!

- Grateful to the support I received yesterday while I was struggling 💚

- I woke up today to see some beautiful art from Meri!! They’re so talented and the art is so lovely, it was such a nice thing to start my day with 😊

- Finally getting to see my partner for the first time in a couple weeks, we’re going to make meatballs with my family and just chill and hang out 💚
I went to a metal concert tonight. It was pretty fun. They were doing pioneer metal like Metallica, Black Sabbath and even hard rock like AC/DC. Everybody in the room loved Enter Sandman.

I was on the ground floor. It was noisy, but not completely unbearable. I could feel the instruments pulsing through me. Especially in my chest.

I've been using my red and blue Joy-cons that I bought a few days ago and I like them! The colors there are more vivid and lively than the bland, white Joy-cons that came with my Switch. Even my photos can't do them justice! They also don't come off as easily unlike the previous ones, but that's because I haven't dropped them yet. Sweet!

As for the other controllers, I will be keeping them. They might come in handy for multiplayer, eventually…

Also, I got Splatoon 3! Actually, I didn't buy it. I just borrowed the game from a local library for a few weeks. I've been wanting to try it out for a while since I saw a lot of people here play this game. I'll do it tomorrow because it's getting late for me. Or some other day. Who knows?
I'm happy because I had a nice day at home with my husband and my dog. I slept late, watched a documentary on baby sharks, and my dog cuddled next to me. We had Japanese food for dinner. I'm glad to have tomorrow off work as well.
I'm happy that the Tampa Bay Lightning managed to stave off elimination and beat the Florida Panthers 6-3 in their series! I'm really glad they aren't getting swept and did manage to give me one playoff win I could enjoy this year, lol. I'm also happy I got to spend a fair amount of time talking to my best friend today! They always make me really happy and make me feel so lucky they're in my life. They truly are my MVP (most valued person)! 😇
A few things to be happy about today!

- The Dallas STARS ended up taking one from the Las Vegas Golden Knights by winning it in overtime 3-2 on Wyatt Johnston's trick shot, and the series is now 2-1 VGK. I'm still not really expecting the Stars to win the series at this point, but they have a chance on Monday now to tie it up. 🏒 🔥 💚

- Later today I'm also excited for game four between the Dallas Mavericks and LA Clippers. The Mavs have a chance to take a 3-1 series lead with a win. 🏀

- It seemed like it was going to rain for the past couple days, but hasn't. Now it's finally pouring rain outside, indicative of all the watering reactions people have left in the event thread here! I always love it when it rains at night, it's relaxing. ⛈️

- It's hard to believe it, but there's just one week left until my birthday! I'm really glad that it's on a Sunday this year so that I don't have to take time off for it, but I did already request the Monday afterwards off just so I can sleep in that day. ;)

- I fed my kitties their special food and let my favorite into my room. She always makes me happy. :blush:
late night so this is a few hours late but i'm happy my boyfriend came over this weekend ❤️ we hadn't seen each other in almost three weeks because of schedules and me getting sick and also needing to work on homework so i missed him extra! usually he stays the whole weekend but he had to leave earlier but i'm glad we got to spend some long overdue time together.

i'm also happy that my final paper for my current course is due in less than 20 hours from now! i'm not even close to done yet but at least in 20 hours it will be over.
I think it's been a pretty long time since I made a longer post in this thread hehe 🤭

after spending the last... well, nearly a week struggling to sleep at night, as in waking up multiple times (more than normal) and always feeling super disoriented and confused when I wake up, I actually slept okay last night. I did wake up twice I think? but I always wake up at least once, so it's not that big of a deal. I'm just happy to have woken up feeling comfortable and not super tired and groggy. because of that, my mood is a lot better today than it has been for a few days, and I'm grateful for that. ☺️

last night I finally got my PS2 to read and play Gran Turismo 3! but let me back up a bit. so about two weeks ago I went into a local store that sells collectibles and toys and cosplay stuff, and when I found a sealed copy of GT3 on PS2, I told @/Shellzilla_515 right away (bc in case you don't know, he adores GT hehehe). that game is one of those "childhood defining moments" for him, and understandably he said that I should buy it. so I did! it was so satisfying to open a sealed PS2 game in 2024 haha.
but I've been struggling to get it to work because, see, I have a PS2 slim and I think we've had it since about 2007? and not only is it at least 17 years old and I'm sure that the laser is going bad, but my cats of ye olden days loved to use this PS2 as a stepping stool 😂 so it doesn't exactly work well. and I know it's the PS2 because like, come on, this game is brand new lol. BUT after finagling it off and on for a week and a half I finally got it to work and I got to play it last night!!
I'll go on the record by saying that I've never played GT before, and my track record for playing racing games really only includes Mario Kart, so I almost have no business playing a game like Gran Turismo 3 😅 but I played for about 45 minutes last night and I really enjoyed it a lot! there seems to be a lot to do, and I was too intimidated to try races so I did a time trial (on a really weird twisty course hehe) and I also did some license tests. the first license test is great because it uses a yellow 2000(?) VW New Beetle. I laughed so much because the first time I ever played was when I did the time trial, and I crashed into a wall and immediately failed
and I also failed the first and second license tests multiple times and I swear the fail music is taunting me, that combination of funky music and seeing FAIL from running over cones (bc I'm a fool and can't pay attention), like
emotional damage lmaooo. and ofc Shell was having a field day talking to me while I was doing all of this haha.
immaculate but like, how rude 😭

I've been playing other PS2 games as well, namely Spongebob Revenge of the Flying Dutchman. that's the only game that my PS2 will play flawlessly 😂 it could be because it's a CD-ROM game while the others are DVD-ROM, but I'm more inclined to believe that my PS2 is biased haha. I've also gotten Battle for Bikini Bottom and the Movie game to work, currently trying to get Petz Cats 2 to work and it won't load past the Playstation screen rip. it's okay though, I've mostly been lowkey fixating on ROTFD lately.

I haven't been able to draw consistently for quite a while now, but I have been doing little things off and on. yesterday I did a sketch of Spongebob in Jellyfish Fields in my sketchbook, prob won't turn it into a full drawing because my pencil's eraser decided it wanted to be a jerk skdjksdjhg I may still post the sketch though! 🪼

I got my Windows XP computer cleaned up, was sitting in the living room for a while and got pretty dirty as a result. I mostly want to go back and read some stuff that I wrote in my journal when I was a senior in high school, to see how far I've come in the last 7-8 years. but also messing around with Windows XP is just always a fun time, and I might even take a moment to play my old asf PC games The Sims and Spongebob Employee of the Month!

I managed to get two purple roses and two blue hyacinths from this flower event! I got them on back-to-back nights too, which really surprised me. I'm gonna try to get a purple hyacinth tonight, if it doesn't happen then it won't be that big of a deal. I'm still so happy that they finally gave us purple roses, I've been wanting a purple rose collectible for so long 🥺💜 I was also able to make my current blue and purple lineup with that and I'm so happy about it. 🥰

I wanted to leave off and say that I'm still really struggling at home, the last few days have honestly been pretty awful for me. but I'm keeping my head up! I recently got in contact with someone from the Toronto Public Library and I'm expecting an email from them soon so that's exciting! plus I'm just thinking a lot about when I'll get to go back to Ontario again hehehe. 🍁💕 the library I work at is closed today which means I'm pretty much stuck here, but I'll keep doing what I love and keep taking care of myself. 😌
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One more final posting for the day i suppose.

1)Wendy's burgers are super good as always.

2)That the music thats being posted here lately is alot more metal than usual good good more the merrier.

3)Speaking of metal, love that theres still lot of visual kei thats been slept on thats been getting more love now these days cause of how its been shared across from forum to forum gaining more love so keep on sharing and subbing to their youtube channels it really helps alot.

4) Kotodama is fun highly reccomend it.

So thats bout it suppose cya around i guess (if ever)
Happy today that I got to finally shower and eat some food, and the Texas Rangers defeated the Cincinatti Reds 4-3 behind Dane Dunning's 10 strikeouts and Wyatt Langford's inside the park home run, thereby winning the series 2 games to 1. ⚾ 🔥

I also don't have to go to the gym this week until Wednesday, so that'll be nice. ✨
I’ve had a really good weekend despite having work!
𓆑 The lovely @Shellzilla_515 drew my villager persona (Tempest the deer) from the 2022 Celebrating Diversity event! I never expected to see any art of my deer (aside from the art I made for the event haha), so seeing that Shell drew her was a lovely surprise and honestly made my whole night! The Celebrating Diversity events are so wonderful, and I’ve really enjoyed seeing Shell’s love and tributes for them over the past couple years! I’m honoured that he drew my girl, and loved seeing the other villager personas he drew as well! Maybe this is my sign to make some art of her myself (and spruce up her design + personality a bit)… 👀
I’m really glad you loved it, Xara! That event will always hold a special place in my heart. 🥺 Who knows? Maybe one day, Tempest will get to meet Pag-asa, Sterling, Tazan, Kylie, and Kodie. They would be more than happy to let her join their friend group. 😁


April 27, 2024
  • Even though I was getting tired near the end of my shift, things were going smoothly from my end. In fact, we got through a lot of cars at a decent pace leaving us a bit of time to clean up and chill for a bit hehe.
  • I had a good dinner. On top of that, my mother surprised me with her homemade apple pie! I did not expect that at all. As per usual, it tastes absolutely amazing at every bite and really enjoyed it. 🍏
  • I started a play through of Zelda - Oracle of Seasons! I didn’t mention this in my previous post, but when I completed Oracle of Ages, the game gave me a secret code I can type into Seasons when starting a new game file. I never really took advantage of using secrets to link between two games despite owning physical copies of them for years, so I was pleasantly surprised there were some dialogue that acknowledged my previous adventure.
  • I managed to get yet another blue hyacinth! I have three now, one from this day and the day before. Even if I don’t get any more hybrids, that’s okay. 💙

April 28, 2024
  • Work went fine once again. We ended up having free lunch and treated ourselves food from Jollibee! I had some spaghetti and brought a couple of chicken thighs with some gravy home lol.
  • I enjoyed my mother’s apple pie again. There’s still roughly half of it left over! 🍏
  • I played Gran Turismo 7 and replayed one of the tough races that’s really fun due to the genuine difficulty of opponents. 🚗
  • Speaking of which, it made me happy to hear that @/xSuperMario64x finally got Gran Turismo 3 (released back in 2001) working on his PS2 after the console kept refusing to read most of his game discs for some reason! Hearing him have fun driving (and failing licence tests) brings a smile to my face. As you may have known, this is one of the games I played during my childhood. Bug didn’t show it in his post, but he managed to meet the gold target time in the first one after many attempts. In a yellow Volkswagen New Beetle for good measure! 🐞
It got cut off, but the gold target time is 35.100. Bug beat it with over a tenth of a second to spare which is quite a small margin to begin with.

This is what it played when he got gold lol.
  • I lucked out and got a purple hyacinth hybrid to close out the event! 💜 It’s really great to see that the TBT community helped each other to increase our slim odds of getting a hybrid flower ever so slightly… I think we’ve flooded the forums oops.💦
Edit: Forgot to add something. This is what happens when you make a post being half asleep lol.
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Saw the new One Piece episode and an episode of Haikyu with my parents this morning! c: We also got to see Grian’s new Hermitcraft episode this evening and it was hilarious chaos oml

I designed some more clothes in Fashion Dreamer! Focused on making new orange clothes to build up my collection of staples, but I think I’ve about hit my FD limit again so I’ll probably be taking another break from it. ^^; Might continue working on my ACNH island, checking out the spring event in Cozy Grove (which I haven’t played in ages aaa) or maybe even going back to some of my other ongoing game playthroughs if I’m feeling up to it.

I did some recording/audio tests today!! We do have a better mic I can borrow so I want to do some tests with it too, but I think I did a decent job of figuring out the basics of OBS and getting the quality to sound alright! c:

Also did a little bit of sketching today!

I really enjoyed the hybrid breeding event!! I’m happy I was able to get a purple rose, orange rose, and blue hyacinth out of the new flowers I wanted, and I’m glad this event was brought back/am looking forward to seeing it return in the future! I wasn’t here for the 2019 event but always thought it sounded fun, so I’m glad I got to take part in this one! ;v; I love flowers aaaa
Today was pretty good; I’n happy I’m starting to have some good days 🙂.

I’m really glad to be back to playing AC even if I’m only playing a little bit at a time. I might have some ideas for the rooms in one of my character’s house; also need to tweak the basement since I made it before the final update so I can use some better food and drink items in the room. I’m also toying with the idea of moving part of the room another room since I had combined what was to be the kitchen and dining area on the thousand sunny with the aquarium bar. I was originally trying to get as close as possible as how the Thousand Sunny is in the manga/anime but I’m leaning towards a more loose interpretation since it’ll be more fun and let me be more creative 🙂. Still no idea for my main character’s house though 😅.

I dug up two gyroids tonight that I didn’t have or didn’t have the color that it came in. 🙂

I talked to Katrina about my friendship with Quinn at Harv’s studio (I forgot about the NPCs being there; I forgot so much about the game 😅) and she said something about our bond being strong. I hope that means I’ll be getting her photo soon 👀. I want to invite more villagers and eventually move back some of my favorites to be permanent.

I’m happy that I got another purple rose! I had so much fun with this event! I was really touched by the surprise being lent two black roses and the really kind message sent with them 🙂. I hope I can make it to the next one whenever it is. I’d like to return the favor and help others out too. I’m really looking forward to the next event too! :D

In splatoon yesterday, I got my challenge level up higher than the first challenge (it went done significantly with a bunch of losses but still when I stopped, was higher than the last challenge I did 🙂).
I'm feeling super productive today, so I'm loving that!! I woke up earlier than usual to hit the gym and then I made it home way before any of my work meetings started so I did a full sweep clean of the house and I feel like I'm starting my week of so right.

It's BEAUTIFUL out today, and hopefully the rest of the week, so I plan on going out back and tanning under this breezy 70 degree weather. All of my work calls are gonna finish up before 1PM (I think, there's one up in the air around 2:30) so I feel like today is perfect for a run to the beach in the afternoon and will be an easy ease into the week. Let's go.

This past weekend my partner and I got so much done for a big move in terms of furniture shopping and picking up, cleaning, and decor shopping. THEN we went clothing shopping so I have some new summer shirts and bathing suits. Next weekend should be very similar so overall I just feel good and weirdly adult.