What do you do for a living?

i work in an office. i pay people, they pay me, everyone gets paid. unless they dont, then i issue liens. but that's very rare. most people pay. life is good.
I currently wash dishes at a local restaurant. I like what I do and I really like the people I work with.
Can you tell me why I don't have a job yet? Am I avoiding one so I can extend my hours doing nothing? And when that "Nothing" actually happens I don't even do anything. It's the exact same thing every day, play my comfort games and succeed in nothing.

Well, enough of spoiling myself, what I used to do was create these videos called YTPs, but I haven't been active on that very much, mostly because I need a more accurate watermark Animal Crossing Logo in a form of my username, because the current one I have now is very lazy.

(If anyone on the forums can create an Animal Crossing Logo of my username (But replace the 0 with a 4), I'll pay you with however much TBT you want)
Idk how a delicate fairy like me ended up working down on the docks as a longshoreman/stevedore but here we are.
I currently work in operations for one of the best financial companies in the U.S.
Right now I work for free as a grad student in my clinicals 🫠 But when I graduate in August I'll (hopefully) be employed as a speech therapist in the schools!
I'll keep it vague, but at the moment I'm a county worker. The pay is bare-bottom for the amount of work required and experience expected. However, I don't have much customer service experience, so I'm using this as a learning experience. Here's hoping that I’m not fired before the one year mark.🤞
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I'm voice acting for two shows, character designing for one of them, and writing the script for a horror game. I'm not getting paid currently, but that may change once things start getting released.
i work as a team lead/keyholder in retail right now, please help me.

once school is done i plan on looking into graphic design or tattooing.
student as of now, but i'm hoping to begin working with children sometime in the near future :blush: